If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Election Results

Valle Escondido Homeowners Association

There was a General Assembly of the Valle Escondido Homeowners Association (“VEHOA”) on Saturday, January 10th 2015 at 2”00 PM.  Under the provisions of Deed 1937, the quorum requirement for such a meeting to conduct a vote is 60% of eligible properties.  Attending this meeting were representatives of 63 properties either in person or by powers of attorney or proxies.  Because the quorum requirement of 90 properties was not achieved, no voting occurred and the meeting was adjourned.

Under the provisions of Deed 1937, should such a General Assembly fail to meet its quorum requirement, a subsequent meeting, held within 25 days of the original one, may be held in an attempt to conduct the planned vote. For such a meeting the quorum requirement is reduced to  one-half (30%) of the prior level.  That meeting was held on Monday, January 12th.  A quorum was attained and an election held.  Results of that election are tabulated on the following page. These numbers are believed to be accurate but are subject to final confirmation.

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