Ralf Henrich emailed the VE neighbors blog with this in response to “Our Apology and Gratitude."
To whomever created this post, and to all the VE residents and homeowners who have reached out to me via email, phone calls, and visits to give me your support, a heartfelt thank you. It has been very challenging times for me and it was difficult when people doubted who I am based upon the lies and attacks of Charbit, combined with his “groupies” Bell and Brunner.
I knew the truth would come out over time and it is unfortunate that the only way I could defend myself was to expose the hard hitting reality about these individuals by providing indisputable facts and instigating a criminal suit. I look forward to the day justice is served and they are appropriately punished for the criminal actions they engaged in.
The last few days have been quite enlightening in VE as some VE Steering Committee insiders have approached me with apologies. They now know the truth but feel powerless to change things. They are completely frightened by Charbit and for good reason. One very involved Steering Committee insider even discussed the fact that they have no mechanism to remove Charbit under the CC&Rs and he refuses to step down.
Look at what happens when you even question the chairman, a full out attack. If you take a look at his list of "bored losers", you will find individuals who were just recently full SC supporters.
Just a few days ago I was forwarded an email chain between Steering Committee members in which they accidently put a few individuals on a reply by accident. In these emails the SC members were scheming to come up with “lies” that I have committed. Fortunately one of their advisors had the intelligence to warn them that they better be able to back up their claims or there could be additional consequences.
I have a fairly accurate track record of predicting how things play out. In my opinion, Richard Charbit will soon realize that he will never return to Panama despite his and a few SC member’s claims to the contrary. How many times have we heard that he will be back “next week”. Eventually the VE homeowners, the SC and their ‘advisors” and most importantly Richard Charbit himself will come to the full realization that he will never return to Panama. He was not expelled because someone pulled strings. He was expelled from two countries for completely valid reasons, all of which are available for viewing on the blog post “Clarity about Richard Charbit’s criminal past”.
Richard Charbit does not have the capacity to take responsibility for his actions. It is always some else’s fault who is out to get him. First it was his claim that he is not the same Richard Charbit and that it was one of his five cousins who did it. In the US it was the “beloved FBI” who set him up. In Panama it was “beloved Ralf” who, as he claims on the VEHOA website, took a bunch of forged documents” to Panama. Before that it was because the developer had a hand in it. Next it was the immigration director lied and did not give him proper due process. Then it was he could not understand Spanish and he “accidently” checked off that he had no criminal past on his permanent resident visa application. Now it is the Panama supreme court was rigged.
At what point do people wake up and realize that this individual can never take responsibility for anything and that he has a track record of leaving a wake of destruction behind him. He calls everyone else liars yet has never once backed up any one of his slanderous allegations of others with any type of proof. Richard has never filed charges against anyone who he claims is slandering him. This from a man that was quick to threaten anyone with a “law suit” while he was in VE. He even threatened one of his now “groupies” with Richard saying that he had “more pennies” than the other party in regards to suing him.
This is not about the infrastructure transfer, it is not about security, it is not about the evil developer, it is not a fairytale. It is about how a group of individuals who trusted Richard Charbit, and his “legal advice” went on to commit criminal acts themselves and put all the VE homeowners at risk. Soon Richard will disappear, the individuals who blindly followed his reckless advice will pay the consequences, and the VE homeowners will be left picking up the pieces at great expense.
Ralf Henrich
Mr. Henrich
This is the most well written post I have ever seen on either blog, non emotional with facts. I am really good friends with probably one of the previous SC members you mention and the truth is, this Man is even driving his own followers away. He attacked one such follower who used to defend him. If I put my name here, he will attack me too. There is no stopping him. He must resign and allow us to solve our own problems in VE, because most here regardless of the government do not wish his return! Sincerely, A Follower of the "snitch".
A lot of people here in VE are your friends and truly appreciate everything you have done to protect and assist them over the years. You have backed up everything you state, unlike Charbit. He does not have to resign - COME ON PEOPLE join together and get a majority to simply VOTE HIM OUT!! Let's get VE on the road to healing now.
En nombre de los residentes Panameños agradecemos todo el apoyo de los vigilantes de Boquete Consulting que por muchisimos años han velado por nuestra seguridad. Nosotros estamos muy inconformes con la forma de manejar toda esa situacion de aquellos que dicen estar trabajando por nosotros. No los queremos, Renucien y dejennos recobrar la PAZ en nuestro Paraiso
Lamentamos por lo que usted ha tenido que pasar por defender la tranquilidad de nosotros en Valle Escondido.
Aqui les dejo la Ley de Migración de Panamá en donde claramente dice que NOSOTROS en PANAMA osea NUESTRO PAIS no admitimos CRIMINALES Y MENTIROSOS como el sr Charbit no entiendo como sus subditos del SC lo siguen apoyando
Artículo 31. El Director General del Servicio Nacional de Migración podrá cancelar la permanencia o residencia en el territorio nacional, al extranjero no residente, residente temporal o permanente, en cualquiera de sus subcategorías migratorias, por las siguientes causas:
* 1. Valerse como único propósito del matrimonio con un nacional, para obtener su residencia.
* 2. Atentar contra la seguridad nacional, el orden público, la moral o la salud pública, o por violar los derechos y libertades de las personas.
* 3. En el caso de residentes permanentes, ausentarse del territorio nacional por más de dos años, salvo que tal ausencia sea justificada y autorizada por el Director del Servicio Nacional de Migración.
* 4. Realizar actividades incompatibles a las que sirvieron de fundamento para otorgar la visa o permiso de no residente, residente temporal o permanente.
* 5. Presentar declaraciones falsas y/o documentación fraudulenta o alterada.
* 6. Ofrecer, por sí mismo o por interpuesta persona, cualquier tipo de promesa o remuneración, o ejercer cualquier tipo de presión destinada a alterar la voluntad de los funcionarios del Servicio Nacional de Migración o agentes diplomáticos o consulares, con la finalidad de obtener la visa o el permiso respectivo.
* 7. Haber sido condenado por la comisión de delito doloso o por defraudación fiscal.
* 8. Cesar las causas que dieron origen a la autorización de la visa o el permiso respectivo.
* 9. Cualquier otra causal establecida en la ley o en los reglamentos.
Artículo 50. El Servicio Nacional de Migración podrá negar a cualquier extranjero su ingreso o tránsito por el país, así como revocarle la correspondiente visa o permiso, en los siguientes casos:
* 1. Existencia de una orden de autoridad competente que impida su entrada.
* 2. Presentar a la autoridad competente, documentación nacional o extranjera, material o ideológicamente fraudulenta o adulterada, con el propósito de obtener la visa de ingreso al territorio nacional.
* 3. Intentar ingresar al territorio nacional con un documento que no cumple con los requisitos que exige la legislación vigente.
* 4. Tener antecedentes penales del país de origen o procedencia.
* 5. Constituir un riesgo o amenaza a la seguridad nacional o a la comunidad internacional.
* 6. Padecer de alguna enfermedad que el Ministerio de Salud califique como riesgo sanitario, o provenir de un país o región que la Organización Mundial de la Salud o la Organización Panamericana de la Salud hayan declarado de alto riesgo epidemiológico.
* 7. Haber sido deportado o expulsado del país y la orden se mantiene vigente.
* 8. Infringir el presente Decreto Ley o su reglamentación.
Artículo 51. Los extranjeros que se encuentren en algunas de las causales señaladas en el Artículo anterior, serán devueltos al último puerto de embarque. Esta decisión no admite recurso alguno.
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