If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, September 22, 2014


With the pending vote on the budget I would like to bring up several points and questions for the SC. I will have this posted on both VE neighbors – which from previous posts and comments we know the SC reads – as well as request it be posted on the VEHOA blog.

Per the auditors statement we started the year with a significant cash reserve. Using the current fee amount and all other numbers provided by the SC in the proposed budget we will have about a $15,000 excess from just this years activities. That with the beginning balance would provide a reserve of over 20% of the proposed 2015 budget. Surely that is enough of a reserve.

  • Why do we need such a large reserve? 
  • Are there anticipated expenditures that are not in the budget for some reason? 
  • Does the reserve from previous years not exist? 
  • There must be a reason the SC believes we need this level of reserves. Please explain.

The requested increase in fees is about 15%.
  • How was that number arrived at? 
  • Why not 10%, or 17%? There had to be some discussion within the SC as to how much to increase fees. Please expound on how the 15% increase was arrived at.
Are numbers available for 2014 that will show exactly how close the approved 2014 budget are with the actual numbers? Without those numbers it makes evaluating the proposed 2015 budget very iffy at best.

There are several categories that have proposed expenditures that it would be nice to have an explanation for prior to casting an electronic vote – most probably have a very good and quick explanation and a single sentence will suffice, some will need more information.
Not in order of significance:

  • Why the big jump in office supplies?
  • Can all the legal, professional, cpa etc fees have more detail provided? This is a large part of our overall budget and it is hard to understand as it is.
  • What is the $6000 reimbursement for the office renovation for? Per one of the SC members the HOA cannot borrow (see email rejecting the offer to purchase a new transformer for this very reason).
  • If the HOA cannot borrow money then why do we have a reimbursement entry?
  • Street maintenance is reduced by $5000. Have there even been any street repairs done this year? 
  • Is there any even planned for 2015?
  • There was a $6000 entry for water leaks repairs in 2014. Was that spent?,  and given the water issues in early 2014 are we really certain we will not need to spend money in this area in 2015?
Thank you for your response

Dennis Griffin
Casa 56


Mark Schneider said...

All excellent questions Dennis, I would hope this SC answers them immediately before people vote. I prefer to see the bank statements and copies of the invoices of work completed to review for our expenses.

Mark S

Anonymous said...

When the renovation to the vehoa office was first completed I was told by someone on the SC that Charbit had paid for the renovation.
Another point: The budget allocates a huge amount for water and septic maintenance. Seems out of line to me

Anonymous said...

Interesting to have this much allocated to water and septic when I thought Jon Arcuni was taking care of everything at no cost!

I do know that he has made at least one mistake in using the wrong tablets in the water supply, which had to be turned off and rectified.

Anonymous said...

They, the SC and Richard, told everyone that the renovations to the homeowners office was going to be paid for by Richard.
What a load of crap out of this group. They are willing to "pay back" a "loan" to fix up an asset that is part of the infrastructure transfer argument, yet they could not pay for a transformer to help residents because the electric system was part of the infrastructure transfer argument.
The entire SC has become infected with Richard Charbit's sleazy way of doing business. It must have have been in the seminar he threw them called "How to enrich yourself at the expense of others". If he turned it into a book it would instantly rise to the US prisons best seller list.