If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clarity about Richard Charbit's criminal past.

I would like to provide clarity about the results of my inquiry into the question of Richard Charbit’s criminal history.

Richard, unlike your ridiculous “Jaw Dropping” Investigation of me where you did not back a single allegation, nor will you be able to, following are the true facts by your investigating and arresting investigator and your parole officer, backed up by emails, names, and contact details which expose the compulsive liar you are!

Richard, you just posted once again that you are not under parole or supervision. THIS IS A LIE! Stop lying to the community that you are some nice guy who served his time for a minor crime in which you were set up. Here is what you posted ”Since I decided to leave the US, there is NO PROBATION.
. One has to reside in the US to serve probation, other lies by the “writers” of the trash site, but intentional this time because they think VE residents are ignorant of the US law.”

I guess your parole officer, the FBI Agent who arrested you, and the District attorney who prosecuted you are also ignorant of US law. All of them not only confirmed the seriousness of your crime, but also revealed the true agency behind your deportation from the US. The simple fact still remains that you are a convicted felon, more about your “minor crime” later, that is still under supervision from The US Probation Office, Southern District of Florida until November 13,2014. Here is copy of your judgment and an email from your parole officer when I inquired about your status:
01/18/2011 78 JUDGMENT as to Jean R. Charbit (2), Count(s) 1, Imprisonment: 9 months. Supervised Release: 2 years.; Count(s) 2-3, 4-5, Dismissed. Assessment: $100.00 Fine: $40,000.00. Signed by Judge Ursula Ungaro on 1/18/2011. (asl) (Entered: 01/19/2011) 
From: Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov [mailto:Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 12:29 PM
To: Ralf Henrich
Subject: Re: FW: Charbit 
Mr. Henrich,
Mr. Charbit is still under our jurisdiction until November 2014, we are unable to take any action against him unless formal charges of alleged criminal activity are lodged against him by another Jurisdiction.

Ric Garcia
USPO, Miami
Richard, and the entire VE community, I have provided links to all the information listed and before anyone starts with lies claiming that I photo shopped the above, understand that anyone who doubts the validity of these facts can call the US Probation Office, Southern District of Florida at 305 523 5300, themselves. Tell them that you were recently told that someone you have financial dealings with was exposed as a criminal and they are under supervision of their office and you would like to file a complaint with their parole officer. They will ask for the name of the defendant, Charbit, Jean Richard, Case # 10-20732, once they look him up they should confirm that he is under their supervision until November 13, 2014 and they will transfer you to the specialist who handles cases where the convict is out of the country bit still under US probation. Please post your finding on both the VENeighbors Blog and the VEHOA website for all to see the truth.
Also below is an email, to myself, from FBI Special Agent Timothy Wright, the FBI Agent who put the criminal complaint against Charbit together, in regards to an email, also copied below, where I informed the FBI, The District Attorney, Charbit’s parole officer, and US Homeland security about Mr. Charbit’s ongoing criminal activities and his attack on myself and my family.

From: Wright, Timothy J. [mailto:T----------------@ic.fbi.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:13 AM
To: 'ralf.henrich@gmail.com'
Subject: Re: Richard Jean Charbit

Mr.. Henrich,

I forwarded your email to individuals more familiar with Panama. We all agree that our jurisdiction would allow us to look at this matter more closely if the threats were being made from within the US. Given the fact that Charbit is no longer allowed access to the US, we recommend you contact the local authorities in Panama.

FYI, I have been transferred out of the Miami office. I provided you with Charbit's probation officer before but I am not sure that he would be able to provide any assistance either.

I understand your frustration and wish you the best. If circumstances change and you feel we may be able to get involved, feel free to re-connect.


From: Ralf Henrich <ralf.henrich@gmail.com>
To: Wright, Timothy J.
Cc: Davidson, H. Ron (USAFLS);
Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov <------------------------------>; Paul----------@DHS.gov <Paul.---------@DHS.gov>
Sent: Sun Aug 03 10:23:24 2014
Subject: Richard Jean Charbit
Dear Agent Wright,
I need your and the FBI’s assistance. If you recall I run a security company in Boquete Panama where a Jean Richard Charbit took residence about a year ago. Mr. denied his identity and then went on to commit an “assault” on the sister of owner of a resort he was trying to extort.

The owner of the resort filed criminal charges and when the country of Panama did a FBI background check on him and his criminal past was revealed and he was expelled from the Country of Panama, just like he was from the US. Panama charged him for “lying” on his application to Panama where he claimed to have no criminal background. Since Charbit entered the country using a French passport and he provided a “report” from France that he had no criminal past, they, Panama, were processing his residency. Once Charbit’s real identity was revealed, Panama took the immediate steps of permanent expulsion and I was told that the US embassy, in conjunction with both French and US authorities, worked in conjunction with Panamanian authorities in this process.

A copy of the notarized letter from the head of Immigration in Panama attesting to Charbit’s expulsion is attached.

Here is where I need immediate assistance from US Law Enforcement.

Mr. Charbit is still the director of the VEHOA, a residential homeowners association in Boquete Panama. Mr. Charbit has convinced a large group of homeowners, and has written this to them on blog posts and emails that he was not expelled from Panama and that he will soon return. Mr. Charbit will not step down and he, with his assistant Olga Suarez, have launched a campaign to personally attack anyone who exposes his real identity. It has gotten to the point where I have personal safety concerns especially after the latest actions. While in Panamanian custody awaiting expulsion Mr. Charbit told Panamanian authorities that I, as well as 4 other who stood up to expose Charbit, were criminals wanted in the US. Panamanian immigration made all five of us come to their headquarters in David Panama. I had to spend over two hours while they ran me through the FBI database system Panama currently has access to. Obviously I was cleared but the director made it clear that Charbit made these allegations.

After this did not work Mr. Charbit made written allegations that I have illegal weapons and am a “gun runner” in Panama. Once again Panamanian Law Enforcement needed me to come to their headquarters where I demonstrated that all my firearms are legally registered and I consented to a search of my residence. I was not the only whom Charbit made this allegation against. Once again I was cleared.

Since I have been in charge of Security for the same residential community that Charbit is running, and many residents trust me and believe me when I explain Charbit’s criminal activities he has done everything to destroy my character. His most recent attack piece, copied below, has completely crossed the line of further criminal activity. Please read what Mr. Charbit wrote and emailed to the entire residential community including my family. He states that the FBI’s CID is working with him.

Please advise as to what my options are against having the FBI in conjunction with the Justice Department press Charges against both Jean Richard Charbit and Olga Suarez, his assistant who admitted she is from Florida and “had to change” her name as someone with the same name as her  had fraud charges in the US. Olga Suarez is Richard’s Charbit’s assistant and is the one who emailed the below “jaw dropping” lies about me to people throughout the world.

Charbit has threatened me many times and I fear for my and my family’s safety.

Here is the latest he put out bringing my wife and children into his psychotic assaults:  Richard Charbit investigates Ralf Henrich…. the results are jaw dropping.
I removed the rest of what Charbit wrote to keep this short and since most have already seen the ramblings of this lunatic.

Now let’s take a look at this minor “crime” in the US where Richard Charbit states:” I was set up by your beloved FBI (that never makes any mistakes and is never wrong, RIGHT?). They found my name and phone number in some one they were targeting:

Here a copy of the criminal complaint against Mr. Charbit and Tzemach Cavid Netzer Korem (more on Mr Korem shortly but pay attention to his name on the complaint) as submitted by FBI Agent Timothy Wright. You will clearly see for yourself that this was no small crime where Mr. Charbit was caught up by a name the FBI found. Richard Charbit was an active participant in a stock fraud scheme where he traveled numerous times to meet with undercover CIs and even paid cash as a down payment on the “fraudulent inducement”. In the complaint he even used the same email that he currently uses today.


Now let’s take a look at Richard Charbit’s “friend and business associate” that was also charged in the same above complaint as Richard Charbit. Real outstanding character Mr. Korem is. If you look at the complaint above you will see that this guy has more aliases than Richard Charbit has cousins. King Richard's partner in the FBI sting, "the little tiny infraction that all in the Valle might have indulged ....."

This link http://www.forbes.com/sites/williampbarrett/2010/10/08/boy-do-we-know-tzemach-ben-david-netzer-korem/ from Forbes magazine, from where the above photo is cropped from, is a most interesting read. I ask the SC and its “advisors”, how do you feel being Charbit’s new partners?   "Birds of a feather.........."

We all will be following your court cases with interest.

Speaking of court cases, as some of you might already be aware, I am back in VE as I had to meet with prosecutors this past Friday for my criminal case against individual steering committee members and the SC as a whole. Interesting that the SC has not informed the VE homeowners of this new criminal case against them, especially since one of them has already been served and the police have attempted to serve the others numerous times. I have been informed that the these individuals could be sentenced up to 18 months in prison upon successful conviction.

Are we VE homeowners to believe Richard Charbit’s claim that “I could have fought deportation because my sentence was less than 1 year and 1 day and there were NO VICTIMS, but I decided against my lawyer’s advice, to leave the US”? Really? Let me get this straight, Richard Charbit decided to not fight deportation from the US, against the advice of his attorneys, the country where his children and grandchildren reside, but he wants to “fight” Panama to get back into VE to help the homeowners get the infrastructure transferred. Does this make any sense to you?

If you read all the court documents related to Charbit’s US criminal case, which are publicly available for view on the Southern District Court’s database, you would learn that his “expulsion” from the US was not related to his sentencing. He was deported from the US at the demand of US Homeland Security.
In regards to the claim that I am not even a resident I respond as follows, I have requested from the SC, on numerous occasions, the requirements and documents to submit to them to prove that I am a “homeowner” of multiple properties in VE. Is it shares in corporations that own properties in VE or is it a power of attorney from the president of the corporation? I can and will provide the SC any and all documentation they request so I can be considered a “legal homeowner” with access to the VEHOA website. Once again I request the SC to answer the question of what makes someone a “homeowner” in VE so we can get this behind us. All I, and my attorney, request is that the SC demonstrate that they have the same documents on file for other VE homeowners as they request of me. I have lived in VE for over 4 years and have spent more time in VE over the last year than Carol Brunner and Richard Charbit combined. I am proud to be a legal permanent resident of Panama.

My criminal case is not the only reason I am in Panama. I am meeting with FBI and Homeland security officials at the US embassy this week in regards to the continued criminal actions of SC members, who are US citizens, and Richard Charbit against my person. As referenced in the above email from FBI Agent Wright, my information was forwarded to individuals more familiar with Panama and I am working with them, in conjunction with Panamanian authorities, to protect myself and fellow VE homeowners to further damage from this groups criminal activities.

Richard Charbit, the US, Panamanian, and Colombian authorities are well aware of your ongoing activities in Columbia. Some people will never learn.

It must be told that I had no part in causing this issue with Richard Charbit other than attempting to have him come clean with his criminal past. When I refused a large "monetary Incentive", to be paid with VE Homeowner's funds by offering me a fake security consulting agreement, in return for keeping my mouth shut, Mr. Charbit went into attack mode. I apologize to the entire VE community that they have been brought into this, but this man, and his diabolical ways, along with his SC and their advisers, have destroyed my business, assassinated my character and created complete lies about me. These actions have resulted  in further criminal charges for which the entire VEHOA will pay to defend.

Ralf Henrich
a/k/a Ralfie the snitch, Adolf


Anonymous said...

Well Ralf, that posting was so well done and thought out……. What else can be said?

Anonymous said...

Based on this quote from Ralf's overly lengthy evidence data on Charbit, I can understand how upset he is, this guy destroyed his business and people need to wake up, because the entire HOA will be paying for the SC's lawyers and damage awards, if we do not stand up and tell them to step down. Wake UP VE owners. THEY WANT OUR MONEY TO DEFEND THEM.

From Henrich post.

" It must be told that I had no part in causing this issue with Richard Charbit other than attempting to have him come clean with his criminal past. When I refused a large "monetary Incentive", to be paid with VE Homeowner's funds by offering me a fake security consulting agreement, in return for keeping my mouth shut, Mr. Charbit went into attack mode. I apologize to the entire VE community that they have been brought into this, but this man, and his diabolical ways, along with his SC and their advisers, have destroyed my business, assassinated my character and created complete lies about me. These actions have resulted in further criminal charges for which the entire VEHOA will pay to defend."

I AM SICK OF THIS! This SC needs to step down right now! And I could careless if I hear one more bit of this story!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing comments from our legal advisor, Mike Trayner and also from our inspector John Arcuni, " who only looks at the facts and follows the money'!

Anonymous said...

It's real simple folks, Its all around the valley rumor. This Charbit character cannot lose control of our HOA, as it is his ticket to control the investment he made with this Ruiz guy. They have full intentions of developing at the back of VE and adjoining this land with VE with the entrance for their new extended subdivision, while thinking they will own VE from the Ruiz lawsuit. We are being used like a pawn with this guy. Anyone, in any way who would still under any circumstances support this diabolicalness needs to get checked into their own asylum! This SC must resign, we have so many owners saying it over and over. Why won't they do it? Ask yourself, their must be a pay off. It defies all sense of any logic! I for one am very sick of this place and want peace back. I cannot even sell my home because one one wants a part of this crap! VE is being destroyed from within by a few who careless about us the owners! When will owners wake up and take action?

Anonymous said...

Stop with the apathy here in VE! Wake up people and get involved. Are you all going to just sit by and let your property values fall to -0- and then say "What happened". Get these cons out NOW. Anyone still believing and siding with them, deserves what they get - but the rest of VE does not.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this Charbit really is a lowlife. I called the number Ralf posted and sure enough everything Ralf stated is true! Charbit is still under US supervision and I was forwarded to a Elizabeth Padron whom I was told is handling this case. I left a voice mail message. The most interesting part was that the operator asked if I had just called earlier about the same individual.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, everything that is a belief opposite of their views is considered "Trash" hence the name and continual reference to "trash site" their useless bantering of BS gets so so old. Step down from the HOA and pay your own defense fees. WE WON'T! Please all SC members go away and leave the community to others who will care not destroy VE, because your path certainly will!

Anonymous said...

What can we do to force the SC to step down? They seem to hang on to their positions like their last meal depend on it! Ms. Bell already said that she will not step down -- I wonder why? And Bruner wants to grab on to the last thread of power even in her absentee status. What's with SC members -- they want to control the HOA even when they know they are not wanted. We must do what we can to force them out.

Anonymous said...

Its plain that the whole SC has no legal right to be there & spend our money & turn paradise into hell.

Anonymous said...

Today I was having breakfast at Sugar & Spice and overheard a conversation between a couple from the States who plan to move to Boquete. They loved Valla Escondido on first sight then apparently they had spoken to someone who knew what was going on in here. Their comment to the realtor they were having breakfast with was; can you believe they have a steering committee that is ran by a person who has been deported from the country! No way do we want to become embroiled in such a state of affairs. Find us a home in another community. Folks there you have it, no one is going to buy your properties with the current Steering Committee and their leadership. The worst of the group Charbit, Jerry Loveless and Carol Bruner are not even here the majority of the time. That leaves who? The woman who stood up and claimed we were going to save a $100,000 a year on Septic tablets by them purchasing them direct? Of course that was totally false and to compound the stupidity of it, their water and septic tank person goes and purchases pool tablets. People we need to change the committee in totality.

Anonymous said...

My wife who happens to be back in the States at the moment called Ms. Padron and got an earful about what a low life this guy is. Yes they are looking at his case and she asked what our interest was as she has had several recent inquires concerning Richard.

Anonymous said...

How can Charbit, and this SC by default, still call Ralf a liar after all the proofs he presented? I have avoided coming to this website as I am "friends" with many on the SC and they have been telling us that this "trash" site is lies. The idea that I have to disclose my personal corporation information, or they wont let me into VE, was the last straw. I came to this website to see the "other side's" opinion on this new "show me your papers" requirement and I am blown away by the wealth of information here. This post in particular about Charbit's criminal reality is my wake up call. Why has the SC not addressed what Ralf has proven here? Why are they hiding this from the VE homeowners? Why would they even want themselves, or the VE homeowners, even remotely associated with this type of individual? This information should be front and center on our VEHOA website with demands from the SC that this Charbit character immediately resign. If they really care about us homeowners and the infrastructure transfer then they need to show that they have the integrity to proceed on our behalf. Being aligned with a convict who was evicted by the country of Panama, with the full support of the Panamanian Supreme Court, does not bode well any possible legal battles faced in the asset transfer.

Anonymous said...

Lee did a great job finding more dirt on Richard. Looks like Charbit has been Scamming people for a long time. That 2002 scam with the imaginary airline is more proof that Richard is a con man. Why would anyone still want to be associated with this low life?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any SC members or "advisers" are in any type of business dealing with this con man? Would explain why they are still supporting a proven exposed convicted felon who has been rightfully expelled from two countries. What other explanation could there be for anyone to want to be associated with this fraud? He scammed them the most as they actually believed his lies and now instead of admitting they made a mistake they avoid the subject and deflect on the issue.

Anonymous said...

Does this low life criminal still serve as chairman of the HOA at VE? I was told by someone in town that the homeowners still have not removed him after all the facts of his criminal activity was clearly put forth by Lee. VE is a joke.