If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Whose Paying The Legal Bills?

My post that was taken off [the VEHOA blog] and its subsequent thread should be put back on by whoever took it down, It was not me! So please repost it! 

As you know, I responded on the VEHOA yesterday to a post Mike Traynor wrote about me, ( I normally do not post there at all )  So I do not have to rewrite the whole email again, I am PARAPHRASING my last question to Mike.....here it is!

"Mike, since it seems you & Bill Day are the Men behind the curtain of the SC, answer the community one simple question we have asked this SC umpteenth times that will not get answered...Real Simple!

Will This SC use our HOA funds for their legal fees & Judgments awarded against them for the multitude of civil & criminal cases against them, including the new potential slander case Julio Brown has notified he may file. YES Or No?  "

 Maybe the other blog can post this ( I am copying other owners in VE as well)

Mike, we are all ears and hope you keep the "Legalese" out of your answer, a simple YES OR NO  for all owners of VE. Please. 
Please do not ask us to ask the "self appointed" ones again, we are tired of asking, you are capable to answer for them I am told. Since they refuse!

Rumor is that Bill Day may support these expenses, If so the community will 100% support & applaud Bill to put this question to end!!

The community will receive your answers.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like our community is being run by Bill Day and Mike Traynor, and the girls in the SC are just puppets?

Anonymous said...

How does the community of owners not stand up and finally throw this group out and insure they pay all their own legal costs. Have we reviewed our bank records to see how much is going to lawyers? This is important! Amazing how they continue to ignore this request. Where is the VE owner outrage?