If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014




It is rumored Richard Charbit has been telling members of the SC and his group, just last week, that he would be returning to Panama this week.  An attorney did some research and found out that on August 11th the Supreme Court of Panama ruled on an appeal by Charbit to allow him to return.  HE WILL NEVER RETURN TO PANAMA AGAIN IN HIS LIFE!  ITS FINAL! He obviously knew this on August 11th or soon thereafter but continued with his lies. 

To think this SC and its group of supporters continue to believe a pathological liar. Ignorance is a very good reason for this entire SC to resign right now!  Lack of common sense, poor judgement and seemingly lack of intelligence should concern us with these type of people managing our funds, along with complicity of the lies of Charbit!

Once again the SC and their "advisors" are protecting the lies of Charbit and are complicit in his actions. Why have they not told us that the "ghost of VE" is never to return to Panama as determined by the Panamanian Supreme Court and published on August 11, 2014?     

There have been ridiculous comments from SC members and their advisers saying that Charbit's crime was only a minor white collar one, that he served his time, and it was no big deal.

Really?  So now two different countries have permanently expelled Mr. Charbit because of his criminal activity and yet some members of the SC and their supporters not only choose to be associated with this con man but they also want VE homeowners to also support this convict. Mr. Charbit never finished serving his time nor did he pay his debt to society. Richard Charbit is a convicted felon still under parole in the US until November of this year. Don't want to believe it? Just ask Mr. Charbit to deny in writing that he is not still under US parole. He will never do it as he knows it will be another violation of his release conditions. He is also prohibited from denying his criminal identity and the simple fact that he lied to the VE community,with his ridiculous story of him not being the same Richard Charbit that was convicted in the US and that it was one of his five cousins, was another parole violation.

This man can not stop lying and is a professional scammer. He even got his group to believe that his expulsion from Panama was not proper and that he was set up with forged documents. Well the Supreme Court of Panama determined that he was deported under proper procedure. Why was he deported from Panama? Because he lied to the Country claiming he had no criminal past while he was still serving his sentence.

Why, if the country of Panama, with the support of the Panamanian Supreme Court, determined that they don't want this type of convicted felon in their country, just like the US did, would any homeowner want him in back in VE yet alone on the SC? Especially after the Panama Supreme Court ruled that he is never to return. 


Anonymous said...

This has been my main concern and question, is why does our current SC continue to blindly support this convicted felon, especially when they can clearly see that a big part of residents here do not want him representing us in any way shape or form. I have heard him ranting and raving, interrupting and denying anyone else of saying anything and also noticed how he refuses to answer questions that are direct and to the point, because he knows if he answers them truthfully, he would be disgraced and shown to be a liar, which is something that is already quite obvious. That is something he refuses to do at all costs and the biggest cost is to us the homeowners of VE. VE and this current SC are the laughing stock of Boquete and people are saying how stupid can this SC be to continue to allow this criminal to be the president of our SC, when he can't even return to the country. Why do our SC members continue to support this man. Are they being paid off by him? Who knows, but it doesn't make any logical sense to me or anyone else who looks as the facts. To deny the facts in the face of all the evidence, reflects poor judgement on the part of the SC and to continue to let him be the president is criminal in and of itself. The only conclusion I can come up with is that there must be ulterior motives behind allowing him to continue to be the president, much less a member of the SC. He should be banned from all decisions regarding VE, except as a normal voting resident, as all of us, who have one vote or are supposed to have a vote on what goes on here in VE. I am beginning to think that none of us has a real vote and we have a group of dictators running the affairs of VEHOA, and none of the rest of us really has a say in the decisions that are made on our behalf without our permission. This SC is not listening or supporting us the residents, but are making decisions or support their own agendas. How much longer are we going to allow them to continue to bully and manipulate the rest of us here?

Anonymous said...

This is really getting out if hand. I have been listening to both sides and so far have given the SC the benefit of doubt. Just last week there were "friends" of Charbit boasting how he will return to VE this week and it will send a clear message to the developer and the VEHOA homeowners of the power of this SC. I have been patiently waiting to see if the SC, under the direction of Charbit, could finally get the infrastructure transferred in an equitable fashion. All I have seen from the SC is a bunch of "misunderstandings" and deflections from the issues at hand. All we homeowners want is resolution and it is now clear that this SC, and it's group,of advisors, could care less about informing the VE homeowners about their plan of achieving what they claim is ours under the law. Instead we receive fairytale stories and bullshit about Charbit's return.
I am sick of getting false information and I feel we homeowners deserve to know the truth about Charbit from the SC.
When exactly is Mr. Charbit returning to VE as promised so many times? Will the SC step aside and let others try and get the infrastructure transferred if the "chairman" can not return as claimed on this blog?
I am sick of the fighting on both sides and I am also frightened by Charbit. I have not been in his crosshairs and do not wish to go there as he has shown that he is willing to destroy anyone that disagrees with him. I know that I am not the only homeowner scared and I wish there was a way to anonymously post this on the VEHOA website as I will not put my login information to be used against me.

Anonymous said...

Is there a way to post the official ruling by the Supreme Court in order to put an end to the Charbit fairy tale. As we know the SC will counter that the document is falsified and/or altered. Let's get that official copy and have it authenticated.