We are happy to report that at the meeting for the vote of the proposed budget, it did not pass.
A resounding NO vote 58-34.
Thirteen votes that were received were not allowed to be counted. At this point, we do not know why. More on the meeting and on the votes later.
Thank you Valle Escondido community for voting no. It is a first step to begin the process of changing our Steering Committee, and a new fresh, transparent, leadership for VE.
Since the concerns of many homeowners are not posted on the vehoa blog, this blog was started where the facts, information and proof is shown.
If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Article on VE now in Boquete Guide for the world to read the truth
Bottom line, it appears as if Charbit is working together with Ruiz who owns 40 acres above VE to have access THROUGH THE VE GATES for their new multi home project!!!
It is with mixed feelings to discover this article on the internet written about current events in VE that has effected and will continue to effect our home values.
We need a vote and soon to get Charbit OUT ASAP, he / this SC are destroying our community! Please everyone, Vote NO on this budget asa 1ST STEP! Rumor is Charbit is the Money behind This Ruiz! WE NEED TO GET THIS SC REMOVED!
Link to Boquete Guide article is here and is also shown in full below. http://www.boqueteguide.com/? p=11464
The story begins in 2001, with a high profile, $80 million dollar residential project called Valle Escondido, in Boquete, Panama. This project, the first to be funded by foreign investors, has tipped an unprecedented real estate boom in Panama.
In an effort to cooperate with a local farmer who needed access through the project
One day before Vote, SC comes up with accounts?
We have been asking the Steering Committee for months to show us the budget records/accounts and now 1 day before the vote they come up with this. Make of this what you will……………...
| ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Homeowners
Please find attached financial information and bank account statements for the expenditures of 2014 through September 2014.
Thank you
Estimados Propietarios
Adjunto la informacion financiera y el desglose bancario de los gastos del 2014 hasta Septiembre 2014.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Common Sense tells us to VOTE NO on budget increase
VeNeighbors have shown in several posts below that we believe what the SC is asking for in a raise in our fees/budget is unfounded. If our money has been spent wisely, there should be plenty in the accounts for our needs and also for emergencies.
An analysis of the proposed budget reveals that the SC is claiming they have reduced the annual expenditures from the current year but are asking for an over-20% (20.254%) increase in homeowners dues. This just does not add up!
We also, HIGHLY DISTRUST this SC and their leader who is a known felon; who has been expelled from Panama, and continues to be leading these people who are handling major decisions that impact our lives in VE, including our money.
VEneighbors strongly urges you to read the posts below and decide if you want to put more of your money into the hands of this current Steering Committee.
We at VEneighbors are VOTING NO on the budget ballot.
Thank you for considering this very important decision.
Update on VOTING by PROXY
NOTE: This form does NOT need to be notarized. Just properly filled out and delivered to the VEHOA voting mailbox, or hand delivered to the VEHOA office, or brought to the meeting on Saturday.
1. Print the proxy form (the vehoa emailed forms to everyone earlier in the week)
2. Fill out the proxy with:
Corporation and authorized name
Name of person proxy is being assigned to
Lot number
Signature of owner
3. Scan the proxy form to either PDF or DOC file
4. Another delivery option to the ones above is to email to
with the proxy file attached.
Update on voting by EMAIL (Electronic)
The email/electronic ballots must be received by Vehoa tomorrow, Thursday is the last day to get them in.
1. Print the ballot (the vehoa emailed everyone the ballots in the last few days)
2. Fill out ballot with:
Lot #
Vote selection clearly marked
3. Scan the ballot to either a PDF or DOC file
4. Send an email to Budgetvotes2015@vehoa.com with the completed ballot file attached.
You will receive a confirmation of your vote being received.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Desperate tactics. SC is telling homeowners only 4 people in all of VE want them out! Seriously???
The lies and desperation continue at a fever pitch now with the budget vote coming up.
VE Neighbors has just received several emails from homeowners who want to add their names to the "Vote the SC OUT", with comments attached that the SC told them there are only 4 people in all of VE that wanted them out!!!! Seriously, how low they will go? They must have a lot at stake (?!)
We have about 70 signatures and more coming in fast. They are desperate to stay in power, and the lies just keep coming.
VE Neighbors has just received several emails from homeowners who want to add their names to the "Vote the SC OUT", with comments attached that the SC told them there are only 4 people in all of VE that wanted them out!!!! Seriously, how low they will go? They must have a lot at stake (?!)
We have about 70 signatures and more coming in fast. They are desperate to stay in power, and the lies just keep coming.
VE "trash site" run and visited by small group of "bored losers"?
Here are the latest statistics for the VEneighbors blog. There are over 11,400 Page Views! What a ridiculous claim by the steering committee that only a small group of "bored losers" run and post on this blog. Thank you VE homeowners for getting involved!
Monday, September 22, 2014
With the pending vote on the budget I would like to bring up several points and questions for the SC. I will have this posted on both VE neighbors – which from previous posts and comments we know the SC reads – as well as request it be posted on the VEHOA blog.
The requested increase in fees is about 15%.
Per the auditors statement we started the year with a significant cash reserve. Using the current fee amount and all other numbers provided by the SC in the proposed budget we will have about a $15,000 excess from just this years activities. That with the beginning balance would provide a reserve of over 20% of the proposed 2015 budget. Surely that is enough of a reserve.
- Why do we need such a large reserve?
- Are there anticipated expenditures that are not in the budget for some reason?
- Does the reserve from previous years not exist?
- There must be a reason the SC believes we need this level of reserves. Please explain.
The requested increase in fees is about 15%.
- How was that number arrived at?
- Why not 10%, or 17%? There had to be some discussion within the SC as to how much to increase fees. Please expound on how the 15% increase was arrived at.
Are numbers available for 2014 that will show exactly how close the approved 2014 budget are with the actual numbers? Without those numbers it makes evaluating the proposed 2015 budget very iffy at best.
There are several categories that have proposed expenditures that it would be nice to have an explanation for prior to casting an electronic vote – most probably have a very good and quick explanation and a single sentence will suffice, some will need more information.
Not in order of significance:
- Why the big jump in office supplies?
- Can all the legal, professional, cpa etc fees have more detail provided? This is a large part of our overall budget and it is hard to understand as it is.
- What is the $6000 reimbursement for the office renovation for? Per one of the SC members the HOA cannot borrow (see email rejecting the offer to purchase a new transformer for this very reason).
- If the HOA cannot borrow money then why do we have a reimbursement entry?
- Street maintenance is reduced by $5000. Have there even been any street repairs done this year?
- Is there any even planned for 2015?
- There was a $6000 entry for water leaks repairs in 2014. Was that spent?, and given the water issues in early 2014 are we really certain we will not need to spend money in this area in 2015?
Thank you for your response
Dennis Griffin
Casa 56
Ralf's Response to our apology and VERY Enlightening News on the SC.
Ralf Henrich emailed the VE neighbors blog with this in response to “Our Apology and Gratitude."
To whomever created this post, and to all the VE residents and homeowners who have reached out to me via email, phone calls, and visits to give me your support, a heartfelt thank you. It has been very challenging times for me and it was difficult when people doubted who I am based upon the lies and attacks of Charbit, combined with his “groupies” Bell and Brunner.
I knew the truth would come out over time and it is unfortunate that the only way I could defend myself was to expose the hard hitting reality about these individuals by providing indisputable facts and instigating a criminal suit. I look forward to the day justice is served and they are appropriately punished for the criminal actions they engaged in.
The last few days have been quite enlightening in VE as some VE Steering Committee insiders have approached me with apologies. They now know the truth but feel powerless to change things. They are completely frightened by Charbit and for good reason. One very involved Steering Committee insider even discussed the fact that they have no mechanism to remove Charbit under the CC&Rs and he refuses to step down.
Look at what happens when you even question the chairman, a full out attack. If you take a look at his list of "bored losers", you will find individuals who were just recently full SC supporters.
Just a few days ago I was forwarded an email chain between Steering Committee members in which they accidently put a few individuals on a reply by accident. In these emails the SC members were scheming to come up with “lies” that I have committed. Fortunately one of their advisors had the intelligence to warn them that they better be able to back up their claims or there could be additional consequences.
I have a fairly accurate track record of predicting how things play out. In my opinion, Richard Charbit will soon realize that he will never return to Panama despite his and a few SC member’s claims to the contrary. How many times have we heard that he will be back “next week”. Eventually the VE homeowners, the SC and their ‘advisors” and most importantly Richard Charbit himself will come to the full realization that he will never return to Panama. He was not expelled because someone pulled strings. He was expelled from two countries for completely valid reasons, all of which are available for viewing on the blog post “Clarity about Richard Charbit’s criminal past”.
Richard Charbit does not have the capacity to take responsibility for his actions. It is always some else’s fault who is out to get him. First it was his claim that he is not the same Richard Charbit and that it was one of his five cousins who did it. In the US it was the “beloved FBI” who set him up. In Panama it was “beloved Ralf” who, as he claims on the VEHOA website, took a bunch of forged documents” to Panama. Before that it was because the developer had a hand in it. Next it was the immigration director lied and did not give him proper due process. Then it was he could not understand Spanish and he “accidently” checked off that he had no criminal past on his permanent resident visa application. Now it is the Panama supreme court was rigged.
At what point do people wake up and realize that this individual can never take responsibility for anything and that he has a track record of leaving a wake of destruction behind him. He calls everyone else liars yet has never once backed up any one of his slanderous allegations of others with any type of proof. Richard has never filed charges against anyone who he claims is slandering him. This from a man that was quick to threaten anyone with a “law suit” while he was in VE. He even threatened one of his now “groupies” with Richard saying that he had “more pennies” than the other party in regards to suing him.
This is not about the infrastructure transfer, it is not about security, it is not about the evil developer, it is not a fairytale. It is about how a group of individuals who trusted Richard Charbit, and his “legal advice” went on to commit criminal acts themselves and put all the VE homeowners at risk. Soon Richard will disappear, the individuals who blindly followed his reckless advice will pay the consequences, and the VE homeowners will be left picking up the pieces at great expense.
Ralf Henrich
We don't have to wait for Charbit to step down, which he will never do.
By Panamanian law, we need a certain % of homeowners to vote for the Steering Committee removal.
The number needed is 96 homeowners (only one vote per home). When we have the required number (and we are getting close) we will call a special election and the entire community will vote. 96 votes that want them out and then it is done.
We need everyone who has not already sent us an email stating to vote them out to EMAIL US NOW, so we can call the special election and get them removed before more damage is done to our homes, our values and our peace of mind.
PLEASE EMAIL: veneighbors@gmail.com
By Panamanian law, we need a certain % of homeowners to vote for the Steering Committee removal.
The number needed is 96 homeowners (only one vote per home). When we have the required number (and we are getting close) we will call a special election and the entire community will vote. 96 votes that want them out and then it is done.
We need everyone who has not already sent us an email stating to vote them out to EMAIL US NOW, so we can call the special election and get them removed before more damage is done to our homes, our values and our peace of mind.
PLEASE EMAIL: veneighbors@gmail.com
Charbits ranting is now a joke, and sad and embarrassing for him.
Kind of ironic don't you think?
Richard Charbit, the leader of our Steering Committee, a convicted felon, pathological liar, ( 4 cousins did it, not me) who has been jailed in 2 countries (that we know of) & deported by the USA and expelled by Panama (never to come back, but fighting to try, so he might go back to jail?) real genius, calls the homeowners that he is supposedly serving as our leader WHAT....... "a bunch of bored losers!"
And who still supports him? No One who has been paying attention to the facts. He needs to go away completely for the well being of Valle Escondido!
Please read our blog and be informed.
1) Will the SC be paying for all of their own legal fees and damages against them? Yes ____No____
2) Outline your exact plan's to have the infrastructure transfer(s) accomplished, and if you fail, then what?
We are waiting for your answers here on the "trash" site!
The VE Neighbors
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Our Apology and Gratitude!
The Homeowners of VE owe Ralf Henrich a huge apology for everything this SC has put him through. Ralf has shown proof of his innocence on EVERY ISSUE (LIE) this SC has thrown at him.
Charbit mentioned over and over the "JAW DROPPING" evidence; Bruner & Bell (both on the SC) followed in line destroying his character with lies. They produced absolutely nothing but a lawsuit against themselves and the HOA and we all have sat idly by allowing a fellow resident get slandered without an apology. WE ARE SORRY RALF! Sorry it came late as well! What is more amazing is we have let them get away with it and still serve us!!RALF has always stood by and protected this community for our interest. When Charbit called Ralf a 'snitch', do you realize that it was Ralf looking out for the homeowners best interest, when he told Charbit that he must disclose his true identity to the homeowners and be honest with us, or Ralf would. WHY? BECAUSE RALF BELIEVED WE SHOULD BE AWARE THAT A KNOWN CONMAN WAS HEADING OUR STEERING COMMITTEE. RALF'S 'snitching' was to INFORM US and PROTECT US! That is called PROTECTION and SECURITY. Everytime Charbit calls Ralf a 'snitch' he is insulting each one of us and counting on our ignorance of the situation.
We should all be giving high praise to Ralf, but instead, with Charbit in control of the SC, he has done everything possible to ruin Ralf and his business interest in VE and our trustworthy security that we have had for many years.Charbit and company brought in a new security company that HE PLANS on controlling. Charbit knew Ralf would never let him take over control of who enters our community, SO HE HAD TO GET RID OF RALF BECAUSE HE WANTS CONTROL OF THE FRONT GATE. It is not just his hatred for Thalia, It is all about control! And Charbit wants to control more and more of our lives, as evident now with demanding a copy of our private homeownership papers!!!
To validate this, He cannot even enter the country, he has made himself look like a complete fool and he will not resign. Who, in a state of normalcy would still want to even be a member of a community not to mention head of it? More importantly who would continue to support such a person?
Lets wait and see how the numbers tally out at the end of next year, on the security savings. Our guess, there will be none when compared equally or the additional costs will be hidden and paid out of the $40K emergency find they wish to ding on us!
It should be so obvious now with the new demands from the SC !!Charbit & Co. want complete control of Valle Escondido.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Ralf you stood up for Valle Escondido homeowners and we have let you down.
I have avoided coming to this website as I am "friends" with many on the SC and they have been telling us that this "trash" site is lies. The idea that I have to disclose my personal corporation information, or they wont let me into VE, was the last straw. I came to this website to see the "other side's" opinion on this new "show me your papers" requirement and I am blown away by the wealth of information here.
This post in particular about Charbit's criminal reality is my wake up call. Why has the SC not addressed what Ralf has proven here? Why are they hiding this from the VE homeowners?
Why would they even want themselves, or the VE homeowners, even remotely associated with this type of individual? This information should be front and center on our VEHOA website with demands from the SC that this Charbit character immediately resign. If they really care about us homeowners and the infrastructure transfer then they need to show that they have the integrity to proceed on our behalf. Being aligned with a convict who was evicted by the country of Panama, with the full support of the Panamanian Supreme Court, does not bode well any possible legal battles faced in the asset transfer.
This post in particular about Charbit's criminal reality is my wake up call. Why has the SC not addressed what Ralf has proven here? Why are they hiding this from the VE homeowners?
Why would they even want themselves, or the VE homeowners, even remotely associated with this type of individual? This information should be front and center on our VEHOA website with demands from the SC that this Charbit character immediately resign. If they really care about us homeowners and the infrastructure transfer then they need to show that they have the integrity to proceed on our behalf. Being aligned with a convict who was evicted by the country of Panama, with the full support of the Panamanian Supreme Court, does not bode well any possible legal battles faced in the asset transfer.
SC stoops at nothing to STOP our RIGHT TO VOTE!
To The Steering Committee in response to their email below,
This is a complete overstep and a violation of personal privacy & property! Should they continue the path of enforcement it is only fair to post all related documents for each owner on the VEHOA blog to allow each and every homeowner the opportunity to view every homeowners shareholder records etc. to insure everyone in in compliance. Not to mention an HOA cannot force a private owner to expose their privacy. Where is this coded in Panamanian law? Are you serious with this?
Should you sincerely have a concern from the legal aspect of ownership it would be the responsibility of the shareholder and or its appointee's to be held accountable as to the truthfulness of their appointment of proxy and unless this was legally contested by a 3rd party it would remain no one else's business.
This is a 160 home HOA not a small country run by oligarch's!
I would hope both HOA blogs post my response on my behalf, so my views can be expressed and I enourage all owners to voice their opinions.
Mark Schneider
73 / 149
Notice just received on 9/18 after 8p.m. from Steering Committee:Dear Owners of Properties in Valle Escondido:There has been a lot of scrutiny as to what makes you a Homeowner of Property in Valle Escondido and how is ownership determined.Well, simply put, most properties are owned by a Panamanian corporation. This corporation has a legal representative, a Board of Directors and the corporation issues shares. The owner or owners of the shares are ultimately the owners of the Property, however, it must be legally established in the form of an Acta by the Board of Directors and signed by the Legal Representative. This information must be shared with the Homeowners Association in order to establish and assign a person or individual as the Owner of a property.What do you need to do, bring to the VEHOA´s office one of two simple things:1) Unlimited or General Power of Attorney by the Legal Representative of the Corporation assigning the majority shareholder or an individual unlimited powers over the property and decision making. This Power of Attorney needs to be registered in the Public Registry of Panama.2) If the legal representative is the same person as the majority shareholder, then a copy of your certificate of shares.We would like to remind you that having a limited power of attorney for the execution of documents pertaining to the sale of shares of the corporation or the property does not establish ownership nor allows voting rights. If you are the holder of a limited power of attorney, you will be asked for a Proxy form that will allow you to vote in specific general meetings that require membership approval of certain issues such as elections, budgets or special assessments. You will need a new Proxy form every time a meeting is called for these types of votes. We must however, be 100% clear that being a Proxy holder only gives you the authority to vote on a specific general assembly and does not give you ownership or any other rights on the property. PROXY FORMS NEED TO BE ISSUED AND SIGNED BY THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CORPORATION, NOTARIZED BY A PANAMANIAN NOTARY IF THE PROPERTY IS OWNED BY A PANAMA CORPORATION OTHERWISE THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.The VEHOA is having a lot of problems keeping up with what goes on in Valle Escondido as far as changes in ownership. While we do issue good standing letters when requested, these are not requested all the time, and in most instances the new homeowners are not registering themselves with the VEHOA, therefore leaving a VOID as to who is the rightful owner of the property, specially since most of the times, the property is sold under the same corporation, but only the shareholders are the ones that change, mostly because of tax exemption issues.We are obligated therefore, to change our procedures as far as the issuing of letters of good standing. We will issue letters of good standing to those homeowners who request it in order to sell their properties, provided of course they are in good standing, and will not deliver these letters without being provided the new owner´s information. Every property for sale needs to be registered with the VEHOA´s office as to keep track of changes in ownership and to ensure access to the property when this change occurs.We are improving our security measures and will soon offer better alternatives for Homeowner access to the community, therefore, if a property owner is not registered, they may be inconvenienced trying to gain access to the community when the new system is implemented.Please understand that this is not a matter of politics. This is a matter of knowing the rightful owners of the properties so that communication is effective between the VEHOA and the membership, voting rights are exercised, dues are correctly billed and allocated and better safety and security is applied to all just by knowing who your neighbors are.Thank you for your cooperation.Steering Committee andBoard of DirectorsVEHOA
How can they ask us for a bigger budget and raise our dues, if they will not show us our current standing and finances??
How many times have individual homeowners asked this SC how much money we have in our accounts and EVERY TIME the SC refuses to answer. Obviously they don't want us to know, so what are they doing? They either have enough money (which they should) in our coffers and don't need more. Or, they have spent it and don't want us to know how or on what. (By the way, it is right of every homeowner to receive this information within one day of asking.) And now they expect us to TRUST THEM with MORE?
The SC is now requesting a dues increase of $47,168 for 2015. This is another 20.273% increase over last year.
There should right now be no less than $88,182 in surplus and no need for a further unscheduled dues increase! And if there is less than $88,182. WHERE did the money go, and how much do we have left??!!
The SC says it is “working hard to save you money,” so why another $47k added to homeowner dues? This doesn’t add up! If they’re saving money, and we have an $88k surplus, the SC should LOWER the dues, or certainly not ask for more.
The proposed budget was emailed out en-masse on 17 September, only 11 days prior to the meeting. This doesn’t meet the rules for documentation distribution in either Deed 1937 nor the 2014 Operating Rules of the Steering Committee document.
The SC has constantly "tooted its horn" by stating that it has eliminated $3000/yr in administration rent, but I don't recall hearing anything about the $12,000 spent to renovate the VEHOA office and Security Office that is in this new budget? (Other than that Charbit paid for this out of his pocket.)
This would indicate a 4-year future before the $3000 annual rent savings is at break-even!!
Has anyone seen invoices for the $12k in renovations that we're now being asked to fund?
And what about invoices for the $5000 spent to improve the new park? Did any of us get to vote on this or even voice an opinion?
Last year's budget provided $500 for office supplies, this year is proposed at $2500 – why a 500% increase? How does this play into the $3000 annual rent savings the SC is claiming?
Street & Road maintenance was $15k for 2014 & another $20k for 2015 – yet I've not seen signs of one nickel being spent on roads in the last couple of years. What am I overlooking? (Perhaps that was added to the $42,000 in legal fees budgeted in 2014/2015 combined?)
Olga's pay was increased 50% last year from $12000 to $18000, and now we’re being asked to add an additional $1200 to that for 2015? Why? Her salary is already much higher than most! This seems like it might be a pay out to a favorite employee. Common sense tells us she is already being paid ample, if not too much.
For a SC who seems to want to cut the cost on everything, this does not make much sense does it.
For a SC who seems to want to cut the cost on everything, this does not make much sense does it.
This new budget provides for a further $51,857 in a reserve fund for emergencies.
There is a big concern by many homeowners that this "extra reserve" will end up just like the $85,000+ the SC spent on Paul McBride, (without our vote), the $20,000 this SC paid BCS to go away,(without our vote), and the untold money being spent to defend their legal battles,(Definitely without our vote).
Our money-- once again…GONE WITH THE WIND…AND they expect us to TRUST THEM! Led by infamous conman Richard Charbit. I think NOT.
Let us protect ourselves and vote NO. Lets get this SC out and a new one in that we can trust. Then we can work on a fair and proper budget with new cc&rs to protect ourselves and our money.
Our money-- once again…GONE WITH THE WIND…AND they expect us to TRUST THEM! Led by infamous conman Richard Charbit. I think NOT.
Let us protect ourselves and vote NO. Lets get this SC out and a new one in that we can trust. Then we can work on a fair and proper budget with new cc&rs to protect ourselves and our money.
How can they ask us for a bigger budget and raise our dues, when they will not show us our current standing and finances??
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Response by Ralf Henrich to Carol Bruner's ignorant comment on the VEHOA website.
Below is a copy of an email I sent Carol Bruner last night in response to a comment she directed towards me on the VEHOA website, also copied below. Sadly, rather than addressing the hard facts presented regarding Richard Charbit's criminal activities, and his ongoing lies to the community, she deflects and tries to claim that I can't sue her, or the SC, because of some agreement that I was in no way a party to.
It truly is sad to see that a person this uneducated and ignorant in even the basics of contracts and agreements is "representing" VE homeowners. Carol Bruner, you are not even on the SC legally as you were appointed to replace Michael Burd whom the SC admits never officially resigned. All these illegal actions of the SC, under the direction of your expelled criminal leader, will be proven to have been illegal by the Panamanian Court system soon enough. Unfortunately, it will be the VE homeowners who will have to pay to repair the damages your criminal actions have cost the community.
Please respond if you would like me to post the email I reference at the end of the email I sent you last night copied below. I am sure that you, as a representative of VE homeowners, would want the truth about Richard Charbit to be made available for the VE community .
Ralf Henrich
Carol Bruner,
You ask questions of me with no ability to answer on VEHOA
website. Please post this, in its entirety, on the VEHOA website. Also, please
address my question as to what documentation the VEHOA requires of me, and
fellow homeowners, to be considered a VEHOA “homeowner” with access to the
VEHOA website?
For your, the SC, and fellow VEHOA homeowner’s edification, I
,was never consulted on, have ever seen, have not signed, nor am I in any way a
party to the agreement you reference. This agreement was between BCS and
the VEHOA and in no way does Ms. Velasquez have the authority to give up
anyone’s personal rights under Panamanian law. BCS had no authority to give up
my third party rights just like they had no authority to give up the
unrelated third party rights of Tadasly. Any somewhat intelligent person, and
especially any competent attorney, would immediately know that.
In no way does this agreement apply to me and any claims to such
by yourself, and or other SC members, will result in further legal action against
you. I will notify my attorney to file additional criminal charges
against you for these slanderous claims that I am in breach of
Sadly it is the VEHOA homeowners who will wind up paying for the
defense of the reckless criminal actions of yourself and your fellow SC
My criminal case against you, and your fellow SC members, will
proceed, and I look forward to seeing you prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law for the slanderous lies you, and your fellow SC members have publicly made against me.
Also, since your actions have had an impact on my reputation in
the United States, and since some of your defamatory communications originated
in the United States which were forwarded across international borders, I have
also instituted civil litigation in a United States District court against you,
and Ms. Bell, and will seek actual and treble damages from each of you
individually, and the SC collectively, since you have all acted in concert.
Ralf Henrich
PS: I received an email this evening from the Supervising United
States Probation Officer of the Southern District Court informing me that they
are assigning a new probation officer in regards to Richard Charbit’s probation
violation case. Looks like they received many phone calls with complaints from
VE homeowners.
Carol Bruner says:
To All:
The Steering
Committee is requesting a statement from Lic. Julio Brown re: the agreement
signed in August, 2014, between the VEHOA and Boquete Consulting Security. This
agreement stipulated that neither side would be a party to lawsuits, past or
present, against the other.
This agreement works
both ways. Members of the Steering Committee will not be able to file a lawsuit
against Ralf Henrich or Analia Velasquez for defamation of character, aka
What doesn’t Ralf
Henrich understand? We know he can read. What does he not understand about this
legally binding agreement?
The agreement was
signed by Analia Velasquez for Boquete Consulting Security before Ralf Henrich
filed his illegal lawsuit against several Steering Committee members.
Read the agreement,
Herr Henrich. Read it and understand it. It applies to you.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Clarity about Richard Charbit's criminal past.
would like to provide clarity about the results of my inquiry into the question
of Richard Charbit’s criminal history.
Richard, unlike your ridiculous “Jaw Dropping”
Investigation of me where you did not back a single allegation, nor will you be able to, following are the true facts by your investigating and arresting investigator and your parole officer, backed up by emails, names, and contact
details which expose the compulsive liar you are!
Richard, you just posted once
again that you are not under parole or supervision. THIS IS A LIE! Stop lying
to the community that you are some nice guy who served his time for a minor
crime in which you were set up. Here is what you
posted ”Since I decided to leave the US, there is NO PROBATION.
One has to reside in the US to serve probation, other
lies by the “writers” of the trash site, but intentional this time because
they think VE residents are ignorant of the US law.”
I guess
your parole officer, the FBI Agent who arrested you, and the District attorney
who prosecuted you are also ignorant of US law. All of them not only confirmed the
seriousness of your crime, but also revealed the true agency behind your deportation
from the US. The simple fact still remains that you are a convicted felon, more
about your “minor crime” later, that is still under supervision from The US
Probation Office, Southern District of Florida until November 13,2014. Here is
copy of your judgment and an email from your parole officer when I inquired
about your status:
01/18/2011 78 JUDGMENT as to Jean R. Charbit
(2), Count(s) 1, Imprisonment: 9 months. Supervised Release: 2 years.; Count(s)
2-3, 4-5, Dismissed. Assessment: $100.00 Fine: $40,000.00. Signed by Judge
Ursula Ungaro on 1/18/2011. (asl) (Entered: 01/19/2011)
From: Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov [mailto:Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 12:29 PM
To: Ralf Henrich
Subject: Re: FW: Charbit
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 12:29 PM
To: Ralf Henrich
Subject: Re: FW: Charbit
Mr. Henrich,
While Mr. Charbit is still under our jurisdiction until November 2014, we are unable to take any action against him unless formal charges of alleged criminal activity are lodged against him by another Jurisdiction.
Ric Garcia
USPO, Miami
While Mr. Charbit is still under our jurisdiction until November 2014, we are unable to take any action against him unless formal charges of alleged criminal activity are lodged against him by another Jurisdiction.
Ric Garcia
USPO, Miami
Richard, and the entire VE
community, I have provided links to all the information listed and before anyone
starts with lies claiming that I photo shopped the above, understand that
anyone who doubts the validity of these facts can call the US Probation Office,
Southern District of Florida at 305 523 5300, themselves. Tell them that you
were recently told that someone you have financial dealings with was exposed as
a criminal and they are under supervision of their office and you would like to
file a complaint with their parole officer. They will ask for the name of the
defendant, Charbit, Jean Richard, Case # 10-20732, once they look him up they
should confirm that he is under their supervision until November 13, 2014 and
they will transfer you to the specialist who handles cases where the convict is
out of the country bit still under US probation. Please post your finding on
both the VENeighbors Blog and the VEHOA website for all to see the truth.
Also below is an email, to myself, from
FBI Special Agent Timothy Wright, the FBI Agent who put the criminal complaint
against Charbit together, in regards to an email, also copied below, where I
informed the FBI, The District Attorney, Charbit’s parole officer, and US
Homeland security about Mr. Charbit’s ongoing criminal activities and his
attack on myself and my family.
From: Wright, Timothy J. [mailto:T----------------@ic.fbi.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:13 AM
To: 'ralf.henrich@gmail.com'
Subject: Re: Richard Jean Charbit
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:13 AM
To: 'ralf.henrich@gmail.com'
Subject: Re: Richard Jean Charbit
Mr.. Henrich,
I forwarded your email to individuals more familiar with Panama. We all agree that our jurisdiction would allow us to look at this matter more closely if the threats were being made from within the US. Given the fact that Charbit is no longer allowed access to the US, we recommend you contact the local authorities in Panama.
FYI, I have been transferred out of the Miami office. I provided you with Charbit's probation officer before but I am not sure that he would be able to provide any assistance either.
I understand your frustration and wish you the best. If circumstances change and you feel we may be able to get involved, feel free to re-connect.
I forwarded your email to individuals more familiar with Panama. We all agree that our jurisdiction would allow us to look at this matter more closely if the threats were being made from within the US. Given the fact that Charbit is no longer allowed access to the US, we recommend you contact the local authorities in Panama.
FYI, I have been transferred out of the Miami office. I provided you with Charbit's probation officer before but I am not sure that he would be able to provide any assistance either.
I understand your frustration and wish you the best. If circumstances change and you feel we may be able to get involved, feel free to re-connect.
From: Ralf Henrich <ralf.henrich@gmail.com>
To: Wright, Timothy J.
Cc: Davidson, H. Ron (USAFLS); Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov <------------------------------>; Paul----------@DHS.gov <Paul.---------@DHS.gov>
Sent: Sun Aug 03 10:23:24 2014
Subject: Richard Jean Charbit
To: Wright, Timothy J.
Cc: Davidson, H. Ron (USAFLS); Ricardo_Garcia@flsp.uscourts.gov <------------------------------>; Paul----------@DHS.gov <Paul.---------@DHS.gov>
Sent: Sun Aug 03 10:23:24 2014
Subject: Richard Jean Charbit
Dear Agent Wright,
I need your and the FBI’s assistance. If you recall I run a
security company in Boquete Panama where a Jean Richard Charbit took residence
about a year ago. Mr. denied his identity and then went on to commit an “assault”
on the sister of owner of a resort he was trying to extort.
The owner of the resort filed criminal charges and when the
country of Panama did a FBI background check on him and
his criminal past was revealed and he was expelled from the Country of
Panama, just like he was from the US. Panama charged him for “lying” on his application
to Panama where he claimed to have no criminal background. Since Charbit
entered the country using a French passport and he provided a “report” from
France that he had no criminal past, they, Panama, were processing his
residency. Once Charbit’s real identity was revealed, Panama took the immediate
steps of permanent expulsion and I was told that the US embassy, in conjunction
with both French and US authorities, worked in conjunction with Panamanian
authorities in this process.
A copy of the notarized letter from the head of Immigration
in Panama attesting to Charbit’s expulsion is attached.
Here is where I need immediate assistance from US Law
Mr. Charbit is still the director of the VEHOA, a residential homeowners association in Boquete
Panama. Mr. Charbit has convinced a large group of homeowners, and has written
this to them on blog posts and emails that he was not expelled from Panama and
that he will soon return. Mr. Charbit will not step down and he, with his
assistant Olga Suarez, have launched a campaign to personally attack anyone who
exposes his real identity. It has gotten to the point where I have personal
safety concerns especially after the latest actions. While in Panamanian
custody awaiting expulsion Mr. Charbit told Panamanian authorities that I, as
well as 4 other who stood up to expose Charbit, were criminals wanted in the
US. Panamanian immigration made all five of us come to their headquarters in David Panama. I had to spend over two hours while
they ran me through the FBI database system Panama currently has access to.
Obviously I was cleared but the director made it clear that Charbit made these
After this did not work Mr. Charbit made written allegations
that I have illegal weapons and am a “gun runner” in Panama. Once again
Panamanian Law Enforcement needed me to come to their headquarters where I
demonstrated that all my firearms are legally registered and I consented to a
search of my residence. I was not the only whom Charbit made this allegation
against. Once again I was cleared.
Since I have been in charge of Security for the same
residential community that Charbit is running, and many residents trust me and
believe me when I explain Charbit’s criminal activities he has done everything
to destroy my character. His most recent attack piece, copied below, has
completely crossed the line of further criminal activity. Please read what Mr.
Charbit wrote and emailed to the entire residential community including my
family. He states that the FBI’s CID is working with him.
Please advise as to what my options are against having the
FBI in conjunction with the Justice Department press Charges against both Jean
Richard Charbit and Olga Suarez, his assistant who admitted she is from Florida
and “had to change” her name as someone with the same name as her had
fraud charges in the US. Olga Suarez is Richard’s Charbit’s assistant and is
the one who emailed the below “jaw dropping” lies about me to people throughout
the world.
Charbit has threatened me many times and I fear for my and
my family’s safety.
Here is the latest he put out bringing my wife and children
into his psychotic assaults: Richard Charbit investigates Ralf Henrich…. the results are jaw
removed the rest of what Charbit wrote to keep this short and since most have
already seen the ramblings of this lunatic.
Now let’s take a look at this minor “crime” in the US where Richard
Charbit states:” I was set up by your beloved FBI (that never makes any
mistakes and is never wrong, RIGHT?). They found my name and phone number in
some one they were targeting:
Here a copy of the criminal complaint against Mr. Charbit and
Tzemach Cavid Netzer Korem (more on Mr Korem shortly but pay attention to his
name on the complaint) as submitted by FBI Agent Timothy Wright. You will
clearly see for yourself that this was no small crime where Mr. Charbit was
caught up by a name the FBI found. Richard Charbit was an active participant in
a stock fraud scheme where he traveled numerous times to meet with undercover CIs and
even paid cash as a down payment on the “fraudulent inducement”. In the complaint he even used the same email that he currently uses today.
Now let’s take a look at Richard Charbit’s “friend and business
associate” that was also charged in the same above complaint as Richard Charbit. Real
outstanding character Mr. Korem is. If you look at the complaint above you
will see that this guy has more aliases than Richard Charbit has cousins. King
Richard's partner in the FBI sting, "the little tiny infraction that all
in the Valle might have indulged ....."
This link http://www.forbes.com/sites/williampbarrett/2010/10/08/boy-do-we-know-tzemach-ben-david-netzer-korem/ from
Forbes magazine, from where the above photo is cropped from, is
a most interesting read. I ask the SC and its “advisors”, how do you feel being
Charbit’s new partners?
"Birds of a feather.........."
We all will be following your court
cases with interest.
Speaking of court cases, as some of
you might already be aware, I am back in VE as I had to meet with prosecutors this past Friday for my criminal case against individual steering committee members and the SC
as a whole. Interesting that the SC has not informed the VE homeowners of this new criminal case against them, especially since one of them has already been
served and the police have attempted to serve the others numerous times. I have been informed that the these individuals could be sentenced up to 18 months in prison upon successful conviction.
Are we VE homeowners to believe Richard Charbit’s claim that “I could have fought deportation because my
sentence was less than 1 year and 1 day and there were NO VICTIMS, but I
decided against my lawyer’s advice, to leave the US”? Really? Let me get this
straight, Richard Charbit decided to not fight deportation from the US, against
the advice of his attorneys, the country where his children and grandchildren
reside, but he wants to “fight” Panama to get back into VE to help the homeowners get the infrastructure transferred.
Does this make any sense to you?
If you read all the court documents related to Charbit’s US
criminal case, which are publicly available for view on the Southern District
Court’s database, you would learn that his “expulsion” from the US was not
related to his sentencing. He was deported from the US at the demand of US
Homeland Security.
In regards to the claim that I am
not even a resident I respond as follows, I have requested from the SC, on
numerous occasions, the requirements and documents to submit to them to prove
that I am a “homeowner” of multiple properties in VE. Is it shares in
corporations that own properties in VE or is it a power of attorney from the
president of the corporation? I can and will provide the SC any and all
documentation they request so I can be considered a “legal homeowner” with
access to the VEHOA website. Once again I request the SC to answer the question
of what makes someone a “homeowner” in VE so we can get this behind us. All I,
and my attorney, request is that the SC demonstrate that they have the same
documents on file for other VE homeowners as they request of me. I have lived
in VE for over 4 years and have spent more time in VE over the last year than
Carol Brunner and Richard Charbit combined. I am proud to be a legal permanent
resident of Panama.
My criminal case is not the only
reason I am in Panama. I am meeting with FBI and Homeland security officials at
the US embassy this week in regards to the continued criminal actions of SC
members, who are US citizens, and Richard Charbit against my person. As
referenced in the above email from FBI Agent Wright, my information was
forwarded to individuals more familiar with Panama and I am working with them,
in conjunction with Panamanian authorities, to protect myself and fellow VE
homeowners to further damage from this groups criminal activities.
Richard Charbit, the US, Panamanian,
and Colombian authorities are well aware of your ongoing activities in Columbia.
Some people will never learn.
It must be told that I had no part in causing this issue with Richard Charbit other than attempting to have him come clean with his criminal past. When I refused a large "monetary Incentive", to be paid with VE Homeowner's funds by offering me a fake security consulting agreement, in return for keeping my mouth shut, Mr. Charbit went into attack mode. I apologize to the entire VE community that they have been brought into this, but this man, and his diabolical ways, along with his SC and their advisers, have destroyed my business, assassinated my character and created complete lies about me. These actions have resulted in further criminal charges for which the entire VEHOA will pay to defend.
It must be told that I had no part in causing this issue with Richard Charbit other than attempting to have him come clean with his criminal past. When I refused a large "monetary Incentive", to be paid with VE Homeowner's funds by offering me a fake security consulting agreement, in return for keeping my mouth shut, Mr. Charbit went into attack mode. I apologize to the entire VE community that they have been brought into this, but this man, and his diabolical ways, along with his SC and their advisers, have destroyed my business, assassinated my character and created complete lies about me. These actions have resulted in further criminal charges for which the entire VEHOA will pay to defend.
Ralf Henrich
a/k/a Ralfie the snitch, Adolf
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