If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Homeowners Should Have the Power, not the Steering Committee. VOTE on Jan. 10.

Dear Fellow Homeowner:

Have you had a chance to read the email from the so-called SC this weekend?  The mere fact that V/E’s Illegal Steering Committee refers to the January 10th General Assembly as a “Power grab” perhaps says it all.

Should it be a power grab?  NO!   No single Valle Escondido Steering Committee should have power to grab! 
Legally, there is no power to grab, as the Secretary General of Panama has ruled that Deed 1937 (which doesn’t ever mention the existence or words “Steering Committee”) is the legal operating document of Valle Escondido. Even the Illegal Steering Committee's hired VEHOA Attorney has issued a written opinion stating the same. 

It will take voter-approved amendments to the CC&R’s and registration with the correct entities in Panama to create a Steering Committee for Valle Escondido!

And that’s what the January 10th General Assembly is all about, to return any perceived “power” to the Homeowners, where it should be. 

The Steering Committee should be a volunteer based, actually elected body which carries out the will of the majority of the Homeowners! 

This is what the previous Steering Committees have done WITHOUT homeowner approval or consent. Do you want these type of actions to continue?

·         Should the Valle Escondido Steering Committee be able to spend +/- $85,000 of Homeowner dues to hire Paul McBride without the knowledge and consent of the Homeowner’s?

·         Should the Valle Escondido Steering Committee be able to hire 2 different Attorney’s simultaneously and pay both with Homeowner dues without any Homeowner involvement?

·         Should the Valle Escondido Steering Committee be able to hire 2 different Security Companies simultaneously and pay both with Homeowner dues without any Homeowner involvement?

·         Should the Valle Escondido Steering Committee be able to take the VEHOA Homeowner dues out of the Global Bank account and hide them from the Homeowner’s?

·         Should the Valle Escondido (illegal) Steering Committee members refer to the very Homeowner’s they’re supposed to represent as quote:  “F**king assholes, racists, money launderers, and drug dealers?”

·         Should the Valle Escondido Steering Committee be able to collect $30,000+ of Homeowner dues for road maintenance & not spend one penny of that money on road maintenance?

You as a Fellow Homeowner have the right to decide if this is how you want Valle Escondido run and if this is how you want your annual dues spent. And if you’re not 100% happy with the way things have been in the Valley the last year, then January 10th is your opportunity to voice your dissatisfaction! Is it a “power grab?”  I think not, what say you?

Bill McAbee, resident

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