If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Update From the New Steering Committee-Jan, 30, 2015

It is now Friday, which means just a few hours to the start of the Friday Social.

First of all the first two of our revived Friday Social Hours have been a big success. It has been very good to see club members and guests getting together and having a relaxing time chatting and laughing about life in Boquete. We are going to do everything we can to make this event continue being the start of a fun evening and weekend in VE. We hope to see as many as can make it to the Friday Social.

Secondly we have made very good progress on the 2015 budget – thank you Stan for doing the lion's share of the work. We are trying to track down a couple more numbers before emailing all owners the proposed budget and dues rate, followed shortly thereafter with the invoices for 2015 dues.

Remember – due date on dues will be approximately 30 days after the invoice date and there will be an additional 30 days leeway before any late payment fees are charged.

I wish we had all good news to report but that is not the case. 


Regarding the payment of dues: There is an email that has been sent to selected homeowners by Jeannie Bell requesting payment of 2015 dues via cash or a check made out to her personally.


If you want to pay your dues early and pay by check make it out to the VEHOA. If you want to use cash please deposit it directly into the VEHOA bank account. We will give further instructions about to how to do that within a few days. Also, while we cannot yet publish the exact figure, the dues for 2015 will be well below the $1710 that Ms. Bell et al. are trying to collect.

Ms Bell has no legal basis to make these requests for payment of dues and has been sent a letter from our attorney demanding she stop these activities and turn over all money collected. It is our sincere hope that she heeds this warning.


Thirdly, and this is very important for several reasons. We have a serious water problem and not all of it is natural. Last week three different valves were tampered with.

The first tampering caused water to not reach the top of Vista Baru area. Two additional valves were tampered with near the collection tanks which allowed only a minimum amount of water to be captured in the tanks. I repeat, this was not an accident or mistake.

I am requesting all homeowners to be vigilant around any of the infrastructures within VE and report any suspicious activity to either the guards or a member of the Steering Committee.

We also have had a homeowner build a fence across their lot in a manner that does not allow Liberty Services maintenance access to get to two chlorination stations. One of the chlorination stations is a VE station and the other is owned by the city. This situation is being dealt with. The station is serviced regularly so if we get this resolved quickly there will be no water safety issue. Also, per a comment that was posted on a website and also in response to an owner that has been starting some rumors to the contrary, the water is and has been being tested and it has always been in the safe range.

Additionally several of the spring boxes in the hills above the main water tanks appear to be dry. We thought at first they were probably just clogged but an initial inspection shows several of them to be clear of debris. We are going to send a second party up the hill to do another examination. We will report to you what we find in a future update.

As a first step to solve this water supply issue, Analia and Liberty Services were allowed to tap into a municipal water line. This has just been completed so we cannot yet tell if this will totally solve the problem, but we believe this is a very positive action.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at the Social – or any place else in VE!

The New Steering Committee


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

CRITICAL VEHOA Dues Information

To All Homeowners,

It has come to our attention that a member of the previous Steering Committe has been requesting homeowners to pay their dues directly to her, via either cash or with a check made out to her personally.

We can not guarantee any funds paid in this manner will be credited to your VEHOA account.

In regards to a letter sent out by the previous steering committee alleging to possibly use the VEHOA CPA firm to collect dues, this is what we found out from the source:

The VEHOA attorney and a member of the New Steering Committee met with the VEHOA CPA firm yesterday and they reported they had not been contacted by anyone regarding collection of dues for the VEHOA, and in any event would refuse such a request. 
The previous steering committee has no legal right to try and collect your dues! 
We, the legally elected Steering Committee and the legally registered Board of Directors will be sending out invoices in the very near future. The due date will be 30 days from the date of the invoice and late payment charges will not be applied for an additional 30 days.


Do not pay your 2015 HOA fees in cash or with a check that is not made out to the VEHOA.

Thank You
The New Steering Committee.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Only 2 days till……….

Are you ready for the second round of the Friday Social revival??  Only 2 days left……..

There was a great turnout last week and we are planning on even more people coming this week to enjoy the camaraderie and drinks. I have talked to several non attendees from last week that are looking forward to going this week. Good news travels fast.  

Chris brought us special appetizers last week that were, well, omg deliciouso. I am still thinking of that Salmon with Chia seeds. :)

Chris and his staff are preparing the Noche Italiana all you can eat dinner this week at Sabor for those who love pasta and good Italian food. Chris has been here a short time, but he has already got folks excited about his new cooking style and imagination. Meaning:  muy bien, excellente!!  

I have asked to have the Italian Night menu at the social so we will know what the specials will be ahead of time.  (And don't forget there is a pool table for those who want a little sporting fun.)

Till Friday, 
Sandy Comstock 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

WOW - Great Beginning for the New Friday Social

We had a great turnout for the revival of the Friday Night Social hour. There were nearly 50 in attendance, all enjoying great hors d'oeuvres, good conversation and laughter, and I think I even spotted an alcoholic beverage or two being consumed.

Many then continued the night by walking over to the Sabor and Cantina for a superb Mexican buffet and all you could drink margaritas.
And darn, it seems like next week we are just going to have to do it all again. :)

I did hear a rumor that next Friday night at the Sabor is Noche Italiana! Can't wait to see what Chris and the staff prepare for that event.

Dennis Griffin

Thursday, January 15, 2015

NEW Update from the NEW Steering Committee

Good Day to Everyone (and it is always a good day in Boquete)

We have a few new items to report on.

First and most importantly: Remember Friday, 6:00PM, Members Lounge. Meet, greet and nibble on the snacks.

Next, the team of Michael (Burd), Ralf and Javier inspected the water system that serves the Vista Baru and Estates area yesterday and made two significant discoveries. 

The flow rate for the tanks had decreased by a large amount since the last known flow rate. The input is still well above any expected requirements but this reduction needs to be addressed. Javier reported he had seen this happen before and it is very likely debris inhibiting the flow of water at the input point. The access to this area is difficult so we will need a younger pair of legs to get this accomplished.

They also found several small leaks and one significant leak. These are in the process of being corrected.

We intend to do more inspections on the water line but we think the leaks that were found and the input issue should get the water flowing again at acceptable rates.

This morning the first of the septic tanks was pumped. For those who do not know, there are two distinct septic systems, one on each side of the river. They require regular pumping. They also require chlorine and bacteria treatment to help breakdown and purify the waste which is also being addressed. 

As mentioned previously we also found several pumps and the aerator not in working order and are taking steps to get these items repaired on an ASAP basis. Failure to return this system to proper working order could result in significant fines from the Panamanian government.

Several new or renewed subcommittees have been formed and there are more to come. Additional volunteers would be welcomed.

The security sub committee is currently made up of Chuck Thomas and Caesar Sherrard. Their first order of business has been to work on a security survey. As soon as completed we will submit this to the community. This survey will give us an idea of what the community wants and is willing to pay for regarding security in VE. Stan Hime is working on getting this survey – and future surveys - on line so they will be very easy and quick to complete.

The Emergency Medical Response sub committee is getting ready to start up again. Barb Severs and Grace Griffin have volunteered and will soon be calling for more volunteers. As you may recall these individuals, and several others, had tried to get this going several months ago but ran into some issues and were not able to complete the task. We have resolved those issues and they will soon be working on having a true emergency response team for all of VE.

Additional subcommittees are in the works and we should be able to publish information (and ask for volunteers) on these new or renewed subcommittees soon.

Thanks all for your patiences and assistance as we get started with these new endeavorers.

The New Steering Committee

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Update from the ~NEW~ Steering Committee 2015 Fees and Other Matters

Good Morning All,

We hope by now you have seen the results of Monday's election. An entire new Steering Committee (SC) has been voted into office. Dennis Griffin, Stan Hime, Joel Mahler, Antonieta Sherrard and Sandy Comstock are starting work immediately. Actually we started working on HOA issues several weeks ago including budget, water, security and others but of course we could take no action until the election was held.

We have several significant matters that require immediate attention. Among them are:

Water issues in Vista Baru
Confirming that the waste water system is functioning correctly
Bill Payment – banking
Security contract coming to end in 2 weeks
2015 dues

There are many more items on our 'to do' list but these are at the top.

Regarding fees for 2015. At this time we are requesting that you not pay your fees until you have received your invoice. Late payment fees will not be assessed until at least 30 days past the invoice date. We are still dealing with several banking issues and want to make sure all VEHOA funds are properly secured before adding funds to the account.

Several concerned citizens and Javier are going to be doing some investigation on water line issues in Vista Baru on Wednesday.

We have scheduled the septic tanks to be emptied on Thursday as well as adding chlorine tablets to the system. There are also some repairs that are needed and we are looking into getting estimates to do the repairs.

We are still working with the most efficient way of keeping the community informed about the various activities that will be going on. We do not want to over load anyone with emails so we will probably use that method only for time sensitive announcements or items that need action from a member. Other information will be posted to the website.

VE Steering Committee

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Friday Night Meet & Drink at the Members Lounge!

It's Back. After being nearly comatose for too long, the Friday night social is returning. We hope to see a large turnout of members and guests at the members lounge - yes, there really is a members lounge. 
It is above the Bamboo room - Friday evening starting at 6:00 p.m.

This is a country club member lounge but any homeowner that wishes to attend please do so as a guest.  There is an open - but not free - bar in the lounge.

This is a social event. No VEHOA discussions allowed :)  There are a lot of new members we all need to meet as well as renewing acquaintances and friendships that busy travel schedules have interrupted.

Dennis Griffin 
Stan Hime 
Joel Mahler 
Antonieta Sherrard 
Sandy Comstock 

Wednesday morning. Water testing and some areas mentioned below water will be off for a short time.

There will be tests on the water system in the Vista Baru and Estates section on Wednesday morning starting at approximately 9:00AM.   These tests will require brief interruptions of service   
The tests are to attempt to locate what we believe is a significant leak in the system. Thank you. 

Happiness Begins Again in VE

To Our Community Of Owners,

We are pleased to announce that the results of the election have been tabulated and authorized by our Board Of Director's. 

The Election was a great success for the 60+ owners who decided to be active, vote and establish a fresh start for a new Valle Escondido.  

We encourage every owner to support the new Steering Committee, they have great plans with intentions to create a sub committee to immediately engage in negotiations for the transfer of Assets. 

This group was able to have the developer's representative (Mr. Federico Salazar ) speak informally at the General Assembly. Mr. Salazar was encouraged by the election for a group to step up so we can all work towards a mutually beneficial transfer of assets. 

Great things are happening. However we have been informed their are a few disgruntled owners who wish to create continued disruptions in our community and desire to sue our HOA.  We hope in a few days, this group will realize the absurdity of suing ourselves and to what end?  We have no idea.  

Please discourage any owner who so wishes to create further disruptions in our community to just sell their property if they are so unhappy. They are encouraged to leave. We choose to work towards happiness and support neighbor togetherness!  

Thanks to Ralf Henrich for his 2+ months of spectacular leadership. Thanks to Our election Inspectors, Don Dreibelbis, Dieter Dosch, Bill McAbee and Caser Sherrard for moderating!   Great job and big thanks!

The Past is over! We must all unite for the best interest of all owners!
You will be hearing from the new SC soon!
Congrats to Valle Escondido Owners! 
Your Neighbors

Monday, January 12, 2015

Election Results

Valle Escondido Homeowners Association

There was a General Assembly of the Valle Escondido Homeowners Association (“VEHOA”) on Saturday, January 10th 2015 at 2”00 PM.  Under the provisions of Deed 1937, the quorum requirement for such a meeting to conduct a vote is 60% of eligible properties.  Attending this meeting were representatives of 63 properties either in person or by powers of attorney or proxies.  Because the quorum requirement of 90 properties was not achieved, no voting occurred and the meeting was adjourned.

Under the provisions of Deed 1937, should such a General Assembly fail to meet its quorum requirement, a subsequent meeting, held within 25 days of the original one, may be held in an attempt to conduct the planned vote. For such a meeting the quorum requirement is reduced to  one-half (30%) of the prior level.  That meeting was held on Monday, January 12th.  A quorum was attained and an election held.  Results of that election are tabulated on the following page. These numbers are believed to be accurate but are subject to final confirmation.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

We Are ALL VENeighbors!

VE Neighbor's ( I assume that is all of us in VE)

I was forwarded a post from VEHOA from a fellow neighbor and I feel it warrants a defense response.  Jon Arcuni is now classifying those who disagree with him as "Clandestine". He is classifying us as VE Neighbors, I thought we are all VE Neighbor's?   Thank God for this blog, it gives us a chance to address our own concerns for our community which may differ from other's where we are prohibited from voicing differing viewpoints.

 If the vote and the will of the majority voting today is "Yes" for change in accordance to the laws of deed 1937( which our community clearly operates under), then we as a community should have an obligation to support it, and put this vile past of name calling, attacks etc. behind us.  

Folks, this is a tiny 160 home sub community, not a small country, lets put everything in perspective and resolve our differences once and for all.
If you become one of the minority and you do not like the outcome, I have one simple question to ask. 

For the good of your family and other neighbors in VE, why not just sell your property and move somewhere else.  Why all the disruption to others causing such great disharmony while our property values fall in the toilet simply because others disagree and want to live in peace? 

There is no need to shout, argue, bully, intimidate, scowl or terrorize those who simply disagree with you.  A "clandestine" group of neighbors and their "nefarious activities" sure seems like it could be attacking the majority of voting neighbors and sadly does nothing to help us heal as a community.

There is nothing "clandestine or nefarious" happening Jon, this is a very LARGE group of your fellow owners who have every right to disagree with you or others in your camp so to speak. 

Please respect our rights according to the legal advice we have been given regarding change for our community.  

 Jon, you did kiss me upon your return to VE.  That was a simple act of kindness you hide behind your scowl demeanor. See, we can all get along.  It just takes a little bit of effort.  Can we all just be nice!  The world has enough problems.

Can we agree to disagree and lets move on and just be nice to each other.  
Its so much easier on the soul.

Mark Schneider

Friday, January 9, 2015


Join the over 60+ VE homeowners committed to vote for change tomorrow.

What this document means:

This document dated January 8th clearly states that only deed 1937 is the governing document that must be followed for the VE Homeowners Association.

This very important resolution from the Ministry of Government that determines all Homeowner Rules.

This document clearly demonstrates that the 2010 CC&R's even if they were called Operating Rules were never submitted and approved which must be done first before they can go into effect.

-All changes MUST be approved by MINGOV including that any operating rules must be referenced.

-MINGOV only has DEED 1937 and the 2010 document was never submitted to them nor approved so ONLY 1937 applies.

This is the law. THERE IS NO SC!

Translated in English below.


República de Panama
Ministerio de Gobierno MINGOB
Oficina Asesoría Legal
Panama, 8 de enero de 2014
Licenciado Nota No. 65-OAL-15
Julio Cesar Espinosa
Procurador Judical
Asociación de Propietarios de Valle Escondido

Upon instructions of Mrs. General Secretary, Ministry of Government am pleased to answer the note signed by you, which raises questions about the obligation or not to request amendments to the regulations of the Valle Escondido Homeowner’s association for approval by the Ministry of Government.
In this regard, we report that the Executive Decree 524 of 31 July 2005 that dictates rules for recognition of legal entities, establishes that the Ministry of Government authority to approve amendments to the Statute of associations or foundations proven non-interest profit subject to compliance with all requirements, so any modification to the statute must be submitted to the consideration of the Ministry of Government.
In the case of the Valle Escondido Homeowner’s association, as established in the twenty-seventh article of the statute of the association, any amendment to the statute must be approved by the General assembly with the consent of 75% of the members present at the meeting. Once the proposal is approved the reform by the General Assembly, shall submit to the approval of Ministry of government.

Regarding the Internal regulations of associations or private foundations, non-profit, non competition the Ministry of Government, therefore concerning their adoption, approval, reform and inscription in the Public Registry is managed privately by each entity.

Moreover, it follows the Thirty article of the Statute Regulation, Duties, Rights and Restrictions of Valle Escondido Urbanization forms an integral part of the statute, however deed  1937, filed on October 15, 2003 is the only protocol of Incorporation and confirms the statute does not contain the (CC&R’s)  Rules and Regulations which was notarized by deed  Post 3329 of July 30, 2010 and does not appear in the Ministry of Government for approval thereon.
Without further
Francisco Augusto De Leon MINGOB Stamp


Amendments to Protect Homeowners - Vote YES on Jan 10

 In case you have not seen these or lost your email that contained them here is the English and Spanish version of the amendments for tomorrows election.   We hope to see a lot of you at the informal meeting to discuss the issues at 1:00PM and then cast your vote at 2:00PM.

                                       Valle Escondido CC&R Solution Amendments
Dear Fellow Owner
The following are suggested and crucial amendments for each of us to vote on for our CC&R’s. We identify the specific problems plaguing our community to date and offer clear solutions by asking you to vote on these amendments.  These solutions protect and benefit each and every owner of our community in their entirety.  These amendments are a collaborated effort of Jerry Loveless, Rod Parker, Dennis Griffin and other HOA members.
These amendments also resolve the lingering question whether our HOA is operating under the originally registered 1937 deed or the recent 2010 CC&R’s.  While approving and incorporating these amendments below into the 2010 CC&R’s it eliminates the question of what is our lawful operating by-laws. (once the newly elected SC gets them properly registered in accordance to Panamanian law.)  By voting yes to the amendments herein you agree and accept that our 2010 CC&R’s will be our only governing by-laws for the VEHOA to operate under.

We believe these solutions will resolve any future differences between us as neighbors.  Please join us to restore peace in our community.

PROBLEM: Reckless Spending by a Steering Committee (SC) 
1)    AMENDMENT SOLUTION   Until such time a budget is approved by the majority of owners in accordance to the CC&R’s the SC cannot raise yearly homeowner’s dues or spend any unauthorized funds of the HOA outside of specific fixed obligations which are approved by the majority of VE home owners as essential obligations such as existing contractual obligations of the VEHOA, security, common area landscaping, water system maintenance and repair, waste system maintenance and repair; The SC with a 3/5ths  vote can access funds directed for any emergency expense  specific  to needs of Valle Escondido.   No funds can be used on any 3rd party administration, marketing, consultant or legal services without the agreed majority vote of the VEHOA until which time a budget is approved.  All budgetary events that require a vote of the owners will be posted and emailed to the owners of record and the vote held no sooner then 10 (ten) days and no more then 50 (fifty) days from the date of notification.  The vote will require a majority of votes cast to be approved.                                                                                           

 PROBLEM: Removal and conduct of a SC member or other‘s in a leadership role 
2)    AMENDMENT SOLUTION:  Any member of the VEHOA can call for a special vote to remove a SC member, or other in a leadership capacity, by submitting a petition for such removal signed by at least 40 homeowners. This is specific should there be any flagrant conduct detrimental to the community.  Such conduct could be defined as a personal attack in any way that injures a fellow HOA member (or other persons related to VE), unauthorized use of HOA funds or assets or any undefined action which was dishonest,  causes injury with intent to harm or injure a fellow HOA member. The SC cannot alter, adjust, change or terminate any existing contract of the HOA that exceeds a value of $10,000.00 annually or more without the majority consent of the HOA.  No authorized SC member, or other member of the community without written consent of the BOD and majority of the SC vote, are authorized to move, open, transfer or direct the transfer of any VEHOA funds or payable dues to an unauthorized account.  This special meeting which includes the vote for removal shall be held within ten days of proper notification and the accused party will be removed with cause for any above reason should there be a vote of a minimum of   1/2 of VE home owners in attendance whether in person or proxy. The removal is final and said party is asked to resign or be terminated immediately after notification. 

 PROBLEM: Prevention of Secret Meetings or Verbal Agreements/Contracts 
3)    AMENDMENT SOLUTION:  All official SC meetings must be open to any homeowner wishing to attend should any owner so desire. Any and all meetings must be recorded as part of the official record to have cause and effect in accordance to the CC&R’s of VEHOA.  A SC agrees to post all formal meetings on the VEHOA site for all members benefit within 72 hours via an audio file said meeting.  Any “unofficial” private meeting will have no legal standing with the VEHOA under any circumstances until such time it is under official meeting terms as outlined above.

PROBLEM: Reckless or careless actions by the SC or individual member  
4)    AMENDMENT SOLUTION: No SC member or other representative may send out any community wide communication to any HOA member in an official capacity without the signed approval of 3/5ths of the SC if writing on behalf of the SC.  Each authorizing member agrees to personally assign their name with authority of said communication.  Should any SC member provoke any action which could be defined to cause a lawsuit, claim or injury to a 3rd party and such action was unauthorized by the HOA in accordance to our CC&R’s, such SC member is personally and solely obligated to pay their own legal fees to represent themselves and solely responsible for any and all judgments or awards for or against their person as it relates to said claims.  Should it be determined that the use of any VEHOA homeowner funds were used in the defense of or in paying a settlement for the personal actions of a SC member then the association has the right to place a lien against that SC members property and pursue a settlement in accordance to Panamanian laws.



Valle Escondido soluciones a los Reglamentos
Estimados Propietarios:
A continuación se sugieren las enmiendas modificaciones a los reglamentos para que puedan votar por ellas. Identificamos los problemas concretos que aquejan a nuestra comunidad y ofrecemos  las soluciones claras al pedirle que pronunciarse sobre estas enmiendas. Estas soluciones protegen y benefician a todos y cada dueño de nuestra comunidad en su totalidad. Estas enmiendas son un esfuerzo colaborado de Jerry Loveless, Rod Parker, Dennis Griffin y otros miembros de la Asociación de Propietarios.
Estas modificaciones también resolverán la persistente pregunta de si nuestro HOA está operando bajo el principio registrado 1.937 escritura o la reciente 2010. Si bien la aprobación y la incorporación de estas enmiendas en el reglamento de 2010 que eliminó nuestros estatutos (una vez que el SC recién elegido se les debidamente registrados de conformidad con la ley panameña), al votar sí las enmiendas del presente documento usted está de acuerdo y acepta que nuestro 2010 CC & R será nuestro único gobernante de los estatutos de la VEHOA.
Creemos que estas soluciones se resuelven las diferencias futuras entre nosotros como vecinos. Por favor, únase a nosotros para restaurar la paz en nuestra comunidad.
PROBLEMA: El gasto imprudente por un Comité Directivo (CD)

1) SOLUCIÓN ENMIENDA Hasta que un presupuesto es aprobado por la mayoría de los propietarios de acuerdo a los CC & R es la SC no puede aumentar las cuotas de propietarios anual o gastar los fondos no autorizadas de la Asociación de Propietarios fuera de obligaciones fijas específicas que sean aprobadas por la mayoría de VE casa propietarios como obligaciones esenciales, tales como las obligaciones contractuales del VEHOA, seguridad, jardinería área común, el mantenimiento y la reparación del sistema de agua, mantenimiento y reparación del sistema de residuos; El SC con una votación de 3 / 5as puede acceder a los fondos dirigidos por cualquier gasto de emergencia específicos para las necesidades de Valle Escondido. No hay fondos pueden ser utilizados en cualquier administración tercera parte, la comercialización, consultor o servicios legales sin el voto de la mayoría acordada del VEHOA hasta el cual se aprobó un presupuesto. Todos los eventos presupuestarias que requieren el voto de los propietarios serán publicadas y enviadas por correo electrónico a los propietarios de registro y el voto no bien mantenido de 10 (diez) días y no más de 50 (cincuenta) días a partir de la fecha de notificación. La votación se requerirá una mayoría de votos emitidos para ser aprobado.

  PROBLEMA: La eliminación y la conducta de un miembro de SC u otros de una función de liderazgo.

2) SOLUCIÓN ENMIENDA: Cualquier miembro de la VEHOA puede pedir una votación especial para eliminar un miembro SC, u otra en una capacidad de liderazgo, mediante la presentación de una petición de dicha retirada firmada por al menos 40 propietarios de viviendas. Esto es específico debe haber ninguna conducta flagrante en detrimento de la comunidad. Tal conducta se podría definir como un ataque personal de ninguna manera que dañe a un compañero HOA (u otras personas relacionadas con VE), el uso no autorizado de los fondos HOA o activos o cualquier acción indefinido que era deshonesto, causa lesiones con intención de dañar o lesionar un miembro de la Asociación de Propietarios compañero. El SC no puede alterar, ajustar, cambiar o terminar cualquier contrato en vigor de la Asociación de Propietarios que excede un valor de $ 10,000.00 al año o más sin el consentimiento de la mayoría de la Asociación de Propietarios. Ningún miembro SC autorizado, u otro miembro de la comunidad sin el consentimiento por escrito de la DBO y la mayoría del voto SC, están autorizados a mover, abrir, transferir o dirigir la transferencia de los fondos VEHOA o cuotas por pagar a una cuenta no autorizada. Esta reunión especial que incluye el voto para el retiro se llevará a cabo dentro de los diez días de la notificación adecuada y la parte acusada será removido con causa, por cualquier motivo anterior debe haber un voto de un mínimo de 1/2 de VE los dueños de casa en la asistencia si en persona o proxy. La retirada es definitiva y dijo que se pidió partido a dimitir o ser terminado inmediatamente después de la notificación.

  PROBLEMA: Prevención de reuniones secretas o acuerdos verbales / Contratos

3) ENMIENDA SOLUCIÓN: Todas las reuniones oficiales SC deben estar abiertos a cualquier propietario que desee asistir deberá cualquier propietario así lo desea. Cualquiera y todas las reuniones deben ser registrados como parte del registro oficial de tener causa y efecto, de acuerdo a la CC & R de VEHOA. Un SC se compromete a publicar todas las reuniones formales en el sitio VEHOA para todos los miembros se benefician en 72 horas a través de un archivo de audio dicha reunión. Cualquier reunión privada "no oficial" no tendrá personalidad jurídica con la VEHOA en ningún caso hasta el momento en que se encuentra bajo los términos de reuniones oficiales como se indicó anteriormente.

PROBLEMA: acciones imprudentes o negligentes por parte de la SC o miembro individual

4) SOLUCIÓN ENMIENDA: Ningún miembro SC u otro representante pueden enviar cualquier comunicación amplia comunidad a cualquier miembro de la Asociación de Propietarios de manera oficial sin la aprobación firmada de 3 / 5ths del SC si escribir en nombre de la SC. Cada miembro se compromete a autorizar asignar personalmente su nombre con la autoridad de dicha comunicación. Si algún miembro SC provocar cualquier acción que se podría definir a causar una demanda, reclamación o perjuicio a un tercero partido y tal acción fue autorizada por la Asociación de Propietarios de acuerdo a nuestro CC & R, ese miembro SC está obligado personalmente y solamente para pagar su propio legal honorarios para representarse a sí mismos y el único responsable de cualquier y todas las sentencias o laudos a favor o en contra de su persona y su relación con dicho reclamaciones. Si se determina que el uso de los fondos de vivienda VEHOA se utilizaron en la defensa o en el pago de una liquidación para las acciones personales de un miembro de SC entonces la asociación tiene el derecho de colocar un gravamen sobre que los miembros del CN propiedad y buscar una solución de conformidad con las leyes panameñas.

Javier Rivera Espinosa
Presidente del VEHOA