In Response to anyone Who Does Not support the January 10th Elections!
There is no perfect solution. However there is a solution to the current insanity of suing ourselves and blowing a couple hundred thousand dollars on wasted agendas and power hungry people overseeing our community! It is real simple! A new board, new amendments and new people to oversee a transition back into peace and sanity. Anything else will take months or years, more infighting and more of a waste of our money on lawyers and in-community bickering!
As for the question of why are we electing a "new"
SC if Deed 1937 does not mention one and a real SC can only be legal after
CC&Rs that recognizes them are approved and registered we respond as
follows; The new steering committee will be given
authority by the new board to act on their behalf until such time as the 2010
CC&Rs, with amendments, are properly approved and registered. All
BOD candidates for the January election have not only agreed to this
arrangement but they also have agreed to sign resignation letters that the
VEHOA will maintain in their position allowing the membership to
"fire" any VEHOA board member at any time preventing them from acting
outside of the direction of the SC.
Who would ever vote to agree with anyone who has been part of the massive failures to date in VE? NO ONE! We say: Step Aside!
Discouraged by none, motivated for change by most! VE starts over January 10th!
Do your part, Vote Yes for the Board of Directors, Vote Yes to the amendments. Vote Yes for the 2010 CC&Rs with the new amendments to become our legal governing document, Vote Yes for the new SC members who promise never to allow any group of owners to control our pocketbooks again!
A Large Group Of VE Neighbors
We are in disbelief that this group is tryinng to shove a bunch of people down our throats that we, and most everybody we have talked to, know nothing about. Since when do intelligent people elect people with no presentation of qualifications, experience or platform? The first 2 names on the SC list have not even owned in VE for a year, nor have they spent any real time here. They have no background knowledge whatsoever. Antioneta is a darling lady but has never established herself as a person interested in the business of VE. I vaguely have heard of the other two. We know zilch about the names of people listed for the Board. Just who the heck are they? VEneighbors may feel that they have good intentions; however, good intentions with an ill-conceived plan is a disaster in the making. We say hold your horses, get a final legal opionion from an independent and HOA experienced lawyer before jumping into a fire that could burn hotter than the one you think you are in. These two groups are still too far apart for any successful future endeavors to occur. Nothing but continued bickering will continue. Let us let logic prevail over raw, unbridled emotions.
In response to the comment written by Those from Villa #19;
We are in a crisis!
1) Are you aware our bank account has been hi-jacked by the current self appointed SC? They will not tell us where it is or who is in control of it! We have no idea whose possession our funds are in nor are we given any indication where our monies have been spent, (but another $4,000.00 on a their new self appointed attorney).
2) Are you aware we are being put on notice by this self appointed SC that they are ready to engage us with a lawsuit to sue ourselves? YES, Sue ourselves! Insanity, do you agree?
3) Are you aware that over $200K has been blown (or more) over the past 2+ years by a collective group of control freaks with or money? We have nothing to show for it!
4) Are you aware this Self Appointed group was attempting to take our Transfer of Assets "As Is" from the developer, Yes "As Is"!
5) We could go on and on as everyone in this community is quite aware of the dysfunction they collectively have caused!
You were asked to run for a leadership roll for this election (as all owners were), you chose not to? Why?
The applicants who will be donating their time "for free", agree with the new adopted amendments. These amendments if voted "YES", will prohibit ANY SC GROUP etc.( them included) to have control over our community without the consent of the majority.
This is a priority we should all hope for. Right now, we are more interested in those who will do nothing, versus those who will continue the current course of blowing our money on useless money wasting agendas! Please take the time to read their applications posted here and or take the time to email these "giving" neighbors who want to be part of restoring our community to stop our bleeding.
We say, they should be commended! Next time before you criticize, please offer to be part of the solution and jump in with your time, not your words! Once again, every owner should applaud these neighbors for stepping up and donating their time for solutions instead of doing what most owners are doing, which is to tell others what should be done or apathetic with nothing to offer!
As a side note, a Board is composed by law of Panamanian citizens who are to operate by the wishes of the community, not by the direction of a few. Our new amendments if voted on will cure so many of our problems! I encourage you as I would all owners to step up, study who is helping us and join us without dissension.
Personal agendas of a few have done nothing to help our community, they have only created further divide and blown our HOA dues without any measureable results for all owners!
This group to vote YES for, will look to enact the amendments to prohibit themselves from damaging our community and by doing so put the power back in the HOA, not with a SC or a BOD. This is who we want to lead.
We hope you will join us!
VE Neighbors
* We 70+ owners growing every day who will vote for Change and put trust back in all of our hands! Thanks for your comments!
To the homeowners in # 19. Shove people down "your' throats? It is an election and anyone including yourselves could have run.
I have been a homeowner in VE as one of the longest existing original owners. I do not live there full time, but I keep updated on most things in VE; I cannot remain silent with what appears to me to be a group hell bent on destroying my investment. I find the actions of this self appointed Steering Committee appalling and a complete embarrassment of representation. For you to challenge anyone who might be running in this new "legal" election is a travesty in my view. Anyone with a pulse would be much better than this existing group.Yes, a pulse! You are aware this group has positioned us to be suing ourselves, you are aware of this, correct? Yes, This Steering committee group is using our money to sue ourselves!
If you are for this group, then sadly you are part of our problem in Valle Escondido.
I like this email outline below which I received from a fellow group of owners to the SC; This speaks volumes!
An angry homeowner.
Dear Self Appointed SC
Per your quote below, "you" ( Whoever you are, Please be clear just who you are) want to sue the only authorized HOA attorney that (your group collectively hired) and now give $4,000.00 of our HOA funds to what you call our new HOA attorney ( decided by you, again) to sue the original lawyer (your group collectively hired) for supposedly enacting a fraudulent 2 year service agreement ( decided by you, again, or now only part of your group).
HAVE YOU PEOPLE FLAT OUT JUST LOST YOUR MINDS? Do you have any idea of the absurdity of what you are doing to this community? WE ARE SUING OURSELVES! Please run out of our money and fast!
Definition of Lunacy: insanity; mental disorder.
We demand to know right now who "you" are, do not hide behind some poor little unknown girl named "Erica". who knows nothing of our history!
Here it goes!
"Several days later Julio Brown called the check writer's home and again demanded another check. This time the check writer refused. Also, through emails sent to the SC, Julio Brown threatened to sequester the remaining funds in the Global Bank account. For these reasons the SC decided to remove the funds still in the account from the reach and/or removal by Mr. Brown. The amount removed was $24,000. To prepare for the litigation on the above mentioned, $4,000 went to the current VEHOA attorney and the remaining $20,000 will be used to pay the security and landscape companies, and the secretary through the end of December. At that time there will be less than $1,000 left. "
A Group Of Neighbors
To Erich DuBowick and Linda Hegner in Condo number 19,
I find it to be be very hypocritical of you to make statements disparaging new candidates for the SC because they are new owners and have not spent much time in VE. I would think that two new owners who have recently invested in VE are much better qualified to protect our investments than the two self appointed woman currently on the SC. One has not stepped foot in VE in well over a year and the other is trying to sell and get the hell out of VE as fast as she can. Plus both of them have serious criminal charges against them for the lies and slander that they have put out.
You state getting a legal opinion. Get a legal opinion on what? It has been clearly demonstrated and proven with documentation from the Panamanian Ministry of Government and Justice that VE is only operating under Deed 1937. This was acknowledged by the SC in an email regarding the May 2014 Elections. There is no SC period end of story. What part of that do you need a legal opinion on?
So either present a document from MINGOB stating that they have received and approved the 2010 CC&Rs or accept that there is no SC.
January 10th cannot come soon enough!
As a reader of this blog since I woke up! I cannot agree more with the above posts! Eric & Linda, who I met over drinks, join us! I know you are friends of JB. What has She, Bill Day, Charbit & Co. done for this community? One word. HEARTACHE! If we post our name, you will not like us & your friends will criticize, We are in our 70's and Tired of this crap.I can barely bend over to crap, I certainly don't need anymore of this crap!
Regarding the comment by Erich and Linda that 2 of the proposed new SC members "have not even owned in VE for a year": Jeannie Bell had also been in VE less than a year when she joined the SC. She arrived the last week of May, 2012, which was 19 months ago, to be exact.
That said, I very much appreciate reading the differing views and opinions, and I hope that others with conflicting perspectives will share them in this forum.
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