VE Neighbor's ( I assume that is all of us in VE)
I was forwarded a post from VEHOA from a fellow neighbor and I feel it warrants a defense response. Jon Arcuni is now classifying those who disagree with him as "Clandestine". He is classifying us as VE Neighbors, I thought we are all VE Neighbor's? Thank God for this blog, it gives us a chance to address our own concerns for our community which may differ from other's where we are prohibited from voicing differing viewpoints.
If the vote and the will of the majority voting today is "Yes" for change in accordance to the laws of deed 1937( which our community clearly operates under), then we as a community should have an obligation to support it, and put this vile past of name calling, attacks etc. behind us.
Folks, this is a tiny 160 home sub community, not a small country, lets put everything in perspective and resolve our differences once and for all.
If you become one of the minority and you do not like the outcome, I have one simple question to ask.
For the good of your family and other neighbors in VE, why not just sell your property and move somewhere else. Why all the disruption to others causing such great disharmony while our property values fall in the toilet simply because others disagree and want to live in peace?
There is no need to shout, argue, bully, intimidate, scowl or terrorize those who simply disagree with you. A "clandestine" group of neighbors and their "nefarious activities" sure seems like it could be attacking the majority of voting neighbors and sadly does nothing to help us heal as a community.
There is nothing "clandestine or nefarious" happening Jon, this is a very LARGE group of your fellow owners who have every right to disagree with you or others in your camp so to speak.
Please respect our rights according to the legal advice we have been given regarding change for our community.
Jon, you did kiss me upon your return to VE. That was a simple act of kindness you hide behind your scowl demeanor. See, we can all get along. It just takes a little bit of effort. Can we all just be nice! The world has enough problems.
Can we agree to disagree and lets move on and just be nice to each other.
Its so much easier on the soul.
Mark Schneider
This is the same Arcuni who was going to be sued by Charbit, when the then Chairman of water told him his newly built water tank house violated VE codes and had to remove it. This is the same Arcuni who was going to confirm and smoke Charbit out if it was him lying to the community about Who Charbit was? Boy, that Arcuni, he sure backed up his statements, what a hypocrite! The laughing stock in VE. The good thing, we now know, How does it go "birds of Feather flock together". They deserve each other with a 2 person "clandestine' group, doing "nefarious activities" in our community.
Mark, shame you would give this guy an easy pass for his attack on our community! I think the vote today will be over 60 for the new SC, so who is this group you are with Arcuni? We say,sell your house and leave!
As to the previous contributor, please rethink what you just said. I for one would just as soon Acuni or Richard not sell or leave, as there are only a few like them in the community. You know, those that makes us laugh when we see them or read their ramblings. As for me, I have decided some time ago to no longer take serious the idiotic rancor and hostility that Acuni and Charbit embrace or threaten. I suggest that the rest of you should do the same, it is much healthier and you will live a lot longer.
So folks, let’s get on with the transfer of assets to the community, move forward with sensible manage of the Home Owners funds and the relegation of personal agendas. Let those like Bill Day, Richard Charbit, Mick Traynor, Carol Brewer and Jon Arcuni stay and continue to fight battles lost and if necessary, just put them on mute and move forward. They are few in number, have even fewer friends and repeatedly fight amongst themselves. People who want what VE really means to the majority, that is beauty and tranquility, have grown weary of the senseless and harmful rankle and venom of those few. Let them spend their own money on law suits. Speaking of which, I cannot wait to see Richard sue the community for voting, that is truly comedy at it’s best. Let’s just sit back and enjoy the show, so don’t tell them to leave, their comical existence and discourse provides comic relief for all of us. Meanwhile, together without giving credence to ramblings of a disillusioned few, we the VE community will build a better place to live.
Speaking of building a better place to live, it now appears that we have a Steering Committee that has a realistic business approach to bringing this valley back to the peaceful serene place it once was. A Steering Committee that can negotiate with the developer and accomplish an equitable transfer of the assets. A legal Steering Committee that has no misplaced grudges or misguided personal business aspirations. Most of all, a Steering Committee that will not conduct negotiations and business dealings in secrecy, spending our funds foolishly without even the slightest consideration to giving the community a voice or vote in those dealings. Finally CC&R’s, that prevent the uncontrolled spending of our funds on consultants and attorneys without the community consent. Oh yes and for the short guy with the continued frown, Mike that is not Gestapo tactics, what is happening now is called Democracy, you know “the majority rule”. Oh and if you do not vote, you do not count in the Majority.
Hope to see you folks Friday night in the Members lounge. Sorry that Richard is not allowed in, would be fun to see him explode again.
Chuck Thomas
Casa 146
Really nice comments. "hypocrite", "laughing stock", and "sell your house and leave", very constructive comments indeed. Why tear this community apart any more than it already is?
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