If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, December 22, 2014

answer to Jon's post in the Vehoa blog

Good Morning Jon,

I just read your reply to the notice that veneighbors had paid the long overdue bill for common area electricity and the treatment of our water supply and surprisingly do not totally disagree with you, though believe the solution veneighbors applied to the problem is the only viable way to deal with this in the short term.
Your chief complaint seems to be that some of the billing may not have proper supporting documentation. As I said in my original post we, veneighbors, do not have access to the records so in that respect you may be correct. We were not able to verify the validity and correctness of all of the bill. That was taken into account and discussed with Liberty Services. At such time as we can exaime the records we will do so and if a discrepancy is found we will request either a refund or credit. Surprisingly when you sit down with the service provider they are very willing to discuss the situation and work out a solution that is beneficial to all.
But I think you miss the main point as to why it was necessary for us to step forward. There are homeowners, renters, vacationers here in the valley right now. They see and hear the stories about the water system and electrical system and had no way of ascertaining its validity. They did not know whether they would have safe water on Tuesday. They did not know whether they would have electricity on Tuesday (and yes, I know it was only the common area but many people did not understand that).
It was critical that the current visitors and residents know that the water treatment, that has been so competently managed by our former water committee chairman, was still going to be available. The same is true of the common area electrical system.
The fact that the supposed steering committee chose to not keep everyone updated on the situation, whether good or bad, is not the actions of responsible officials. They knew of this situation and chose to remain silent. Still today they have made no statement to the owners or renters, instead leaving it to a former water committee chairman.
The group of veneighbors make no apologies to anyone about how we have dealt with this issue. And we will continue to monitor all aspects of VE, as best we can, given the circumstances. We will not allow this valley to descend to chaos due to lack of leadership.
Dennis Griffin

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