If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Update From the New Steering Committee-Jan, 30, 2015

It is now Friday, which means just a few hours to the start of the Friday Social.

First of all the first two of our revived Friday Social Hours have been a big success. It has been very good to see club members and guests getting together and having a relaxing time chatting and laughing about life in Boquete. We are going to do everything we can to make this event continue being the start of a fun evening and weekend in VE. We hope to see as many as can make it to the Friday Social.

Secondly we have made very good progress on the 2015 budget – thank you Stan for doing the lion's share of the work. We are trying to track down a couple more numbers before emailing all owners the proposed budget and dues rate, followed shortly thereafter with the invoices for 2015 dues.

Remember – due date on dues will be approximately 30 days after the invoice date and there will be an additional 30 days leeway before any late payment fees are charged.

I wish we had all good news to report but that is not the case. 


Regarding the payment of dues: There is an email that has been sent to selected homeowners by Jeannie Bell requesting payment of 2015 dues via cash or a check made out to her personally.


If you want to pay your dues early and pay by check make it out to the VEHOA. If you want to use cash please deposit it directly into the VEHOA bank account. We will give further instructions about to how to do that within a few days. Also, while we cannot yet publish the exact figure, the dues for 2015 will be well below the $1710 that Ms. Bell et al. are trying to collect.

Ms Bell has no legal basis to make these requests for payment of dues and has been sent a letter from our attorney demanding she stop these activities and turn over all money collected. It is our sincere hope that she heeds this warning.


Thirdly, and this is very important for several reasons. We have a serious water problem and not all of it is natural. Last week three different valves were tampered with.

The first tampering caused water to not reach the top of Vista Baru area. Two additional valves were tampered with near the collection tanks which allowed only a minimum amount of water to be captured in the tanks. I repeat, this was not an accident or mistake.

I am requesting all homeowners to be vigilant around any of the infrastructures within VE and report any suspicious activity to either the guards or a member of the Steering Committee.

We also have had a homeowner build a fence across their lot in a manner that does not allow Liberty Services maintenance access to get to two chlorination stations. One of the chlorination stations is a VE station and the other is owned by the city. This situation is being dealt with. The station is serviced regularly so if we get this resolved quickly there will be no water safety issue. Also, per a comment that was posted on a website and also in response to an owner that has been starting some rumors to the contrary, the water is and has been being tested and it has always been in the safe range.

Additionally several of the spring boxes in the hills above the main water tanks appear to be dry. We thought at first they were probably just clogged but an initial inspection shows several of them to be clear of debris. We are going to send a second party up the hill to do another examination. We will report to you what we find in a future update.

As a first step to solve this water supply issue, Analia and Liberty Services were allowed to tap into a municipal water line. This has just been completed so we cannot yet tell if this will totally solve the problem, but we believe this is a very positive action.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at the Social – or any place else in VE!

The New Steering Committee


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