The so-called SC has decided to move to Bill Day's house and that includes a full time employee w/o any kind of contract (illegal, the Mitradel and CSS will have a field day).
That also include all books and files belonging to our Association (again illegal, these documents should stay at ALL TIMES in the VEHOA offices).
They informed all suppliers that their bills will be settled in cash (which cash? Bill Days?).
They are trying to collect Homeowner's dues for next year cash in order to disburse cash.
What does this all mean? how long we going to tolerate this illegal takeover of our Association and its funds?
Time for ACTION.
Please once and for all, can we start over with new faces and keep the rich people out with their egos dominating this community and we the lower price owners getting the shaft! This Bill Day has done everything his way since I have owned here. He uses our money 100% for his own agenda against the developer! ENOUGH ALREADY!
Bill Day should reach in his pockets and reimburse the VEHOA for the whole McBride fiasco. In my estimate it cost us homeowners over $100,000 when you add up McBrides pay, rent, moving expenses, covered travel plus what the attorney they hired, to work with McBride, cost us. This was, according to Bill Day, the "best attorney in Panama" who was an expert on HOAs and private roads regimes like VE. What happened in the end? This attorney, Juan David, issues a report which pretty much said the developer owes the VEHOA very little in regards to infrastructure upgrades in regards to the transfer and that the VE homeowners have absolutely no claim to the golf course and that under Panamanian law the developer has the right to do whatever they want with it including development.
Great job Mr. DAY!
So now Day is going all in with his personal agenda controlling a completely illegal group of people claiming they are the SC. Now Day thinks he can run the VEHOA out of his house. At least he doesn't have to go far to pull the strings anymore.
Mr. Day who elected you?
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