If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

In response to Arcuni's embarassing words

Please include this in the Blog and I am good with my name being used and referenced. 

This is in response to the ridiculous article Arcuni placed in the VEHOA Blog

Jon Arcuni says:
It is clear that the Lawyer represents the developer. If any problem here in VE between the homeowners and the developer is to be resolved, a legal translation into English is required.
I am sorry LIC Moreno, but English is the business language of the world, and that is why so many people in Panama wish to learn English. Unfortunately the Spanish spoken and written in Panama is not the same as required in Madrid so standard Google translators do not work properly. Spain is a first world country. Panama is trying to catch up to first world standards, doing a great job, but there are still difficulties besides language.
The other difficulty is the corruption encountered in Panama, said to be deep in Judicial systems, and even at the highest level of government: Look to the accusations against Martinelli and his crew! All of this makes Panama look like a third turd country, and we all know that a turd cannot be polished. I would like to see some truly polished people work out the problems encountered here in Valle Escondido such as the problems with the infrastructure.

There is no wonder so many people in the world ridicule the North Americans when you have people like Jon Acuni writing the idiotic crap he just posted on the VEHOA Blog. Jon proclaims that the “Business Language” of the world is now English and any legal document here in Panama must be written in English. By Panamanian law, all legal documents to be administered here in Panama, must be in Español. The only almost world acceptance of an English language mandate, as far as I know, is in the Aviation and the Maritime world. Despite what people like Malcolm Forbes want, the official language of business in another country generally remains the language of that country. Try going to Russia, Saudi, China, Central or South America, even some of Western Europe and insist that they sign a contract written only in English. In my experience the contract isn’t even legal in many of those countries unless it is in their language. 

However, because “Hola Jon” cannot speak or read Español, regardless of the fact he has resided here for a number of years, he insists for his benefit that any document must be presented in English. Another justification he provides, is that there are so many English speaking people here, Ok, maybe he should also insist that the document should be in Chinese as well, as I understand there are a number of Chinese speaking property owners in VE also. 

Should VEHOA have the document translated? Of course it should, as it is in our best community interest to do so, but I do not expect the Español speaking legal and contractual representation here in Panama to pay for it. Hey Jon, this isn’t Kansas, you now are residing in Panama, Español, get it?

Then Jon has the audacity to call Panama a third (no corrected - a “turd”) world country because of the Political corruption hearings. First a ridiculous crude and inconsiderate comment that clearly shows his prejudice against Panamanians. He supposedly titled the country this, because the Panamanians have the gumption to seek justice when their politicians do wrong. 

The United States re-elects a President that has refused to prove he meets the constitutional requirements for the office, and for the most part totally ignores the United States Constitution. A President that openly favors the Muslim world such that, he is possibly committing treason to the demise of  the Christian and Jewish population that comprise the majority of the US. Futhermore the US is in a debt situation that is headed toward major financial ruin and the country repeatedly has deadly riots when justice is served. A country wherein the population on government subsidy may soon be greater than the number of the income producing population. Panama is turd (Jon’s words) world for possibility prosecuting fraud? Get real Jon, no better yet, go back to where you seem to like so much, Ferguson Mo, Detroit, Chicago and other great US 1st world cities, they could use a few more like you.

I am embarrassed that someone like Jon Acuni might be viewed as a representation of the vast number of North Americans that live here in this beautiful country of Panama. For any of my Panamanian friends and neighbors, please understand that I nor anyone else in my family share his Ugly Norteamericano attitude and rudeness.

Gawd what an embarrassment he is for this community.

Chuck Thomas
Casa 14


Anonymous said...

This Arcuni never seizes to amaze us all in VE with his self absorbed complete ignorance and disdain for others; Either us Panamanian's or North Americans. No brains, wait til he needs help from these "Turds" as he references Panamanians and or my country. He should go back to the hole he came out of.

P.S. I am Panamanian/ American!

Anonymous said...

Jon Arcuni needs medical help. No one in his right mind writes the drivel that acuni does. Has anyone read his comments relative to John Maesky's Blog posting? Acuni is either mentally sick, or he is totally drunk out of his mind when he is writing. Does anyone even understand the comment about the bananas? I have to wonder if his complete failure at being the sewer chairman and Ralf's success with the water issue finally sent Jon over the edge. Even those that appose the new steering committee find acuni an embarrassment.

Chuck Thomas
Casa 146