If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

About this Blog

Neither the admin, nor anyone else posting on this forum is responsible for the postings by anyone else. It is not our intent to censor or delete any relevant discussion.


The Neighbors of Valle Escondido blog is an alternative source of information that allows another voice to be heard and will maintain focus on the real issues of VE. We are forced to have this blog as the Steering Committee only posts their information and/or their "propaganda".

What Do The Neighbors of VE Stand For? Our Goal is this:

  • Complete Transparency To ALL Owners
  • An Honest Leadership Team
  • No Hidden / Private Meetings
  • A SC that works to set the high and respectful standards of discourse in our community and strives to unite it rather than actively divide it.
  •  A Steering Committee that works for and answers to the homeowners. We want to enshrine that fact into our CC&R's to minimize control of any SC Members/ Advisers. This ensures that they first seek homeowner approval for any and all matters that may affect our personal and/or financial security.
  • We Want To Insure our CC&R's Are Legal In Panama
  • We want a Leadership group of different Opinions that reflects the makeup, beliefs and desires of the entire community rather than a select, single-minded few.
  • No Threats / Slanderous Statements to Others Which Could Affect The HOA Legally
  • No Lawsuits And Legal Fees Without Homeowners Consent/Vote
  • Transferring The VE Assets to The HOA in Accordance To Panama Law
  • Fulfill Our Security Agreement  with BCS ( Allow Owners to Vote If It Should Be Replaced )
  • Save Money On Utilities When Transfer Occurs
  • Take Over Maintenance and administration of Sewer, Water, Road & Electrical systems
  • 3rd party Expert to negotiate Transfer Of Assets (The Current, Self Appointed committee who, due to the personal lawsuits filed against them, cannot negotiate with the developer and be effective )
  • Negotiate with the developer a binding agreement that forbids them from building on the golf course or public areas. 
  • Negotiate with the developer to fold the resort into VEHOA so that they are full members of the association with all the rights and obligations thereof
  • Negotiate To Own 50% Of BCS for the HOA
  • Dues put into Road Repair
  • Dues Put into Security Upgrades
  • Dues Put Into Visible Improvements For All
  • Remove the Trash Pile and restore the common area by Boca Rio Condo's
  • No Dues Increases for at least 2 additional years

What We Are Not!
  • We Do Not Defend The Developer In Anyway, Nor Do We Wish to Be Their Enemy ( We want us all to get along with mutual respect ).
  • We Do Not Want Anyone Who Has Lied To Us To Represent us
  • We Do Not Want Anyone Who Has A Personal Agenda To Represent Us
  • We Do Not Want Anyone Who Attacks Homeowners For Differences Of Opinions To Represent us

Attached to this blog is “The Declaration Of Homeowners” designed to inform the community of VE that we support the contents of this declaration. Contrary to any deceptive statements, We are not a small group of 5 or 6 “disciple” or “adversary” neighbors who have previously been demonized by this steering committee group; We are a group that is growing close to the majority of owners in Valle Escondido.  Most of the signed members want their privacy protected as they do not wish to be victimized by those who might disagree with them.   The community needs to heal from the lies, falsehoods, threats or games of deflection of this SC.
For the record, many of our neighbor's in VE have been attacked without merit and even referred to Panama officials to do harm to our neighbors. There are investigations which will soon reveal what parties have caused said harm to our neighbors simply by disagreeing with them. Appropriate legal action will be taken and the parties responsible will be exposed for such underhanded despicable actions and dealt with in accordance to Panamanian law.  Review these posted messages based on their merits of statement, not on who wrote the statement which is strictly deflection from the issues.



Anonymous said...

This is really good. I totally agree with whats written and it gives us a clear pathway to follow.

Anonymous said...

Do you allow discent or all comments should agree with you?

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of allowing anonymous comments, permits some of us who prefer not to fued with our neighbors and yet voice our concerns. Well done!

Neighbors of Valle Escondido said...

We at veneighbors welcome questions, and comments, from homeowners who want to get to the bottom of this fiasco. Who truly want to find out the truth. If we have an answer based on facts, not hearsay, or opinion, we will post an answer. We want people who don't know what to believe anymore to ask us questions. We have proof, through paperwork, documents that are officially stamped, and emails, that what we say is true.

It all came out at the meeting with Ralf from BCS last Friday. Too bad so many homeowners were scared off from coming to the meeting from the numerous emails the Steering Committee sent out to the entire membership. Shame on them.

In fact if what the Steering Committee says is true, shouldn't they have been telling everyone to attend Ralf's meeting and see for themselves.

We all got the emails, 3 or 4 in total, using everything they could think of to get people to not attend. Doesn't that tell you something?

Anonymous said...

Neigbors,you are scaring us, me anyway, you say we have emails, we have papers stamped,...
I am so glad you are holding the TRUTH.btw
I did not receive anything saying not to attend any meeting, I must not be included in "everyone" so I would like to hear the audio that you promised, cant find the link...

Neighbors of Valle Escondido said...

To hear the audio recording of Ralf's meeting Click on the top bar of TABS where it says "Audio Recording of Recent Security Meeting".

The page will open with a brief introduction and below that is podcast square where you just click on the arrow to play. Just like a video but no picture.

Hope this helps. Thank you

Anonymous said...

What would be great is that you had the HONESTY to post comments that deviate from your dictats

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that since Olga came on board, there has been more animosity in the HOA. I have suspected early on that she and Charbit have been in collusion to stir up trouble in VE. They must have their agenda started back in Florida. Olga seems to exercise more clout than a mere employee. Rosa was a peace-loving employee of the HOA and knew to keep boundaries. Olga, on the other hand, has been overstepping boundaries to the point of being confrontational with home owners. Extremely disrespectful. She admitted to not being a homeowner, yet acts like she is!! She should be let go -- she is nothing but trouble to the community. She is a shit disturber; a top troublemaker. She appears to be nothing more than Charbit's mole. A number of residents do not approve of her.

Anonymous said...

Are we sure that Javier is, in fact, still the BOD President, considering that he had submitted his resignation, which was accepted. Best we proceed with caution on this least we find ourselves stuck in the mire. Best that his present status with the BOD is verified.

Anonymous said...

Under Panamanian law the resignation of the President of the VEHOA is only valid after it is accepted by the VE membership at a special meeting. At this meeting a new President needs to be elected and only after that, and with the proper recording of this change in the Public Registry, is Javier's resignation valid. Up to that point Javier is still the President of the Board of Directors of the VEHOA whether he wants to be or not.

Anonymous said...

Sherry Rose wrote a very good letter. I can see she has figured Carol out. But watch out Sherry Rose, you may be put on the famous hit list! I was recently elected president of the new 3 building condo association (to the LEFT of the gate). And that's right Carol, I do not get involved with the business of the Boca Rio condos, because as I have repeatedly tried to tell you, without success, I don't live there. I have enough on my plate with my own association without sticking my nose into their business, I can assure you, Carol is all talk and no action. She has not taken one positive action to help anyone get their titles or the elevator. Bla bla bla does nothing. I expect her derogatory comments about me because I am on the hit list!
Proud to use my name
Barb Severs 156F

Anonymous said...

Sherry Rose wrote a very good letter. I can see she has figured Carol out. But watch out Sherry Rose, you may be put on the famous hit list! I was recently elected president of the new 3 building condo association (to the LEFT of the gate). And that's right Carol, I do not get involved with the business of the Boca Rio condos, because as I have repeatedly tried to tell you, without success, I don't live there. I have enough on my plate with my own association without sticking my nose into their business, I can assure you, Carol is all talk and no action. She has not taken one positive action to help anyone get their titles or the elevator. Bla bla bla does nothing. I expect her derogatory comments about me because I am on the hit list!
Proud to use my name
Barb Severs 156F