If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

SC is not doing required maintenance on necessary functions here in VE!! However, they did ask for donations for gas for our security carts! Does this give you confidence in them?

These puppets are having their strings pulled by an evil man.  NOTHING in the Valle that the VEHOA SHOULD BE WORKING on is being accomplished.  NO ONE is doing the required maintenance of the sewer system with possible catastrophic consequences;  the water system working fine now, BUT in a few months???  Road maintenance???   New security Company needing "donations for gas" to operate a golf cart???   What is the steering committee doing?  
 Have we seen an accounting of where our money is being expended?

 Is it true that since Bill Day began his "Hostile Takeover" of Valle Escondido several years ago "his steering committees" have collected a MILLION DOLLARS?   What do we as property owners have to show for it? 

 We are obviously much further from any kind of resolution of the "Transfer of Assets" than at any time in the past.

 The present dishonored steering committee should RESIGN IMMEDIATELY !

 Mark Schneider has proposed a platform that we should support.


 1) Wrap up the Transfer Of Assets with the developer (get the best deal possible to appease all parties with firm attainable goals in negotiating with Thalia / Federico, but get it done.) Get a qualified attorney to assist us on how to do so in accordance to Panama laws. 
2) Edit / Alter the CC&R's to simplify VE owners obligations /commitments who serve the SC to minimize the number of owner participants from day to day functioning and obligations (because it is too time consuming and hard to get owners to engage.)
3) Design a community model as best we can that is "autopilot" oriented with an administrator at the helm who reports to a 3 person overview board as the board (SC) desires. (they decide).
4) Design the community website for interaction of voting on line / communicating ( no fighting, name calling ) with each other (It  can be much more functional and user friendly for the older folks in VE)
5) Put budgeted funds into immediate defined Road Improvements (entrance), Security, New Entrance Face lift, Create a PR campaign  "The New VE" Fighting Is Over in VE, Happy Days Are Back! (Restore Property values)  immediately.  No more worries about our dues paying for exuberant legal fees!
6) Establish long term budgets for improvements of our community for the benefit of all owners.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a simple plan Mr. Schneider has proposed. I am more than confused as to why this community ( all of us) does not embrace this. What am I missing? I want my property values restored and am just fed up with this division.