If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Homeowner who has just had it with the "self appointed" Steering Committee Lies!

Regarding email sent out by Jeanne Bell to everyone in Ve yesterday Nov. 8:

I tried to send back to all the "undisclosed recipients " but didn't happen.  Please put my response on your site!  Thanks, Sherry Rose 

For pity's sake, get a life!  You hate VE and Panama ( I have the emails to prove it ) but insist on being a constant thorn in the side of the peeps that love VE and Panama!  Please go elsewhere, find a life, and live IT instead of ours!  By the mere fact that you would send this disjointed BS legal opinion over the Internet tonight, on the official website of the HOA without anyone needing to "log in" confirms that this is just game for you!  

If we, the HOA, are expected to pay the bills of an attorney who is twisting in the wind to just NOT piss you off and comes up with this diatribe ( crap ) I just read in this " official"  message, I refuse to pay for his services - he has no answers!   However, I am quite sure that fits into your Plan as you need the camouflage to cover the fact that you only interpret , and then distort everything you read to justify your decision.  Your vindictive opinion of VE and the efforts of all who have gone before you as well as those that have gone with you is pitiful!  

Honey, third time is the charm - we accept your resignation - you have outlived your usefulness to the community!  

I will post your personal emails with your cohort if either of you feel you can provoke me again!  Those emails, sent to me by you Jeannie Bell, prove just who the heck you really are!  It has only been my personal code of honor that has prevented me from exposing you heretofore.  A well known fact, mess with a Texan too much and you will get the horn!  

Sincerely, Sherry Rose, Villa 2


Anonymous said...

Way to go Sherry Rose! So nice to see an owner speak their mind who is seeing threw these games by this delusional group and is fed up! Can someone tell me who this Traynor Man is? Is he a new Panamanian lawyer they hired, he speaks like a US lawyer "both sides of his mouth, with self importance" Maybe he can render a 20 page opinion on the latest resignation of Ms. Bell and why it was rescinded in accordance to his lawful opinion. Another Goof who needs to get a life! Can't these people move somewhere else and buy their own kingdom and boss each other around and leave us all alone. Please just "sell" and get out of VE already! Lonely, Lonely people who need a life! MS. Rose, if you have emails that confirm their hypocrisy....Do tell!

Faye Thomas said...

To answer your question, Mike Traynor is a HO in VE. My first question on reading his "legal opinion" was who interpreted the law for him. He has made wrongful legal opinions in the past, he was a U.S. Lawyer and to the best of my knowledge has never practiced law in panama. I wholeheartedly agree wit Sherry, Jeannie Bell why do you stay in VE, go back to LA. At least there you will be able to play golf. Furthermore, it wasn't that long ago you were defending Charbit, what happened. Better keep looking over your shoulder, the "little" man is watching you.

Anonymous said...

I want to see a signed document from the three woman and from Mike Traynor stating that they are willing to personally guarantee to pay any expenses the VEHOA might encounter by following his "I am not an attorney and am not offering legal advice" legal advice. It is obvious why Bruner and Bell are so desperately hanging on to something so clearly illegal. Both of them are in serious legal trouble with criminal charges as well as lost golf memberships for their reckless actions. They somehow want to negotiate their way out this personal mess, they created, by making these personal issues part of the infrastructure transfer negotiations. They could care less about the homeowners and this has been confirmed by Richard Charbit and now by this strong and courageous woman Sherry Rose. Thank you Ms. Rose and please do post all those emails so everyone can see the real agenda. How and why do two woman, one of which hates VE and Panama, and the other who has not stepped foot in VE for over a year, represent VE homeowners?
Unfortunately the VE homeowners will be picking up the tab for the legal mess these two have and are creating. Bell has resigned and Bruner was never properly appointed since the SC member she replaced admitted, in a signed affidavit, that he never resigned. This is all a legal process which neither of these two are following in any way.
Eventually, I predict, both of these two will have additional serious criminal charges brought against them for "spending", actually it should and can be considered theft, VEHOA funds when they have no legal authority to be in the positions they are in.
This is not just the opinion of some VE homeowners, but it is also the opinion of our own VEHOA retained and contracted attorney Julio Brown.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. bell, please just go away. The damage your actions have caused us VE homeowners, and to the once great image of VE, is beyond repair.
You have stated numerous times that you want out of VE ASAP so just leave. You have destroyed once good and enjoyable friendships with so many people with no end in sight. Take a look in the mirror as only you are to blame.
At what point will you take responsibility for your actions, apologize to everyone you have alienated, and just go away?
You know damn well that you resigned and that you have no business on the SC at this point. Do you really want more criminal charges brought against you for theft of homeowner's funds?

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that the lost golf memberships are being fought by Cristo using VEHOA monies? He was originally hired to fight for some of the membership revocations, and since our attorney has said that no checks can be written to establish ANY new contracts, is it possible his time is being used for other than VEHOA purposes?

Anonymous said...

this SC in their desperation to hold on to their so called positions within the VEHOA are continue with the private agenda of Bill Day continue to put the VEHOA at risk
They have hired a new administrator who is working without any contract, yet another violation of Panama law and financial risk for VEHOA.
So we have 2 lawyers working for VEHOA, while Julio has a valid contract for 2 years with a large payoff with VEHOA funds for termination, the new lawyer does not have any POA or authority, yet gets paid.....
How far will they go to deplete the VEHOA funds????
How much more are we, the homeowners going to allow this to go on?
Who will stop these two lunatics?