If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Do you Agree? We do.

I agree that:  1) The self appointed SC group and its advisers (or "agents" as a word they like to use)  MUST agree to personally indemnify each and every owner of Valle Escondido for all liabilities both personally against each of them and or in theirself appointed capacities representing Valle Escondido owners.

I agree that:  Should they not agree to sign this agreement of indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to  RESIGN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

I agree that we homeowners cannot be responsible for actions of the steering committee.

I agree that there is no rational reason why they would not be open to an election. 
WHAT have they got to lose? They can get back in power if the owners want them there in a legal election. Upon election, they could continue with their identical beliefs and similar direction.

I agree that to be paying 2 lawyers simultaneously is financially not acceptable for us owners. The SC cannot continue to hire more attorneys, at our expense, until they find one who will agree with them.

I agree that breaking 2 contracts with 2 Panamanian companies is not smart and has and will cost us money.

I agree that many of their actions have resulted in a slew of criminal and civil lawsuits.

I agree that the valley has never been so bitterly divided before and that most of the dissension started when the SC decided to break the contract and refuse payments to the security company that has guarded our valley for a decade.

I agree that the SC withdrawing all the money out of OUR  bank account on 11/19/14 was done illegally, without asking homeowners advise or consent.

I agree with over 70 homeowners that I know of that they need to stand down and face an election.

IF YOU agree with any of the above. PLs post on VE Neighbors and Vehoa blog. Should any owner listed below who signed our declaration not agree with this, please notify the community of your intentions and reasons as we respect your opinion. There are some owners who desire to be on our list that we have been unable to reach at this late notice.

Jon Olsen # 61
Caesar Sherrard # 29
Sherry Rose-# 2
William Karns-# 3
Terrence Brown-# 4
Carlos Motta-# 8
Bill McAbee-# 13
Judith Wolf-# 15
Alfred Broadhead-# 21
Terri Calixto-# 26
John Rhoades-# 32
Peter Markus-# 33
Charlie Burress-# 34
Rodney Parker-# 52
Dennis Griffin-56
Jon Olsen-# 61
Carlos Frias-# 70
Michael Burd-# 71
Mark Schneider-# 73
Cesar Vallarino-# 74
Orville Lang-# 75
Renae Daoro-# 77
Renae Daoro-# 151-C
David Torres-# 84
Jay Hartz-# 86
Jerry Maesky-# 87
John Maesky-# 88
Raul Arias-# 94
Enrique De Janon-# 99
Robert Bowling-# 100
Mick Culbertson-# 112
Nixa Rios-# 117
James Peters-# 118
Bruce Young-# 142
Chuck Thomas-# 146
Mark Schneider-# 148
Enna Ferrer de Carles-# 151-D
Leslie Shade-# 152-B
Joanie Batts Gulbronson-# 153-A
Richard Moore-# 153-C
Sandy Comstock-# 153-D
Edward Kuiper-# 155-B
Sam Parham-# 156-A
Bonnie Lessman-# 156-C
Roger Kinkead-# 156-D
James Lowe-# 156-E
Barb Severs-# 156-F
Cristobal Siu-# 156-G
Lyle Neigenfind-# 156-H
Muk Noong Cheng-# 156-I
Roy Hasseltine-# 156-J
Tony Hau Ho-# 157-A
Tony Hau Ho-# 157-B
Julio Del Valle-# 34-B
Stan Hime-# 20
Ted Harrison-# 12
Cynthia Gould-# 107
Ty Lockhart-# 98
Joel Mahler-# 15
Linda Lewis-# 126
Dennis Griffin-# 157-H
Dennis Griffin-# 158-D

We are in agreement and support all efforts of the VE Neighbors that the self appointed SC group and its advisors must agree to personally indemnify each owner in Valle Escondito for all liabilities. Should they not agree to sign this agreement then they agree to resign effective immediately. If the SC fails to comply and an attorney is needed we will offer our share of financial support.

Jim and Joyce Peters

Lot #118

Also, they could possibly face a class action lawsuit from the Homeowners which will further divide the valley & cost everyone even more money.
Bill McAbee # 13

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