If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

MORE responses to Mr. Johnson's email to VEneighbors

***Mr. Johnson's email to which these answers are referring is shown at bottom of this post.

Mr. Johnson:
You have quite a bit of anger in your email, some of which seems to be fueled by misinformation.
·          for example, over 70 people have signed the declaration to remove this (illegal) steering committee, by name. Most if not all have posted their names on the blog.
·          What is the big rush to have an election you ask?  Among others, DUES Mr. Johnson. The vast majority of homeowners are not going to pay 2015 dues to an illegal & irresponsible committee who has hidden the VEHOA checkbook. The Valley is going to run out of operating money, amplified by the disappearance of whatever balance was in the VEHOA funds. As well as double paying 2 security companies (in the recent past) and 2 Attorney’s both hired by the (illegal) SC.
·          As for  any club memberships being suspended or voided, that has nothing to do with the Homeowner’s. That is an issue between the individual homeowners and the resort, and has nothing to do with VEHOA.
I wonder Mr. Johnson, are you open minded to considering the facts?  Or at least that there are 3 or more viewpoints to many of the issues surrounding this Valley?

Bill McAbee

V/E Homeowner

Mr. Johnson,   another owner in VE also thought kindly to write you and asked us to forward this to you; As you can see, sentiments run deep, we assure you all of these facts are undisputed.  This owner should be commended for taking the time to write you this lengthy overview of what truly has happened to our community. It would be nice for you as owner with equal stake to stand up & contribute and try to help us heal instead of continuing with diatribes and untruths.  This helps no one.
Here it is~
>>Dear Mr. Johnson, many owners are in receipt of your email and we as VEneighbors wish to respond as follows as we have so many times to other owners. First, VE neighbors is an association of VE Homeowners who have banded together with a common goal of restoring peace in Valle Escondido. We are over 70 homeowners strong and this will be clearly demonstrated at the GA meeting come January 10. ( Shhhh, some are even on your list you emailed, who know the truth) You ask why we don’t identify ourselves by name. The answer is simple, we do not want to be attacked with lies and defamation of character(s). You may find this cowardly but yes we are scared of the psychopathic like's of Richard Charbit, Carol Brunner, Jeannie Bell, Mike Traynor,  Bill day and so on. This group has attacked any homeowner who might disagree with them with the following actions which they have already committed: cutting homeowners water, reported a number of owners to authorities as immigration violators, as gun runners, as having fake passports, as drug dealers, as anti-Semites, as Nazis, as “friends” of the developer, have the F-Bomb dropped on them in public. these SC members, making fake reports of threats, and the list goes on and on.

You actually want to know why people do not want to sign their name?

Feel free to also disagree with them, you will then get a piece of their wrath of hatred.

First of all it was not VE neighbors who called this election. This GA meeting was called by Javier Espinosa, the only legal representative of the VEHOA as he is President of the Board of Directors. VE neighbors did not elect him. It was Richard Charbit with the likes of Jeannie Bell and Carol Brunner that wanted him as President. This GA meeting and election was called by the President of the Board of Director of the VEHOA because of  the legal opinion of Julio Brown the VEHOA attorney. Julio Brown also was put into place by Richard Charbit, Jeannie Bell, Carol Bruner, and the rest of “your” gang. Both Javier and Julio were the choices of the current “illegal” SC. VE neighbors were totally against the idea of Javier as President, Julio as VEHOA attorney, as we were Olga. We have always felt and stated that these individuals were the puppets of the SC under the then direction of their wonderful leader Richard Charbit.

All VE neighbors did was run a platform of candidates for this election. You and your group could have done the same. We are taking the initiative to change these horrible acts committed by this group. You have done nothing to offer your help; To call a group of us cowards after all the ridicule we have been through is very shameful.   

As for the SC, it is a legal fact that they do not exist. This is not some opinion. Javier Espinosa is not making this claim, Julio Brown is not making this claim. The developer is not making this claim. VE  neighbors is not making this claim. It is the Panamanian Ministry of Government and Justice (MONGOB) that has declared this and has provided a notarized document to back it up. You need to understand that prior to the 2010 CC&Rs, which recognize a SC, being in effect those same new by-laws MUST be submitted to the ministry of Government and Justice for approval. Without this approval they cannot go into effect. This is not only Panamanian Law but is also clearly spelled out in Deed 1937 the governing document that must be followed to introduce amendment changes and/or new CC&Rs. I will give you the direct quote from Deed 1937.

Because of this, the MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT AND JUSTICE using the legal faculties, RESOLVES: TO APPROVE the By-laws of the entity named: ASOCIACION DE PROPIETARIOS DE VALLE ESCONDIDO, and recognized its LEGAL STATUS. – All modifications after the By-laws must be submitted previously to the approval of the Ministry of Government and Justice

Mr. Johnson, the Ministry of Governement and Justice (MINGOB)has issued the document below signed by  Secretary General Jose Branca Porras. It clearly states that it only has 540-PJ-236 as resolved to accept Deed 1937.  It is irrelevant if the majority of VE homeowners voted to approve the 2010CC&Rs and that they were registered in the Public Registry. The VEHOA legal attorney has recently contacted MINGOB again and they still maintain that they only have deed 1937 as submitted and approved. This is Panamanian Law! All HOA rules/ regulations/ by-laws/ CC&Rs/ etc. must be submitted and approved by MINGOB before they are in effect. It is irrelevant that the “SC” claims they were registered. You are supposed to register them AFTER they are approved by MINGOB and this was never done. We do not know why it was never done but the fact remains the same. If the 2010 CC&Rs. which creates a SC, are not approved and recognized by the Panamanian Government then there is no SC. I do not understand why this is hard for you or anyone else to grasp.

The urgency to have this GA is because under 1937 the BOD runs the association and currently there also is no functioning board as most have resigned. We need an immediate election to replace these “missing” board members.

As for stripping memberships we do not appreciate the defections that we are somehow associated with the developer or are responsible for the actions the developer has taken. The same goes for the actions of the SC which committed serious crimes with their lies and slander. We are not responsible the reckless actions the SC undertook which brought those criminal charges either. Please do not get caught up in “sides” here.

The only people we are aware of that stole things out of our VEHOA office are your group of SC members and their gang. Maybe you can tell us where our checkbook is? Where did our HOA money they “stole” go? Who authorized this “theft” of our funds? It is our understanding that new criminal charges for illegal removal of our HOA funds have been filed and we look forward to the results of the criminal investigation.

I hope that after understanding the above facts you will recognize the importance of the upcoming GA meeting with elections and VOTE YES with the over 70 plus that have already given us their commitment.

Yes, I am afraid to sign my name but the facts above should say it all. Why attack the messenger?

Why don't you identify yourselves by name and quit hiding behind the name veneighbors? Why don't you vet your candidates for SC and BOD both of which you say are illegal but since your heart is pure, its OK for you to have an election? What is the big rush to have an election that you are not qualified to conduct? Why not just wait until March and speak your mind, nominate whom you wish, make your arguments and be done with it? Oh and by the way, tell those responsible to give back the material stolen from the VEHOA office.

OH OH do I hear my country club membership being stripped? Sorry, I don't have one so try again. I am sure you can try to make my life as difficult as as you have made the SC members but you will fail. 

I WILL sign my name,
Paul Johnson

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