If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Carol Bruner and/or SC please answer the question!

The following question was taken from an email authored by Ralf Henrich in which VE neighbors was copied. The full email is below.

Ms. Bruner you cannot have it both ways. So which one is it? Are the 2010 CC&Rs the governing document instantly making the May 2014 meeting invalid and illegal or is Deed 1937 the legal governing document as the SC claimed for the May 2010 elections, in which a SC does not even exist and the power of calling meetings and elections are in the hands of the VE homeowners?

Jerry, thank you for forwarding me the two comments Carol Bruner posted on VEHOA blog where she referenced me by name on both. This is not the first time Ms. Bruner has made inaccurate and disparaging statements about me in a forum where I have no ability to respond or correct her out right false allegations.

You need to understand that Ms. Bruner, in my opinion, is a very sick individual who uses her writing skills to make absolutely false statements come across as fact. I have come across this character flaw in a few of the criminals I have interrogated as an investigator. These people actually think and feel like they are smarter and better than everyone else. They usually have a common trait where their inflated egos make them point out how smart and educated they are and how they have family traits and backgrounds that everyone else should envy while denigrating anyone who does not agree with them. A perfect example of this is when Ms. Bruner called another female homeowner a "beach rat", in front of numerous other homeowners, while serving as a SC member.

It for this exact reason that I have some very serious criminal charges against her and trust me these additional two comments she directed at me, when she knows not only about my criminal charges, but also about the order of protection the courts have provided me preventing her from any contact with me, will be presented to the criminal prosecutor as further evidence of her continued slander against me. I am still waiting for her to respond as to when she will be returning to VE so she can be legally served with both the criminal charges and the restraining order.

Only a few days ago she directly emailed me with further slanderous allegations and when I called her out on the facts she once again disappeared like the charlatan she is.

I will forward you a copy of my email to her, in response to her latest violation of no contact rules, in which she still has not responded for you to share with the VE community if you so desire. Once revealed you, and hopefully the entire VE community, will discover the real Dr. Bruner. I am sure that the VE homeowners will find my questions and her lack of response to be very revealing.

It is amazing that this woman is chastising me in one of her comments for "doing a background check", at the request of numerous VE homeowners, on the same individual that she, and the rest of the SC, are now at “war” with.  Remember she, and her group, previously rallied around this same individual.  Yes, I did expose the history of her, and the rest of the SC's, beloved leader, and she was complicit in concealing this information from the VE homeowners. I repeatedly warned them, and whatever homeowner would listen, that following the advice of this individual would be dangerous and not in the homeowner's best interest. Look where we are today. This same woman, and the existing SC, is now blaming the current problems in VE on same person I warned them about and somehow I am still the bad guy. The hypocrisy is sickening.

As to her other blog comment where she slanders me once more with the ridiculous and outrages claim that I have some kind of allegiance with Julio Brown I respond as follows. The first time I ever met or talked to Julio Brown was outside of the VEHOA office after the SC had their "community meeting" where no one who disagreed with their agenda was welcome. This was after Julio Brown filed a complaint trying to get a restraining order against me for the Current SC, their advisors, and family members by claiming I was a very violent individual and had threatened these individuals. I approached Julio and said that I would press criminal charges against him for his statement and he replied that he was only following what the SC instructed him to do, and that he was given power of attorney by the VEHOA president to do this.

This was after Carol Bruner claimed in emails and on the VEHOA blog that I threatened people at the HOA office during an incident she admits she was not present for. Fortunately for me I had the entire incident recorded, as I knew to what lengths these individuals would lie, and the video and audio evidence resulted in no restraining order ever issued against me. Julio was the bulldog for Charbit, and the rest of the SC, who was and still is out to destroy me, my company, and my reputation because I expose the truth.

Canceling the BCS contract had nothing to do with cost or the minimum wage increase, it was all about getting rid of me because I was on to their dear leader and they were all complicit in trying to hide this from VE homeowners. Back to my point, to claim that I had/have some kind of alliance with the attorney working for the SC and directly for their chairman, who has done nothing but cause me harm, just further demonstrates to what length Ms. Bruner is willing to fabricate reality and present it as some kind of fact. 

Carol Bruner still has not learned that stating something as fact, when it is a complete lie, is not only a crime but will eventually expose you for who you really are. I have some comments and questions for Ms. Bruner and I hope the VE homeowner's hold her feet to the fire to answer them.  Please remember that I am the one who exposed the SC chairman and anyone thinking or claiming that I have some kind of allegiance to Charbit, Olga or Julio needs is just grasping at straws. I have done my best to always tell the truth and protect VE homeowner's and their investments. Please recall, that I was friends with most of the people who have and are attacking me and acquaintances with the rest. This all started because I warned them about the SC chairman and his agenda and then I called all of them out for their complicit roles in hiding the truth from VE homeowners. 

Ms. Bruner also claims in one of her most recent comments that only one person knew about the contract with Julio. Here is her exact quote: "Does it not concern you that the only person who knew about this ‘contract’ was the person who signed it and Julio Brown?"
Does Ms. Bruner really think homeowners are that stupid, or is she so disconnected from reality and VE, that she missed the numerous comments and emails where Olga Suarez, Jon Arcuni, Javier Rivera, Richard Charbit, Margaritte Heffner, Rich Heffner, and Julio all claim to either have knowledge of the agreement, were present at the SC meeting that it was approved at, seen, and/or signed it? This is not about the contract but rather about Ms. Bruner constant lies that she makes as statements of fact. The above example is just one of many. Here she says: "We have a very intelligent community. They should know ALL the facts and not the facts as distorted by VE Neighbors postings".

The VE community needs to tell Ms. Bruner that it is not VE neighbors distorting the facts. It is her and her control group who not only distort the facts but rather they outright lie. They did it when they were in bed with their chairman and they continue to do it today. Remember this is the same group who send out the following notice saying quote:” It appears that Thalia has recognized that she is up against a credible Steering Committee and has begun a character assassination on its Chairman.  She stated that Richard Charbit is "Evil" and showed a picture of Richard Charbit with the label "My Enemy, Richard Charbit".   She displayed on a full screen a page from the internet showing that a “Jean Richard Charbit” was convicted of security fraud. (It is NOT the Richard Charbit who resides in Valle Escondido)”

Has she, or anyone on the SC, ever taken responsibility for this blatant lie and apologized to the community?

Jerry I am going to give you, and the VE homeowners, a checkmate in Ms. Bruner and the rest of the SC most recent statements regarding the 2010 CC&Rs. Ms. Bruner is now stating that quote “By the way, the 2010 CC&Rs, as three different attorneys have advised, were registered properly and are the internal governing regulations for the VEHOA.”. This is a very important issue and she needs to be very careful and specific here as if that is true then it completely null and voids the election meeting the SC called and held in May of 2014, and renders all actions taken from that date forward null and void. You see the SC did not follow any of the 2010 CC&Rs when calling that election and when a homeowner enquired about that same issue this was the response from the SC in the following quote Hello Bill, We are following the registered document that outlines the election process, which is the Deed 1937.” Jerry, I will also forward you a full copy of this email under separate cover.

The current SC is claiming that the 2010 CC&Rs were and are the only properly registered governing document to be adhered to and by doing so they by default are declaring the May 2014 meeting as completely illegal as it in no way conformed to the 2010 CC&Rs. You see the SC has already admitted that they were only using Deed 1937 as it was the only properly registered document. So if what Carol Bruner is claiming to be fact in her statement that the 2010CC&Rs are the internal governing regulations for the VEHOAthen she is confirming what many homeowner’s pointed out in May that the election was illegal meeting and that everything done since that point, by the SC including appointing Carol Bruner, is illegal and not valid.

So here is the question that needs to be asked and that Carol Bruner, and the rest of her group, must answer as it is the single most important issue of legitimacy right now.

Ms. Bruner you cannot have it both ways. So which one is it? Are the 2010 CC&Rs the governing document instantly making the May 2014 meeting invalid and illegal, or is Deed 1937 the legal governing document as the SC claimed for the May 2010 elections, in which a SC does not even exist and the power of calling meetings and elections are in the hands of the VE homeowners?

Please have Ms. Bruner and/or the rest of the SC and their “illegal” group answer this once and for all!

Ralf Henrich


Anonymous said...

Wow, great question. I an sure many homeowners are looking forward to hearing the answer.

Anonymous said...

I check this site usually every few days to keep up to date, but I must say, I am really tired as is so many other owners with the issues in VE. I am asking the community as a whole to help resolve this once and for all and have this SC resign and rerun if they wish with an open election. If they are serving the owners they would agree. Or are they just serving their own egos? This is my concern! The convoluted manner of their arguments is stale and self serving.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why anyone is paying attention to this Carol Bruner? With all the lies now proven that she is telling and with her not being in VE for over a year, isn't she just IRRELEVANT?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Bruner....Doctor of what?! Why does that title matter with the affairs of a small development in a tiny city in the mountains of Panama...you get my drift....it's called posturing. Please.

Anonymous said...

Based upon her proven track record of lies and sidestepping direct questions, I would suspect her Doctorate is based upon her studies of deflection. When will this woman answer a reasonable question with a straight answer?