We, the owners of Valle Escondido request this unelected Steering Committee to answer the following questions that affect each homeowner of Valle Escondido, If you cannot answer each question with honesty and facts; We ask each of you to step down immediately. Failure to answer this questionnaire validates concerns many of us owners have regarding your lack of transparency and personal agenda;
1) Did this Steering Committee and or its advisers hire another security company to replace VE’s current contract with Boquete Consulting and Security?
2) Please forward your communications to the community of this hire for the HOA to vote on.
3) Based on the Steering Committee’s decision without the communities vote, should the courts rule in favor of Boquete Consulting & Security against the SC, will each of the Steering Committee members and or its advisers personally pay for this contract and or fines and legal fees in its entirety due to your actions? ____Yes _____ No
4) If you did sign a contract with a new security company, please answer the following questions as it relates to this contract:
a) What is the HOA’s monthly costs?
b) How many guards on each shift?
c) Who vetted the company and what is their history?
d) References of existing clients?
e) What is their safety record of break-ins?
f) What is their equipment / security system
g) What are the contents of their liability coverage?
h) Who do the homeowners call if needed?
i) Who is their manager?
j) How many of their guards speak Spanish?
5) Will each of you personally pay for any and all legal fees, judgments and or fines ruled against you due to any of your actions without homeowners vote or content?
_____YES ______NO
6) Did you request Arbitration with Boquete Consulting & Security per the terms of the agreement? Please post the communication of validation?
7) Since the dispute with BCS is on a small amount of a wage increase, why not only hold those funds in dispute and allow for arbitration in accordance to the terms of the contract?
8) Did you offer BCS a termination bonus of approximately $22,000.00 of our money? If so, by whose authority?
9) Have you the SC ever referred to the Owners of VE as” 3rd parties” and ask that we not be communicated with by BCS and or their attorneys?
10) Do you consider homeowners who have differences of opinions as “Adversaries” and or a small group of “Disciples”?
11) Have any of the Steering Committee members been issued criminal lawsuits against them from the developer individually and or the HOA community due to possible slander and defamation actions against the developer?
12) If so, will you pay your own legal fees to defend yourselves for your unauthorized actions or ask the association dues to pay your legal fees to defend? ______YES ______NO
13) You have still failed to date to answer the following question asked of you many times. Why have you denied countless times and more importantly assisted in covering up the lie about Richard Charbit admitting it was not him but his cousin who is the convicted felon from the U.S.?
14) If Richard Charbit lied about his identity and falsified immigration documents and no longer is permitted in Panama do you think he should be in a leadership role in VE?
15) When will Richard Charbit return to Panama?
16) Have any members of the Steering Committee, its advisors and or their representatives attempted or referred homeowners who oppose their opinions to Panamanian authorities in an effort to injure or harm homeowners you have a vendetta against? If it proven any SC Member / adviser was involved in the above, will each of you step down immediately?
17) Why are we paying an administrator close to double what we paid Rosa ($800 p/m), whereas the current one “Olga” is receiving $1,500 p/m?
18) Do we have any funds directed for community improvements? Such as roads, security or other visible needs for all homeowners planned for the balance of 2014?
19) Will you post on line our complete bank statements and financial statements for the past 2 years for each homeowner to review as desired?
20) Who has the authority to sign and pay expenses on behalf of the HOA?
21) Do any board members or steering committee members receive any compensation in any way from any community member, advisor or other steering committee members to each other, either directly or indirectly? If So Who and under what capacity?
22) If the committee you appointed to negotiate the transfer the assets of VE from the developer to the HOA fails, what is your plan B?
23) Has BCS frozen any of our funds due to lack of payment? How will you resolve this?
24) How much has the HOA paid to date in legal fees? What are you projections of all legal fees for 2014?
25) Do you believe In Full and Open Transparency?
26) Does Olga work for the Steering Committee or the Homeowners?
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