Please be advised that I, Olga Caridad Suarez, as former Adminsitrator of the VEHOA do not take lightly the false and defamatory allegations made against my persona by the so called SC of the VEHOA.
Previous similar false claims and allegations against my persona have been made by this SC, and although emails were sent out to clarify such defamatory statements, they went ignored.
As such, I will clarify once again, false claims against my persona on today´s email. Ítem #3 where it states: ¨Olga and Richard told Jim Maffitt the $4000 was for legal services and an invoice was NOT provided¨. These statements are FALSE.
#1 Julio Cesar Espinosa Brown had submitted invoices that were unpaid, and had the Treasurer been doing her job, she would have seen that in Peachtree and in his file, there are noted the two invoices, each with a balance of $1000. One of these invoices was dated I believe in June and it was for his defense on the Thalia vs the VEHOA lawsuit, which was transferred to individual lawsuits against SC members as Julio was able to remove VEHOA as a defendant. The other invoice I believe was for either the eviction or the resolution with Boquete Consulting and this invoice I believe dates to August. These are facts. Invoices are in the file and in Peachtree, entered as a payable that was past due. The October invoice was submitted by Julio and sent for approval.
I did not tell Jim Maffitt to sign anything, nor did I request any checks from him. I recall approval of his invoices submitted by 3 members prior to my resignation on October 27, 2014
So, please issue a correction or retraction of this, in addition to Carol´s previous statements that I had gone into the VEHOA office with Julio and Analia, where we were referred to as the *triad*, or otherwise these emails will become part of a slander lawsuit against the so called acting SC members for damages to my good name and reputation.
Do not justify your defiance of Panama laws and the bylaws of the VEHOA by putting blame on everyone else, specially do not make allegations based on hear say without having any proof to substantiate your claims.
Julio has stated he has copies of the emails sent for approvals of these invoices (which I do not have but can subpoena for if necessary). Enough is enough of your actions against everyone to benefit your own personal agenda, all your are doing is damaging yourselves and the VEHOA.
Olga Caridad Suarez
Good response Olga.
I'm waiting for the letter of termination of my contract but no one of the SC ( self-appointed) wants to issue the letter...
What is the old saying "Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer"
If nobody pay HOA/ or escrowed with developer, would it work
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