How can they ask us for a bigger budget and raise our dues, if they will not show us our current standing and finances??
How many times have individual homeowners asked this SC how much money we have in our accounts and EVERY TIME the SC refuses to answer. Obviously they don't want us to know, so what are they doing? They either have enough money (which they should) in our coffers and don't need more. Or, they have spent it and don't want us to know how or on what. (By the way, it is right of every homeowner to receive this information within one day of asking.) And now they expect us to TRUST THEM with MORE?
The SC is now requesting a dues increase of $47,168 for 2015. This is another 20.273% increase over last year.
There should right now be no less than $88,182 in surplus and no need for a further unscheduled dues increase! And if there is less than $88,182. WHERE did the money go, and how much do we have left??!!
The SC says it is “working hard to save you money,” so why another $47k added to homeowner dues? This doesn’t add up! If they’re saving money, and we have an $88k surplus, the SC should LOWER the dues, or certainly not ask for more.
The proposed budget was emailed out en-masse on 17 September, only 11 days prior to the meeting. This doesn’t meet the rules for documentation distribution in either Deed 1937 nor the 2014 Operating Rules of the Steering Committee document.
The SC has constantly "tooted its horn" by stating that it has eliminated $3000/yr in administration rent, but I don't recall hearing anything about the $12,000 spent to renovate the VEHOA office and Security Office that is in this new budget? (Other than that Charbit paid for this out of his pocket.)
This would indicate a 4-year future before the $3000 annual rent savings is at break-even!!
Has anyone seen invoices for the $12k in renovations that we're now being asked to fund?
And what about invoices for the $5000 spent to improve the new park? Did any of us get to vote on this or even voice an opinion?
Last year's budget provided $500 for office supplies, this year is proposed at $2500 – why a 500% increase? How does this play into the $3000 annual rent savings the SC is claiming?
Street & Road maintenance was $15k for 2014 & another $20k for 2015 – yet I've not seen signs of one nickel being spent on roads in the last couple of years. What am I overlooking? (Perhaps that was added to the $42,000 in legal fees budgeted in 2014/2015 combined?)
Olga's pay was increased 50% last year from $12000 to $18000, and now we’re being asked to add an additional $1200 to that for 2015? Why? Her salary is already much higher than most! This seems like it might be a pay out to a favorite employee. Common sense tells us she is already being paid ample, if not too much.
For a SC who seems to want to cut the cost on everything, this does not make much sense does it.
For a SC who seems to want to cut the cost on everything, this does not make much sense does it.
This new budget provides for a further $51,857 in a reserve fund for emergencies.
There is a big concern by many homeowners that this "extra reserve" will end up just like the $85,000+ the SC spent on Paul McBride, (without our vote), the $20,000 this SC paid BCS to go away,(without our vote), and the untold money being spent to defend their legal battles,(Definitely without our vote).
Our money-- once again…GONE WITH THE WIND…AND they expect us to TRUST THEM! Led by infamous conman Richard Charbit. I think NOT.
Let us protect ourselves and vote NO. Lets get this SC out and a new one in that we can trust. Then we can work on a fair and proper budget with new cc&rs to protect ourselves and our money.
Our money-- once again…GONE WITH THE WIND…AND they expect us to TRUST THEM! Led by infamous conman Richard Charbit. I think NOT.
Let us protect ourselves and vote NO. Lets get this SC out and a new one in that we can trust. Then we can work on a fair and proper budget with new cc&rs to protect ourselves and our money.
How can they ask us for a bigger budget and raise our dues, when they will not show us our current standing and finances??
I agree.
Can we get the law? Charbit should be chucked out.
FEB. 28,2013
Email being forwarded from Elizabeth McCauley at her request.
Please have the following note sent to all Valle Escondido home owners and property owners.
Let's stop the madness! We have descended to the level of school children- calling names and throwing stones. Pitting neighbor against neighbor. In the end, it will not matter so much who is "wrong" and who is "right". Nobody wins.
We will never trust nor look at one another the same way again. We will all lose. One of the most important reasons we bought into this community to begin with will be lost to us forever.
Elizabeth McCauley
Casa 54
19 months later look how we progressed.
A couple more points to consider in the Proposed Budget:
They want to charge everyone $1,820 for organic trash but they are currently asking who wants this service and then bills the homeowners individually. Why are we all being charged if some do not want/use it? Seems like a double charge.
Street lights have not worked in years and some are completely missing yet they want to charge $2,761. Generator repair and maintenance $300 when you could buy a new one for that.
$11,400 for landscaping - everything is already in existence, it only needs maintenance. They have budgeted $18,000 for the legal fees which they incurred and now want you to pay for.
Lastly, with all the "reserve funds" they should have had in the Budget, not one penny was spent on the recent transformer failure in the Estate Section. Why would anyone trust that ANY funds they have would be spent to help the Homeowners. Now they have budgeted $18,000 just for their legal fees - which they incurred all on their own!
WAKE UP PEOPLE AND DO NOT VOTE THESE CROOKS ANOTHER DIME! It is past time to get rid of these people who do not represent any of us and get a SC that will work for all of us. Let's start to heal this Community!
It is past time to get rid of SC. They do not represent any of us. Let's start to heal this Community!
I hope this answers some questions, budget for 2015 means projected, it has not happened yet.
Some homeowners do not want to pay their organic trash weekly or monthly so if its in the budget no need to bill individually.
Projected expenses that may or may not happen is what was presented in the budget.
Don't worry folks, Charbit is a honorable trustworthy man and he would never do any thing financially improper with your funds. You just need to trust them. Plus if there is a discrepancy he will have one of his five cousins look into it.
VE is now the laughing stock of Panama, great job SC! When is the next pom pom party? How do I get on the guest list? Oh yeah, just bring copies of your private corporation information for all to see.
Dear Elizabeth, are you currently in VE? How do you feel about a convicted felon, permanently expelled from Panama and the US, still on probation for his crimes, a compulsive liar, who threatens any one who challenges him, as your chairman? These are proven facts, not name calling!
Wrong and Right do matter and all it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to sit by and do nothing.
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