In the meantime......We might get our services cut off, as we owe Liberty Services $1,500. Who is paying our bills SC?
We the homeowners paid our dues to you, it is your responsibility to pay our bills on time. Please pay the below past due NOW.
From: Cielo Grande []
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 5:39 PM
To: 'Valle Escondido HOASC';
Cc: 'Hector Bonilla'; 'Julio Espinosa Brown'
To: 'Valle Escondido HOASC';
Cc: 'Hector Bonilla'; 'Julio Espinosa Brown'
Buenos tardes Ericka ( VEHOA),
Our finance department provided you and Ms Bell with these invoices and you are aware about the non paid invoices for the water maintenance which provides water service to residents and the electricity in common areas.
Nuestro departamento de Finanzas le ha entregado a usted y a la señora Bell estas facturas y ustedes están anuentes a las facturas vencidas por el mantenimiento del acueducto que provee agua a los residentes y la electricidad de areas comunes.
By this note we notify the VEHOA that Failure to receive this payment not later than December 23rd we must proceed to disconnect the electricity from these areas (gate and perimeter fence).
You are aware that this invoices are several months overdue since August.
Por medio de esta nota les notificamos a VEHOA que de no recibir el pago al 23 de diciembre tendremos que proceder a deconectar la electricidad de esa area ) garita y cerca perimetral. Usted esta al tanto de que estas facturas están vencidas desde el mes de agosto.
Liberty Services will not provide the maintenance to water system if VEHOA doesn't pay the debt of B/ 1575.65.
Liberty Services no proveera el mantenimiento del acueducto si VEHOA no cancela la totalidad de la deuda por B/1575.65
The Homeowners pay to the VEHOA for this maintenance in their annual maintenance fee and it is the VEHOA's responsibility to pay on time.
Los propietarios pagan a VEHOA en su cuota annual por este mantenimiento en su cuota anual de mantenimiento y es responsabilidad de VEHOA pagar a tiempo.
As you can understand Liberty Services can not provide a service for which we are not receiving the payment. Como comprenderan Liberty Services no puede proveer un servicio por el cual no esta siendo pagado.
Analia Velasquez
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