If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Important Statement from our HOA president

Several weeks ago, after Mr. Good refused to post valid comments and postings  from myself and other Steering Committee members I ceased going to the VEHOA site.  Via an email from VENeighbors I was just made aware of the recent post by Mr. Arcuni on that site. It is shown in red below.  
One only has to read this post to understand why the previous steering committee made up of Carol Bruner, Jeannie Bell, Pat Mains and Larry Thompson  with noted advisors of Richard Charbit, Bill Day, Michael Traynor and of course Jon Arcuni have no chance of success in any discussions with the developer on any subject. 
The arrogance of this post is beyond the pale.  It is, as it should be, an embarrassment to the entire Valle Escondido community.  This post and the attitude of those behind it go beyond any issues within the gates of VE.  It points to an underlying attitude that does not belong in VE, in Boquete or in Panama.  
The previous SC and its minions owe an apology to all of the residents of VE and beyond for their arrogant attitude and actions.  It is time residents speak up and order this bogus group to get out of the way of the legitimate SC.   They all need to find a home elsewhere where their arrogance will be better appreciated.

Dennis Griffin  HOA President
Casa #56

Joh Arcuni from the VEHOA.com site:
“It is clear that the Lawyer represents the developer. If any problem here in VE between the homeowners and the developer is to be resolved, a legal translation into English is required.
I am sorry LIC Moreno, but English is the business language of the world, and that is why so many people in Panama wish to learn English. Unfortunately the Spanish spoken and written in Panama is not the same as required in Madrid so standard Google translators do not work properly. Spain is a first world country. Panama is trying to catch up to first world standards, doing a great job, but there are still difficulties besides language.
The other difficulty is the corruption encountered in Panama, said to be deep in Judicial systems, and even at the highest level of government: Look to the accusations against Martinelli and his crew! All of this makes Panama look like a third turd country, and we all know that a turd cannot be polished. I would like to see some truly polished people work out the problems encountered here in Valle Escondido such as the problems with the infrastructure.”  


Anonymous said...

To: VE Community

Can someone, anyone please tell me what this very small group led by the "self appointed" past SC's goals are? Lost in their fog of vileness & hatred towards anyone who disagrees with them, is just one question, I cannot find an answer too.

It cannot be the transfer of assets; 1st, they want to take them "as is" now they are doing everything possible to seemingly sabotage any effort for it to be completed.
So what is your end goals? Do tell!

My suggestion, sell your properties, Move, take your misery elsewhere once and for all! Your kind are not wanted in our community!

An anonymous who wishes not to be "spat" or "turded" on!

Anonymous said...

Arcuni tells everyone to go home.
As far as I can tell, my neighbors, Dennis, Chuck, Mark and Jon Maesky all reside here full time, this is their home. As opposed to Arcuni, and Brewer. Those two are some of the ones that seem to go back to the US for extended stays. I guess they go back to gain some insight on how a First World country should operate, Then unfortunately for the community, they return and further embarrass us by voicing incorrectly about Panama law and how English is the law of the Business World and calling Panama a turd country. By the way Standard & Poor's gives the US Credit Rating a Negative outlook and Panama a stable one.
Jon, for the betterment of Panama, "an emerging nation", why don't "you go home" and take your vulgar, insensitive, drunken pomposity with you.
I assure you, no one will miss you or your neighbor Carol. Talk about two peas in a pod.

Greg Tice said...

I'm not sure why no one has translated or responded directly to the letter and proposal submitted by Felix Paz Moreno but there is no shortage of infantile bashing regarding the letter. Anyway, my perusal of the translation shows a very lopsided proposal which is more about guaranteeing the rights of the developer's holding companies than a straight forward transfer. They clearly ask for representation on the HOA but offer no reciprocal representation of the HOA on their boards. I don't blame them for asking for the moon, but I would hope that whatever our BOD (controlled by whom?) and our SC (who ever they really are), do not agree to anything like this without proper compromises. Basically, my interpretation is that they want to continue to control and bill for electricity, want guaranteed sharing of the communal areas, want unbridled ability to develop the resort properties, want representation within the HOA, and only offer the hope of peace and harmony in the valley. Please address the proposal in terms that we can all understand and provide a detailed analysis of how to respond.
Greg, 133

Chuck Thomas said...

I commend the new Steering Committee and VEHOA Board members for their resolve to stay on course in their efforts to overcome the problems created by the vindictiveness and personal vendettas of a disgruntled few here in the Valley. I also appreciate the transparency of their efforts, knowing that the same hate filled few, will unfairly criticize and attempt to prevent everything that is done to bring back the tranquility of Valle Escondido.
Finally, we also have a group of volunteers that can enter into negotiations with the developer with valid anticipation of being able to move forward with the transition of assets. Let’s not forget that the recommendation by some of the dissidents was to just go ahead and “take the transfer as is and fight it out in the courts later”. That was the best they could hope for with their hostile and naive nature in conducting business.
Stay the course my friends, the majority of homeowners here in the Valle support your efforts.