If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Response by Ralf Henrich to Carol Bruner's ignorant comment on the VEHOA website.

Below is a copy of an email I sent Carol Bruner last night in response to a comment she directed towards me on the VEHOA website, also copied below. Sadly, rather than addressing the hard facts presented regarding Richard Charbit's criminal activities, and his ongoing lies to the community, she deflects and tries to claim that I can't sue her, or the SC, because of some agreement that I was in no way a party to.

It truly is sad to see that a person this uneducated and ignorant in even the basics of contracts and agreements is "representing" VE homeowners. Carol Bruner, you are not even on the SC legally as you were appointed to replace Michael Burd whom the SC admits never officially resigned. All these illegal actions of the SC, under the direction of your expelled criminal leader, will be proven to have been illegal by the Panamanian Court system soon enough. Unfortunately, it will be the VE homeowners who will have to pay to repair the damages your criminal actions have cost the community.

Please respond if you would like me to post the email I reference at the end of the email I sent you last night copied below. I am sure that you, as a representative of VE homeowners, would want the truth about Richard Charbit to be made available for the VE community . 

Ralf Henrich

Carol Bruner,

You ask questions of me with no ability to answer on VEHOA website. Please post this, in its entirety, on the VEHOA website. Also, please address my question as to what documentation the VEHOA requires of me, and fellow homeowners, to be considered a VEHOA “homeowner” with access to the VEHOA website?

For your, the SC, and fellow VEHOA homeowner’s edification, I ,was never consulted on, have ever seen, have not signed, nor am I in any way a party to  the agreement you reference. This agreement was between BCS and the VEHOA and in no way does Ms. Velasquez have the authority to give up anyone’s personal rights under Panamanian law. BCS had no authority to give up my third party rights  just like they had no authority to give up the unrelated third party rights of Tadasly. Any somewhat intelligent person, and especially any competent attorney, would immediately know that.

In no way does this agreement apply to me and any claims to such by yourself, and or other SC members, will result in further legal action against you. I will notify my attorney  to file additional criminal charges against you for  these slanderous claims that  I am in breach of  contract.

Sadly it is the VEHOA homeowners who will wind up paying for the defense of the reckless criminal  actions of yourself and your fellow SC members.

My criminal case against you, and your fellow SC members, will proceed, and I look forward to seeing you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the slanderous lies you, and your fellow SC members have publicly made against me.

Also, since your actions have had an impact on my reputation in the United States, and since some of your defamatory communications originated in the United States which were forwarded across international borders, I have also instituted civil litigation in a United States District court against you, and Ms. Bell, and will seek actual and treble damages from each of you individually, and the SC collectively, since you have all acted in concert.

Ralf Henrich

PS: I received an email this evening from the Supervising United States Probation Officer of the Southern District Court informing me that they are assigning a new probation officer in regards to Richard Charbit’s probation violation case. Looks like they received many phone calls with complaints from VE homeowners.

1.       Carol Bruner says:
To All:
The Steering Committee is requesting a statement from Lic. Julio Brown re: the agreement signed in August, 2014, between the VEHOA and Boquete Consulting Security. This agreement stipulated that neither side would be a party to lawsuits, past or present, against the other.
This agreement works both ways. Members of the Steering Committee will not be able to file a lawsuit against Ralf Henrich or Analia Velasquez for defamation of character, aka slander.
What doesn’t Ralf Henrich understand? We know he can read. What does he not understand about this legally binding agreement?
The agreement was signed by Analia Velasquez for Boquete Consulting Security before Ralf Henrich filed his illegal lawsuit against several Steering Committee members.

Read the agreement, Herr Henrich. Read it and understand it. It applies to you.


Anonymous said...

What will it take for a truce and everybody stop this and the SC resign for everyone's best interest. We are all very tired of this in our community and no one looks good!

Anonymous said...

Is the SC, and their legal counsel, that incompetent that they did not make Ralf personally part of the agreement and get his signature as he claims?