If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Whose Paying The Legal Bills?

My post that was taken off [the VEHOA blog] and its subsequent thread should be put back on by whoever took it down, It was not me! So please repost it! 

As you know, I responded on the VEHOA yesterday to a post Mike Traynor wrote about me, ( I normally do not post there at all )  So I do not have to rewrite the whole email again, I am PARAPHRASING my last question to Mike.....here it is!

"Mike, since it seems you & Bill Day are the Men behind the curtain of the SC, answer the community one simple question we have asked this SC umpteenth times that will not get answered...Real Simple!

Will This SC use our HOA funds for their legal fees & Judgments awarded against them for the multitude of civil & criminal cases against them, including the new potential slander case Julio Brown has notified he may file. YES Or No?  "

 Maybe the other blog can post this ( I am copying other owners in VE as well)

Mike, we are all ears and hope you keep the "Legalese" out of your answer, a simple YES OR NO  for all owners of VE. Please. 
Please do not ask us to ask the "self appointed" ones again, we are tired of asking, you are capable to answer for them I am told. Since they refuse!

Rumor is that Bill Day may support these expenses, If so the community will 100% support & applaud Bill to put this question to end!!

The community will receive your answers.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Homeowner frustration. Many of us feel the same.

Just when you think things couldn't get any worse, then comes this Julio Brown and suddenly he's a player in this Keystone Cops skit. As for me, after ten years of paying dues to a HOA that has done nothing in that time, I will not be paying anything more until the water situation has been resolved and the community roads have been brought up to an acceptable standard.
Charley Frias
Villa 70

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


To The Community,

Can we find a way to heal and stop attacking each other?

Can we find a way to bring closure on hatefulness to our neighbors?

Can we stop attacking Richard Charbit or others here, or on any other forum? The past is the past, we all need to move on. Unwarranted attacks should end. No One Benefits!

We need this SC and its advisers to resign and if you do not like the way it is in VE, then sell your home and move to another location. 

But stop with the trying to control us, our money and working against the communities wishes! 

Enough people have been hurt and for what gain?

Run the numbers, only lawyers are winning!

Can we find some peace?

Mark Schneider

General Assembly meeting for Nov 30 is cancelled

Dear Owners,

Due to the continued diatribe between the separating factions of the self appointed Steering Committee (SC) and its advisers.  The VE Neighbors are canceling the scheduled General Assembly meeting called for November 30th.

So many of us owners are deeply saddened, frustrated and flat out mad by the current events destroying our community.  

This SC refuses to answer our questions, is recklessly spending of our dues between this group of Steering Committee members and now has 2 attorneys receiving financial obligations coming from our dues, all of which none of the homeowners were asked to vote for.

At this time, we think it is best to have additional time which allows us to continue to review concerning legal issues with this S.C.  

We are looking at a multitude of options for us to consider as a solution going forward. We will offer ideas to implement in the next few weeks prior to our annual dues being paid and ask each of you to feel free to offer your own ideas to help us restore peace & civility in our community.

If you are not presently here in VE, many important things are happening that you need to be aware of that are effecting all of us homeowners.  Please check in with www.veneighbors.blogspot.com to keep on top of what is going on in our community. 

Thank you

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


It has been brought to many owners attention that vendetta's can grow deep and without naming names a certain person who in the past referred many owners of Valle Escondido for alleged violations of drug trafficking, illegal weapons, immigration violations and other dubious false hoods is possibly doing a repeat performance.   

It has now been brought to our attention that many of these past allegations may have resurfaced with other new names.  We assure any owners that have any worries that the Panamanian government at the highest level(s) have been notified of these allegations reported to them once again and are well aware of the past distorted lies of those committing such acts.  

Some owners have shown recent concerns of their property being violated where a 3rd party may be paid or commit an act which would "place" false evidence among an innocent owner.  We encourage all owners to look out for any strange person or disturbances to their properties or vehicles which may be associated with such acts.  We also want all owners to know, this community of owners checks out very well with  Panamanian and U.S. authorities with the exception of a noted checkered past of one. 
We would discourage any person associated in Valle Escondido from being a part of any act that could unlawfully jeopardize neighbors in an effort to settle a score.  The proper authorities are well aware of what and who could do such acts and will act accordingly should some offense of others with a clean past be conjured up!

   It is time for us all to live life and enjoy life in Valle Escondido and bring harmony and peace and not anger, hatred and divisiveness we all have lived with in the past because of a few unhappy souls!  

Monday, November 24, 2014

Well summed up! SC is either stupid or complicit. Neither one we want as leaders.

Okay, nice to know that the SC is aware NOW of the duplicity of their former "fearless leader".  However, when Ralf, our former security officer, and numerous members were calling for RC to be thrown out of the SC, the SC pulled a coo ousting Boquete Consulting which cost our association a lot of money and, then, doubled down in support of RC!  

Therefore, either the SC is complicit or stupid - neither of which are characteristics we need to handle our funds or our business!  We will wait to see the outcome/truth of this last  revelation!

Let's really look at the accomplishments of this SC:
1).  Lawsuits invoked due to their support of the same man that they now use as justification for their actions.

2.  Gleeful use of our official website to disparage the Developer which has resulted in lawsuits and the worse relationship with the Developer in the history of the association.

3.  Takeover of the sewage and water facilities - then total abandonment of those facilities in order to observe their vacation schedules - who is minding the bullshit?

4.  Appointing as chief Advisor the same person that spent all the accumulated reserves of our HOA funds in secret in 2011/2012 to gather information " against" the Developer

5.  " Putting our business on the street" which was done by this SC when the replacement of the security officers happened at our GATE for a period of about 5 hours - that made it obvious that something was going wrong to the Boquete community!

6.  Okay, the obvious of the Organic Trash pick up service that lasted for about two months until they realized the same thing that the Developer already knew - some residents just don't pay their bills on time yet the Provider of the Service must be paid timely!

7.  Yes, they did claim the HOA office, then remodel it with our funds without knowing who it belongs to!

8.  Yes, they did hire the most expensive Administrative Assistant to the SC until she resigned and outed them.

9.  Okay, they did get the construction zone cleaned up - only because the Developer tried to work with them early on.

10. Yes, they presented a 2015 budget but when it was NOT approved, they didn't revise it but left our HOA without a budget for 2015 - what are they waiting for, do you know?

What do we have as an SC?  Are they stupid, are they complicit, or are they just too whatever to be in charge of our funds and business?  I suggest that it makes no difference what they are as their record of performance on our behalf has cost us our property values and our prestige within the larger community - let's get rid of them and their Advisors!

Let's reclaim our prestige and our property values, let's realize that we are all in this thing, called Valle Escondido, together - the Resort Owner and the residents of the VEHOA.  Let's find some reasonable peeps that want this thing to work for ALL of us!  The constant DRAMA has to stop and I now know why the term " the ugly Americans " was coined!
Sherry Rose, Villa #2

Thursday, November 20, 2014


We must band together now and bring class action suit against them!

We are in a state of emergency in Valle Carol Bruner ordered  Mr. Manffit to withdraw all the money from the account and he did yesterday and I do not where is money of the members, we need need to make a temporary committee until  we have new election to take the control of all. WE  NEED THE LEADERSHIP  SOMEONE....
Edificio Don Alejo, Oficina No. 8
(Edificio de la Caja de Ahorros y El Constructor),
Boquete, Chiriquí, República Panamá.
Teléfono (507) 720-2941  y  Móvil  (507) 6677-5077.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Do you Agree? We do.

I agree that:  1) The self appointed SC group and its advisers (or "agents" as a word they like to use)  MUST agree to personally indemnify each and every owner of Valle Escondido for all liabilities both personally against each of them and or in theirself appointed capacities representing Valle Escondido owners.

I agree that:  Should they not agree to sign this agreement of indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to  RESIGN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

I agree that we homeowners cannot be responsible for actions of the steering committee.

I agree that there is no rational reason why they would not be open to an election. 
WHAT have they got to lose? They can get back in power if the owners want them there in a legal election. Upon election, they could continue with their identical beliefs and similar direction.

I agree that to be paying 2 lawyers simultaneously is financially not acceptable for us owners. The SC cannot continue to hire more attorneys, at our expense, until they find one who will agree with them.

I agree that breaking 2 contracts with 2 Panamanian companies is not smart and has and will cost us money.

I agree that many of their actions have resulted in a slew of criminal and civil lawsuits.

I agree that the valley has never been so bitterly divided before and that most of the dissension started when the SC decided to break the contract and refuse payments to the security company that has guarded our valley for a decade.

I agree that the SC withdrawing all the money out of OUR  bank account on 11/19/14 was done illegally, without asking homeowners advise or consent.

I agree with over 70 homeowners that I know of that they need to stand down and face an election.

IF YOU agree with any of the above. PLs post on VE Neighbors and Vehoa blog. Should any owner listed below who signed our declaration not agree with this, please notify the community of your intentions and reasons as we respect your opinion. There are some owners who desire to be on our list that we have been unable to reach at this late notice.

Jon Olsen # 61
Caesar Sherrard # 29
Sherry Rose-# 2
William Karns-# 3
Terrence Brown-# 4
Carlos Motta-# 8
Bill McAbee-# 13
Judith Wolf-# 15
Alfred Broadhead-# 21
Terri Calixto-# 26
John Rhoades-# 32
Peter Markus-# 33
Charlie Burress-# 34
Rodney Parker-# 52
Dennis Griffin-56
Jon Olsen-# 61
Carlos Frias-# 70
Michael Burd-# 71
Mark Schneider-# 73
Cesar Vallarino-# 74
Orville Lang-# 75
Renae Daoro-# 77
Renae Daoro-# 151-C
David Torres-# 84
Jay Hartz-# 86
Jerry Maesky-# 87
John Maesky-# 88
Raul Arias-# 94
Enrique De Janon-# 99
Robert Bowling-# 100
Mick Culbertson-# 112
Nixa Rios-# 117
James Peters-# 118
Bruce Young-# 142
Chuck Thomas-# 146
Mark Schneider-# 148
Enna Ferrer de Carles-# 151-D
Leslie Shade-# 152-B
Joanie Batts Gulbronson-# 153-A
Richard Moore-# 153-C
Sandy Comstock-# 153-D
Edward Kuiper-# 155-B
Sam Parham-# 156-A
Bonnie Lessman-# 156-C
Roger Kinkead-# 156-D
James Lowe-# 156-E
Barb Severs-# 156-F
Cristobal Siu-# 156-G
Lyle Neigenfind-# 156-H
Muk Noong Cheng-# 156-I
Roy Hasseltine-# 156-J
Tony Hau Ho-# 157-A
Tony Hau Ho-# 157-B
Julio Del Valle-# 34-B
Stan Hime-# 20
Ted Harrison-# 12
Cynthia Gould-# 107
Ty Lockhart-# 98
Joel Mahler-# 15
Linda Lewis-# 126
Dennis Griffin-# 157-H
Dennis Griffin-# 158-D

We are in agreement and support all efforts of the VE Neighbors that the self appointed SC group and its advisors must agree to personally indemnify each owner in Valle Escondito for all liabilities. Should they not agree to sign this agreement then they agree to resign effective immediately. If the SC fails to comply and an attorney is needed we will offer our share of financial support.

Jim and Joyce Peters

Lot #118

Also, they could possibly face a class action lawsuit from the Homeowners which will further divide the valley & cost everyone even more money.
Bill McAbee # 13

Standing up for Valle Escondido

I agree that:  1) The self appointed SC group and its advisers (or "agents" as a word they like to use)  MUST agree to personally indemnify each and every owner of Valle Escondido for all liabilities both personally against each of them and or in their self appointed capacities representing Valle Escondido owners.
I agree that:  Should they not agree to sign this agreement of indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to  RESIGN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.
I agree that should the current SC fail to promptly comply and do either of the suggestions above that we should retain an Attorney to represent us in legal action against the current SC members and I hereby pledge my share of the financial expense to enact said action, up to a quarter of my unit's annual HOA Fees.
Sing Chong & Donia Chong
Condo #154B
I agree that should the current SC fail to promptly comply and do either of the suggestions made below that we should retain an Attorney to represent us in legal action against the current SC members and I hereby pledge my share of the financial expense to enact said action, up to a quarter of my unit's annual HOA Fees.

Muk Noong and Brenda Cheng

I, 100% agree with Mark Schneider and his request of our self appointed steering committee. . Their childish actions must end. I do not ever think I have seen so much deception and negativity where our beautiful community is literally being destroyed before our eyes.  It is outright scary.  It is hard for me to comprehend why they are attempting to hold on to their positions unless they have an agenda that we have not been informed about. Is it possible they want to use association funds for their legal expenses and feel they can get at them this way? I challenge any VE residents who are followers of this committee to take a close look at exactly what is going on here. In your hearts, you know what the right thing to do is.  Please join us and do it. Encourage all the current steering committee members to resign so we can hold an election for new members.  Let's make this a joining together of our whole community where we are in this together for the benefit of all. 

Ed Kuiper
Yes, we concur with the approach, what I really would like to see is a SC that is elected by popular vote and then all the complaints should seize.
Marcia Burd # 71

I agree with what Bill McAbee has proposed below.

Barb Severs

I agree that:  *Should they not agree to sign this agreement of
 indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to *


I agree that: 1) The self appointed SC group and its advisers (or "agents" as a word they like to use)  MUST agree to personally indemnify each and every owner of Valle Escondido for all liabilities both personally against each of them and or in their self appointed capacities representing Valle Escondido owners.

I agree that:  Should they not agree to sign this agreement of indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to  RESIGN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

I agree that should the current SC fail to promptly comply and do either of the suggestions above that we should retain an Attorney to represent us in legal action against the current SC members and I hereby pledge my share of the financial expense to enact said action.

 Terri Calixto # 26  

 Faye Thomas. #146
        Caesar Sherrard  # 29
We, Joel and Judy, case 15, agree that the unlawful people posing as a legitimate SC must vacate and turnover all items relating to the operation of the steering committee as well as whatever our legal counsel requests.

Joel and Judy Mahler # 15

Yes, I agree that action is required to protect us individually and to protect our community.  Therefore, please add my name to the list demanding that the SC along with its Advisors indemnify me and each homeowner in writing against their personally incurred liabilities from their reckless abuse of self granted power and in their self appointed capacities representing VE owners.

If they do not agree to indemnify me and my fellow like minded VE homeowners individually for their reckless actions that already have occurred and could possibly occur again to create more liabilities against the HOA as a whole and me individually, they should immediately RESIGN.

Should they not elect either alternative as presented and continue to act "above the law", I agree that we should hire expert counsel to litigate against these self proclaimed SC Members and Advisors.  I will also pledge my share of these expenses.

Sincerely, Sherry Rose Villa #2
Fellow Homeowners:
Per the email below:

I agree that:  1) The self appointed SC group and its advisers (or "agents" as a word they like to use)  MUST agree to personally indemnify each and every owner of Valle Escondido for all liabilities both personally against each of them and or in theirself appointed capacities representing Valle Escondido owners.

I agree that:  Should they not agree to sign this agreement of indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to  RESIGN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

I agree that should the current SC fail to promptly comply and do either of the suggestions above that we should retain an Attorney to represent us in legal action against the current SC members and I hereby pledge my share of the financial expense to enact said action.

Bill McAbee
Villa 13


I am requesting this email at the bottom written by Julio C. Espinosa Brown our
VEHOA LAWYER, and my response here to go out to each and every owner of VE.  

I am an owner/ representative in VE, I have a voice as each of us does in our community and should; Nothing more, nothing less!  If you look at this email below from Mr. Brown, There is one thing very clear and apparent. We have been down this same road before and continue to fail miserably with the same mistakes.  

So, to avoid the continued games of control caused by this group in Valle Escondido, My suggestion is as follows (and I personally recommend each owner consider) This group individually and collectively signs an agreement to the VE owners association and agrees to the following in such an agreement:

1) The self appointed SC group and its advisers (or "agents" as a word they like to use)  agree to personally indemnify each and every owner of Valle Escondido for all liabilities both personally against each of them and or in their self appointed capacities representing Valle Escondido owners.  Such liabilities can / could include:
  • A) Existing lawsuits / legal fees many of them are in with the developer and or Mr. Ralf Henrich, or associated expenses with said awards/judgments.
  • B) This may include a future legal suit against them from Mr. Brown to enforce his 2 year contract they approved and signed without the HOA's authorization.
  • C) This may be a new agreement or fees they spend from our HOA account to compensate other attorneys they seem to be employing on their behalf or decide without our authorization as owners.
  • D) This may include other known or unknown actions which could injure our association and cause financial damage to each owner in VE due to their continued reckless actions not authorized or voted by the association of owners. 
  • E) They will agree to only use our funds for standard and known accepted general expenses such as security, trash pick up, approved maintenance items, landscaping, road improvements or other acceptable voted on expenses by community of owners, not the SC;

Should they not agree to sign this agreement of indemnification which we will prepare for them, then they agree to
  • 2) RESIGN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AND work with all owners towards a call for a community general assembly (GA) meeting to vote for a complete new selection of owners to represent the VE HOA with a fresh start of owners with new ideas towards preventing these problems from ever happening again.   

So to make it simple and clear, They must choose option 1 if they wish to fulfill their self appointed roles and the potential liabilities they personally cause or option 2 and resign immediately. Very simple choice with no deflection from either option 1 or 2!

I encourage all owners to stand up, be vocal and  join me in this memorandum and if this group still persist to "stronghold" our HOA I would encourage we ask Mr. Brown to proceed with legal actions afforded him in representing us to remove them in accordance to Panamanian law.

I have not written this for anyone else's benefit, I am not an "agent" for anyone, I am simply sick and tired of the "childish" behavior and actions of this group. I am only attempting as an owner to voice my opinion to get to a solution.  

I rest my peace. If you agree with me, please do not just email me, tell the entire community as your own voice and speak up or form your thoughts on your own resolution. We should all agree to respect others opinions. But we must hold those accountable who do not care about how they spend our money or commit it for personal use which could injure us as owners.  
Silence is not our friend, Speak out! 

Mark Schneider 

Our attorney, JULIO.C.E.BROWN wrote:
Dear Associates:
In response to email set to you by the pseudo/Steering Committee, I hereby inform you that the call for Elections by the President and Secretary of the Board of Directors is completely legal and within the statutes of the internal Bylaws through Deed 1937 which states:
Article 10: President of the Association: The functions of the President of the Association are the following: represent the Association legally before any person, or entity and call and preside meetings
If we carefully observe what this article nowhere does it say that there is a Committee with the power to call elections or cancel elections. What this Steering Committee is doing is taking on the roles and authorities of the Board of Directors. IF we see the history of all elections and modifications of the bylaws, it is always the Board of Directors who by law, has this faculty and in our legislation there is no normative that indicates that a committee within an association may or may not do this call.
In regards to my contract as lawyer for the Association, I was contracted by the Association and verified by the disintegrated Committee, proof of this is that even on the Budget that was not approved by the majority included my fees, therefore I find it incredible that to date they keep on asserting my contract is ilegal.
On the other hand, I hereby inform you that the Developer will not enter into any kind of negotiations with the current Committee, as their lawyers are aware of the fact they cannot enter into any negotiations with parties that are assuming roles that do not correspond to them. The Developer will only negotiate with the parties that are legally assigned in their positions, and said parties will be chosen via an election in accordance to the community bylaws.
To date I have abstained from filing any lawsuits agains the Association, as within its members there are many people who appreciate my work and the work I have done for the Association, as with the five months of services provided I have achieved more than in ten years, additionally, I shall emphasize that the contract signed between myself and the Association through its legal representative, chosen for this position, and if I file a claim against the Association, I will be greatly affecting the finances of the Association, which is you, the homeowners.
In regards to the special power given the the President of the Association, it is completely legal, it is even notarized, giving me the authority to fully execute the best decisions in representation of the Association. We should indicate that this Steering Committee presided by people who have certain disconnect with reality and the law, are using your funds without any authorization to do it as is the case with:
1) Hiring and paying a lawyer with homeowner´s funds while there is a retained contracted lawyer with a defined time period.
2) Hiring administrative personnel without the consent of the President of the Association and without a contract signed by such
In regards to the aforesaid, we will be taking legal and administrative measures that represent the best interest of the community.
With that said, there is an advisor of this   pseudo/Committee who was a lawyer in the United States and pretends to be so in Panama, therefore we warn that if these practices continue, he will be reported for unauthorized practice of a profession. 
To resume, members, remember the Association is you and not a group of people who are only looking for themselves and not those of the community.  

Julio C. Espinosa Brown
Señores Asociados:

En respuesta al correo remito a usted con de seudo-Comité Directivo tengo bien informarle que el llamando a elecciones por el Presidente y Secretario de la Asociación es completamente viable de acuerdo a lo que estipula el Reglamento inscrito mediante Escritura No. 1937  que dice lo siguiente:

SC is not doing required maintenance on necessary functions here in VE!! However, they did ask for donations for gas for our security carts! Does this give you confidence in them?

These puppets are having their strings pulled by an evil man.  NOTHING in the Valle that the VEHOA SHOULD BE WORKING on is being accomplished.  NO ONE is doing the required maintenance of the sewer system with possible catastrophic consequences;  the water system working fine now, BUT in a few months???  Road maintenance???   New security Company needing "donations for gas" to operate a golf cart???   What is the steering committee doing?  
 Have we seen an accounting of where our money is being expended?

 Is it true that since Bill Day began his "Hostile Takeover" of Valle Escondido several years ago "his steering committees" have collected a MILLION DOLLARS?   What do we as property owners have to show for it? 

 We are obviously much further from any kind of resolution of the "Transfer of Assets" than at any time in the past.

 The present dishonored steering committee should RESIGN IMMEDIATELY !

 Mark Schneider has proposed a platform that we should support.


 1) Wrap up the Transfer Of Assets with the developer (get the best deal possible to appease all parties with firm attainable goals in negotiating with Thalia / Federico, but get it done.) Get a qualified attorney to assist us on how to do so in accordance to Panama laws. 
2) Edit / Alter the CC&R's to simplify VE owners obligations /commitments who serve the SC to minimize the number of owner participants from day to day functioning and obligations (because it is too time consuming and hard to get owners to engage.)
3) Design a community model as best we can that is "autopilot" oriented with an administrator at the helm who reports to a 3 person overview board as the board (SC) desires. (they decide).
4) Design the community website for interaction of voting on line / communicating ( no fighting, name calling ) with each other (It  can be much more functional and user friendly for the older folks in VE)
5) Put budgeted funds into immediate defined Road Improvements (entrance), Security, New Entrance Face lift, Create a PR campaign  "The New VE" Fighting Is Over in VE, Happy Days Are Back! (Restore Property values)  immediately.  No more worries about our dues paying for exuberant legal fees!
6) Establish long term budgets for improvements of our community for the benefit of all owners.

out of control with OUR money…SC keeps hiring lawyers till they get one to agree with their illegal actions...

Sent in as a comment, but important for homeowners to know. Are we, the homeowners, now liable for these new actions?:

This SC in their desperation to hold on to their so called positions within the VEHOA are continue with the private agenda of Bill Day continue to put the VEHOA at risk.

They have hired a new administrator who is working without any contract, yet another violation of Panama law and financial risk for VEHOA.

So we have 2 lawyers working for VEHOA, while Julio has a valid contract for 2 years with a large payoff with VEHOA funds for termination, the new lawyer does not have any POA or authority, yet gets paid…..

How far will they go to deplete the VEHOA funds????

How much more are we, the homeowners going to allow this to go on?

Who will stop these two lunatics? 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Did Self Appointed SC just hire ANOTHER LAWYER for Us or THEM?

To Our Neighbors,

What appears to be a private email for our HOA/SC addresses some very important questions that could again affect us all.  We hereby ask the SC to forward us the email so we can post and all can read its contents. We also ask the SC to answer the questions below. We are all homeowners here and deserve answers.

The email is sent from an Attorney named Cristo Markou.

Please join us in demanding answers to these very important questions. (outlined below)  You can see based on who was copied on it, it seems to be written for the benefit of the same group ( less their fearless leader who they kicked aside.)

Our questions are:

1) Who is Cristo Markou?

     a) Is he hired and or contracted by the " self appointed" SC and its advisors?

     b) if so, under what terms and money obligations?

     c) Will he represent the group of owners being sued both criminally and civilly by the developer and or Ralf Henrich?

     d) If so, will these owners pay all of their own legal fees and sign an agreement with the community to confirm this?

2) If you engage the HOA into another lawsuit with Julio Brown, will you personally pay ALL legal fees to defend this suit for terminating the legal contract with Julio Brown?

3) We have listed the September 23rd, resignation letter of Jeannie Bell from the SC, Is it fair to say anyone can at their leisure and desire resign and rejoin the SC anytime they want without consent of knowledge of the community?  Is this in your self defined guidelines too?

4) So we now have what appears 2 different attorney's the HOA is paying for giving us 2 different legal answers on the validity of a General Assembly meeting.  So we are so so confused, who do we believe and to confirm you all agree to pay these lawyers personally for the mess you have created as a group?

5) Of those in your group, which of you are

     a) being sued by the developer and Henrich?

     b) Lost your memberships to the club due to your actions?

     c) Do not even wish to live in VE anymore or have not been here in over 1 year ( regardless of reasons).

     d) Wish to negotiate a private deal with the developer to cancel your self inflicted problems per above?

We think it very clear for all to see the private agenda!

Good Luck getting many of us to financially support your self inflicted messes per above unless you satisfy with us per above in writing, we reserve the right to fund any fees outside of standard HOA obligations of security, improvements, trash pick ups and essentials to the VE community.


VE neighbors

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:Response to Lic. Julio Espinosa
Date:2014-11-09 12:22 pm
From:Cristo Markou <cristogr@hotmail.com>
To:carol bruner <carolbruner@cox.net>, Jeannie Bell <jeanniebell@me.com>, loveless <iloveboquete@yahoo.com>, MICHAEL TRAYNOR <mike26.2@msn.com>, Bill Day <bill@billanddoris.com>, Valle Escondido HOA Steering Committee <vehoasc@gmail.com>, Cristo Markou <cristogr@hotmail.com>, John & Sandra Good <john@flybyranch.com>, "thedukegroup@unseen.is" <thedukegroup@unseen.is>, "jcbrown@cwpanama.net" <jcbrown@cwpanama.net>, "greygoose1948@gmail.com" <greygoose1948@gmail.com>

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Homeowner who has just had it with the "self appointed" Steering Committee Lies!

Regarding email sent out by Jeanne Bell to everyone in Ve yesterday Nov. 8:

I tried to send back to all the "undisclosed recipients " but didn't happen.  Please put my response on your site!  Thanks, Sherry Rose 

For pity's sake, get a life!  You hate VE and Panama ( I have the emails to prove it ) but insist on being a constant thorn in the side of the peeps that love VE and Panama!  Please go elsewhere, find a life, and live IT instead of ours!  By the mere fact that you would send this disjointed BS legal opinion over the Internet tonight, on the official website of the HOA without anyone needing to "log in" confirms that this is just game for you!  

If we, the HOA, are expected to pay the bills of an attorney who is twisting in the wind to just NOT piss you off and comes up with this diatribe ( crap ) I just read in this " official"  message, I refuse to pay for his services - he has no answers!   However, I am quite sure that fits into your Plan as you need the camouflage to cover the fact that you only interpret , and then distort everything you read to justify your decision.  Your vindictive opinion of VE and the efforts of all who have gone before you as well as those that have gone with you is pitiful!  

Honey, third time is the charm - we accept your resignation - you have outlived your usefulness to the community!  

I will post your personal emails with your cohort if either of you feel you can provoke me again!  Those emails, sent to me by you Jeannie Bell, prove just who the heck you really are!  It has only been my personal code of honor that has prevented me from exposing you heretofore.  A well known fact, mess with a Texan too much and you will get the horn!  

Sincerely, Sherry Rose, Villa 2

Thursday, November 6, 2014

To Answer the Question of the Validity of the "Quote-Unquote" SC

Espanol bajo

Dear Associates:
After multiple inquiries about the legality of the actions taken by the Steering Committee and the call for elections by the Board of Directors, I am forced to issue a legal opinion through the following statement:
Call for Elections by the Board of Directors
This call for General Elections is based on the fact the majority of the Members have presented their resignation just as the majority of the members of the Steering Committee. You may ask yourselves if a member of the Board may call for elections and the answer is simple,yes. It may be done conforming to Article 9 of the internal Bylaws doc 1937, approved by the Ministry of Government and Justice, that to date have not been modified, where it reads as follows:
            Article 9
             Any member may call for Board of Director meetings and General Homeowner's Meetings
Therefore, the call for elections made by the members of the Board of Directors is as legal as their positions. Likewise, i shall point out the duties of the President of the Board according to the aforementioned Bylaws:
President of the Association:
Call and Preside all meetings.
Legality of the current Steering Committee and their questionable actions:
The current Steering Committee is formed by two members, one of which resigned, leaving only one member that is out of the country, therefore this only member may not make decisions according to Bylaws inscribed in document 3329 they refer to, as the decisions must be made by the majority of the members of the Steering Committee.
On the other hand, there has been the addition of a new member to the Committee, done completely illegally as per document 3329 of the rules so many times mentioned, say as follows:
Article Five: the members of the Steering Committee shall be elected by simple majority vote either in person or by proxy as per the. Established Rules of Election.

To conclude, the actions of the Committee are frightening and ilegal as they go against the bylaws and are putting at risk the patrimony of the associates.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Whats left of the Steering Committee does not want you to have the option to vote. They want you to stay home.

Dear VE Owners,
THIS STEERING COMMITTEE MUST GO!   General Assembly is on Nov. 30 to vote them out! It is an official meeting and vote, no matter what this sc is trying to get everyone to believe.  We will be sending instructions out soon on nominating candidates and easier to use voting systems. 

It is time and it is now.  We cannot continue with the desperate acts of the remaining members of this "So called" Steering Committee.  It is time for their silly antics to be over with, all of them have made a mockery of our community and it must stop.

For Instance,  Here is Jeannie Bell's formal resignation. Well, guess what? You cannot quit and then self appoint yourself again;  It does not work this way.   

So Please get involved, Vote at the General Assembly on Nov. 30th, to put in 5 new members who will act responsibly and start helping us heal as a community. Members who will use our funds for our community, and not emotional expenditures of our money and mind.  

We are exhausted by all of this and simply have had enough!  It must end.  We have a "zero" legal steering committee. 

We intend to change the CC&R's so this can never happen again in VE, so all owners are protected from these reckless and careless acts that are exhausting all of us! And you will have the right to vote your approval of these changes!

They are now telling all owners to not vote or participate in and calling the GA meeting a sham, can you believe this?  We cannot make this stuff up.  

Now, They are also attacking Richard Charbit, calling him a felon, blah Blah.....This is truly amazing! They ignored so many of us for months on end when Charbit was exposed but then they were all on the Charbit's team... now they are full frontal attacking him for his past.  This went from the sublime to the ridiculous!  WE SAY IT MUST END AND FAST.  We cannot have any of these people be our leaders, we are truly embarrassed by this group in their entirety; It is time to put an end to this insanity once and for all!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Elections on Nov 30 are official.

(English below)

Señores Asociados:

Por este medio se les comunica que las elecciones extraordinarias programadas para el día 30 de noviembre del año en curso se realizarán de la forma acordada, pues el Presidente actual de la Junta Directiva y su Secretario ya hicieron el llamado. Tenemos que recordar que de conformidad a los reglamentos internos que rigen la vida de la Comunidad de Valle Escondido, los único que pueden llamar para elecciones son los miembros de la Junta Directiva. Por otra parte el SC de la Asociación esta desintegrado pues sólo tiene un miembro y la otra no sabemos realmente su estado mental. Por otra parte ya se generaron las instrucciones  para que no puedan utilizar ningún fondo que le pertenece a los asociados por el SC en relación a contrataciones, obligaciones etc. 

Aunado a lo anterior, el abogado de la Asociación Julio tiene un poder especial por parte de la Junta Directiva para actuar en nombre de la misma si es necesario. Se les recuerda que se escogerán los nuevos miembros de la Junta Directiva y los miembros del SC pues la mayoría han renunciado. 

Cualquiera consulta en relación al tema le pueden escribir al correo electrónico de abogado de la asociación.  


Antonio Palacios 
Secretario de la Asociación.

Abogado de la Asociación. 


Dear Members:
I hereby inform you that the extraordinary elections programmed for the 30th of November of this year will take effect as scheduled, as the President of the Board of Directors and its Secretary have called them. We must remember that according to the internal bylaws that rule the Community of Valle Escondido, the only ones that may call for elections are the members of the Board of Directors, On the other hand, the SC of the Association it has disintegrated because it only has one member and we cannot ascertain the mental state of the second member. On the other hand, the instructions banning the use of funds of the Association by the SC in regards to contractual obligations, etc.
Additionally, the lawyer for the Association Julio, has a special power of attorney by the Board of Directors to act in name of the Association shall it be necessary. We remind you that new members of the Board of Directos and new members of the SC will be elected as the majority has resigned.
Any questions in regards to this matter may be addressed to the email address of the lawyer for the association.

Antonio Palacios 
Secretary VEHOA

Lawyer VEHOA 

Edificio Don Alejo, Oficina No. 8
(Edificio de la Caja de Ahorros y El Constructor),
Boquete, Chiriquí, República Panamá.
Teléfono (507) 720-2941  y  Móvil  (507) 6677-5077.

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This message and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the addressees. Any unauthorized use or dissemination is prohibited.