If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

NEW Update from the NEW Steering Committee

Good Day to Everyone (and it is always a good day in Boquete)

We have a few new items to report on.

First and most importantly: Remember Friday, 6:00PM, Members Lounge. Meet, greet and nibble on the snacks.

Next, the team of Michael (Burd), Ralf and Javier inspected the water system that serves the Vista Baru and Estates area yesterday and made two significant discoveries. 

The flow rate for the tanks had decreased by a large amount since the last known flow rate. The input is still well above any expected requirements but this reduction needs to be addressed. Javier reported he had seen this happen before and it is very likely debris inhibiting the flow of water at the input point. The access to this area is difficult so we will need a younger pair of legs to get this accomplished.

They also found several small leaks and one significant leak. These are in the process of being corrected.

We intend to do more inspections on the water line but we think the leaks that were found and the input issue should get the water flowing again at acceptable rates.

This morning the first of the septic tanks was pumped. For those who do not know, there are two distinct septic systems, one on each side of the river. They require regular pumping. They also require chlorine and bacteria treatment to help breakdown and purify the waste which is also being addressed. 

As mentioned previously we also found several pumps and the aerator not in working order and are taking steps to get these items repaired on an ASAP basis. Failure to return this system to proper working order could result in significant fines from the Panamanian government.

Several new or renewed subcommittees have been formed and there are more to come. Additional volunteers would be welcomed.

The security sub committee is currently made up of Chuck Thomas and Caesar Sherrard. Their first order of business has been to work on a security survey. As soon as completed we will submit this to the community. This survey will give us an idea of what the community wants and is willing to pay for regarding security in VE. Stan Hime is working on getting this survey – and future surveys - on line so they will be very easy and quick to complete.

The Emergency Medical Response sub committee is getting ready to start up again. Barb Severs and Grace Griffin have volunteered and will soon be calling for more volunteers. As you may recall these individuals, and several others, had tried to get this going several months ago but ran into some issues and were not able to complete the task. We have resolved those issues and they will soon be working on having a true emergency response team for all of VE.

Additional subcommittees are in the works and we should be able to publish information (and ask for volunteers) on these new or renewed subcommittees soon.

Thanks all for your patiences and assistance as we get started with these new endeavorers.

The New Steering Committee

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