If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Message to Those Who Choose Unhappiness!

To our Neighbors,

There are a few owners (or representatives of owners) in our community who continue to play a large part of the disruption of peace & tranquility in Valle Escondido. We encourage all property owners to stand up and vote to restore the beauty of Valle Escondido and not allow these thorns of disruption from preventing solutions we all so desperately want.

Please, do not allow anyone to threaten you, attack you or make you feel uncomfortable in your own home.  It is these type of people we hope sell their properties and move somewhere else. Their disruptive actions are not welcome in Valle Escondido. Panamanian law is on our side per this official letter (here), numerous and unbiased attorney's have given us legal opinions to confirm the law is on our side.

More importantly, it is the will of "us" the majority who invested here who wish to stand up for the simplicity of solution versus the negative air of disruption that is causing so much disharmony among us. We must put this past behind us. A past, that up and until this point has created so much internal dissension we find it hard for anyone opposing us to even remember why they are fighting? To what end, for what gain?

 All we want is peace and enjoyment. The majority of us in Valle Escondido invested here for this peace and enjoyment, we are only voting to restore it.  We find it difficult to comprehend why anyone would prevent this from happening, even at their own detriment and unhappiness.  

The age old argument that "we are for the developer" etc. has worn its welcome beyond belief. We say, If you are against the developer do not support the resort, if you feel you have been taken advantage of by the developer, seek retribution on your own with your own legal efforts. Sell your property and move. But, do not include other owners and or our money to fight your battles, that is a personal choice. Leave us alone and let us enjoy our community. 

We want to restore our lives and property values,  We have had it with wasted money and agendas that interrupt our lives and our investment.  
Its a new year, lets all go forward and leave the past forever.

A Large Voting Majority Of VE Neighbors    

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