If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

SC Does Not Tell the Truth Again While 17 Owners Have No Power!

What if it was their home without power! Developer forced to write us to get the Truth / Communications to the Community.
Hello VE neighbors,
This is the first time I decide to post something in the website. 
I just read this in the VEHOA website posted by Olga:   the transformer had burned down because of lack of maintenance and having no oil. Again, showing deficient service by Liberty Services.
Olga knows  that this is not true but she has posted this  to create more problems.  it seems they are only focused on creating controversies and not give solutions. It is a shame!
Attached are the pictures and video that proof that the transformer have oil.
The expert in transformer hired by Pat Mains told me that obviously this is not the cause of the damage.
Mr Verdnikov came to see when we did this inspection and he suggested me to take pictures and video of this.

As many of you know I sent emails to the SC last year about the  necessity of a spare transformer and we all know that the SC decided to ignore our recommendation.

Here you can see the mails I sent them Sept 11 last year and Dic 28, 2012 and in yellow the translation of my email below.

De: Cielo Grande [mailto:cielogrande@veresort.com]
Enviado el: miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013 03:40 p.m.
Para: 'Valle Escondido HOASC'

Hola Rosaura:
Deberian contemplar  tener un transformador en stock por cualquier daño futuro
El tiempo de entrega es hasta de 6 semanas y Dios no quiera que pase otro daño como el del año pasado y  no tenemos repuesto.
Se debe informar  a los residentes sobre este tema ya que son daños y gastos  inesperados que no están contemplado en los .02 centavos x kw  por la gestión de lectura facturación y cobro.
El daño de diciembre fue entre piezas de coneccion y el equipo reemplazado  B/ 6013.95 el cual deberá ser reembolsado por la asociación.
Hello Rosa,
Should contemplate having a transformer in stock for any future damage
Delivery time is up to 6 weeks and God forbid  other damage like last year and we have no spare.
You must inform residents about this issue because they are unexpected damages and expenses that are not covered in x .02 cents per kw reading management billing and collection.
The damage in December between  parts and the equipment replaced was B / 6013.95 which shall be reimbursed by the association


De: Cielo Grande [mailto:cielogrande@veresort.com]
Enviado el: viernes 28 de diciembre  de 2012  5:45 p.m.
Para: 'Valle Escondido HOASC'

Rosaura abajo correo del Ing, Villarreal con la cotización del transformador de 100 KVA
Es de vital necesidad tener un transformador de repuesto  It is vitally necessary to have a spare transformer

Analia Velásquez B.
Directora Administrativa
Valle Escondido Resort, Golf & Spa
Boquete, Chiriquí
Tel.: (507)7202454 Ext.:201
Fax.: (507)7201996

De: Analia Velasquez [mailto:cielogrande@cableonda.net]
Enviado el: martes, 02 de septiembre de 2014 02:40 p.m.
Para: '114 Elliott Verdnikov'; '103 Pat Mains'
Asunto: RE: Receipt of fee paid by Homeowners to assess damage to transformer

HI Gitty & Pat
Attached the picture and video that proof that the Transformer have oil.
The expert in transformer  told me that obviously this is not the cause of the damage.
Mr Verdnikov came to see when we did this inspection

Analia Velásquez B.
Directora Administrativa
Valle Escondido Resort, Golf & Spa
Boquete, Chiriquí
Tel.: (507)7202454 Ext.:201
Fax.: (507)7201996

This is the report form the electric hired by Pat.
There is his phone number 
He confirmed that what I wrote is true.

Analia Velasquez B 
David, Chiriquí
4 de septiembre del 2014
En la inspección realizada en las instalaciones de Valle Escondido al Transformador de Gabinete 100 Kva se comprobó que el nivel de aceite estaba en condiciones adecuadas, por lo tanto, se descarta que esta sea la causa del daño.
*Celular del Ing.  Alfredo Palma: N° 67471694

Bernardino Raúl Gómez.
Electricista General.
Lic. No  80-600-038.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this SC does is Lie Lie Lie. I guess they are excellent students of their self appointed, convicted felon and permanently expelled from two countries, leader Charbit who is a professional liar himself.
Obviously, the SC had personal agenda which includes trying to destroy the developer at all costs. Residents without power for over one week. The SC does not care. They, under Charbit, want to spin this issue to cause further destruction. They don't give a crap about the residents they "represent", if they did they would have immediately fixed the electrical problem and dealt with the issue of who is responsible later.
Interesting that Liberty backs up their claims with emails, engineer reports, photographs, and a video. All Charbit and gang has provided is outrages unsubstantiated claims of negligence without one scrap of proof to back those claims up.
Folks if you can not figure out by now that the SC could care less about the residents and that they only care about advancing Charbit's reckless and criminal personal agenda then you all deserve what's coming.
BTW, an anonymous person/group offered to cover the legal expenses for the SC. Are these individuals willing to serve the jail sentences members of the SC are most likely to be sentenced to also?