If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What an incredibly beautiful day!
When I return from a trip to other parts of the world I always look forward to a walk around this wonderful paradise with my camera. And today it was as if had been watching the world in “Black and White” and finally seeing it in “Living Color.” 

And then time to savor a cup of the world’s most delicious coffee on my patio while watching 5 different species of beautiful colorful birds on the tray eating their delicious papaya and bananas.

 And then I made the mistake of booting my computer and logging into the VEHOA BLOG.  What a perfect example of the UGLY AMERICAN that has become so despised throughout the world!

 Instead of celebrating the fact that we now have plenty of water during the driest part of the year just look at what they write.  We all know WHY! 

After several years of a water problem that the past several steering committees have been unable to repair, the new steering committee, with the tremendous help and direction of Ralf Henrich, in a matter of weeks, has fixed the problem.  A friend wrote a book titled “ I TOLD YOU SO “, and I won’t say it but I will use the words of the “water expert” hired by past steering committees.  Despite being paid over $13,000 he was ignored when he repeatedly declared, “the problem is a massive leak!”  He also reiterated in the presence of Bill Day that he could fix the problem by finding the leak using a device costing $800.  Arcuni and Eric Leboe were told that I would bring the device back to the Valle in two weeks and I would pay for it. Arcuni said he needed the approval of the steering committee and I said B S, I will pay and attempt to get reimbursed after finding the leak.  3 years and several hundred thousand dollars later, it is still, “blame the developer.”
 It did not take the $800 or even a $$3000 device to find the problem. It did not take a $30,000 or is $20,000, or $10,000  unneeded project to fix the problem. Ralf, Stan, Dennis, Michael and several others used common sense, logic, and hard work to find and repair the leak.  Or did Ralf alter GRAVITY with his new anti gravity machine? The verbose past chairman of water and sewer unsuccessfully strutted around making lots of noise but never repaired a thing! And sadly an equally bombastic writer from California always encouraged him. And he wallowed in the praise.  Today they think by continuing writing this crap they are being helpful. Ignore them and maybe they will finally shut up.
 Please enjoy the day; enjoy the Valle; Enjoy life.  Stop the madness.  The world is bad enough.
John Maesky 
And one more thing;  Today is the anniversary of Sam’s passing. How about a good thought and give thanks  for what  Sam has left for us.

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