Dear Fellow Home Owner and VEHOA member,
The ongoing mismanagement of VEHOA resources has reached a critical junction. Residents of the community were notified several days ago of the pending cessation of the treating of the water as well as the shutoff of electricity to the common areas due to not paying bills. These bills go back to October.The supposed SC was made aware of this pending shutoff several days ago and as of this writing have not made contact with Liberty Services to even discuss the situation. They also have chosen not to notify any residents that their drinking water may soon not be safe and allow residents time to make other arrangements.
Even if they make the false excuse of not having access to the bank account there is no excuse for not contacting Liberty Services and trying to make other arrangements. There is no excuse for not notifying residents and owners of the community.
Several members of a group associated with the veneighbors have made arrangements to have this bill paid.
Note: no money from either the sequestered account or the money that was removed from the VEHOA bank account was used to pay this bill. As best they can – given no access to records or funds – veneighbors is trying to monitor events in VE and will do all they can to keep the valley resources safe and functioning until the election in early January.
Dennis Griffin
Thank you to the group that stepped up so our services aren't turned off. I will be voting for the people who are taking care of business on Jan 10. I was just about to buy a water filter. Thank you again.
WOW, Thanks Dennis! We now have owners who care less about lawyers and bickering but are interested in tangible solutions for all of the community. Finally! Congrats! I support whoever did put up these funds and hope they get reimbursed or deduct against their HOA dues for 2015. Let me know if I can help! VE seems to now have owners who want results, who refuse to associate with those who take our money and will not tell us who has it or where it has been spent! Shame on any owner who would be a part of or support this behavior! I condemn this horrible behavior!
Mark S.
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