If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Steering Committee needs to go to Arbitration with BCS for the truth.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "URGENT! SC COMMITS OUR BUDGET TO TWO SECURITY CONT...": 

I am on the signers list, but I do not support either side, why can't you both agree to arbitration in Panama and solve this and put agendas aside, it is tearing apart our community and destroying our values? Who is responsible for these decisions happening there? 
That is a very good question. Here is the answer. 

Who is responsible for these decisions happening there?

The Steering Committee is making all decisions on what is happening in Valle Escondido at this time. They are not giving the Homeowners a chance to vote on any issues, nor even advising them ahead of time of what they are doing. Most Homeowners did not know the security company was being changed! This should be an issue that would only happen with the Homeowners knowledge and majority consent. This Steering Committee has literally 'taken over' VE and anyone who disagrees with them is held in contempt. That is why many people are posting anonymous. 

why can't you both agree to arbitration in Panama and solve this and put agendas aside?

BCS went to the arbitration board regarding the VEHOA withholding their payments. The arbitration board advised them that non payment is not a non performance issue and that they should sue/sequester the funds.  To date the VEHOA Steering Committee has not requested arbitration or given BCS any notification of non performance as per the contract. BCS welcomes arbitration, but also request payment for services already provided to date. 

If any SC member says that the VEHOA applied for arbitration demand to see a copy. It does not exist. 

The Steering Committee has NEVER filed for arbitration and that is what needs to be done.
Then we can get a third party (unbiased) in to arbitrate, and bring out all the facts and truth.

Why hasn't the Steering Committee called for arbitration to prove themselves correct in their allegations against Ralf and BCS?  

For them to do this they would need to PROVE their allegations!!!  This would answer once and for all. Ask the Steering Committee to go to arbitration NOW. Their is no reason not to unless what they are saying is not true. WE NEED TO KNOW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just noticed a new TAB at the top of page for an audio recording of Ralf's security meeting which I was unable to attend, being currently in the states.

It was quite a surprise and I ask everyone who is on the line as to who to believe to listen to this tape. I am an intelligent man, and I believed what the steering committee says to be the truth, because why would they lie?

I can't answer why, but after listening to this tape and the evidence, I am going to want to see everything the steering committee says proved in writing, as in legal documents and not just take them on their word anymore.

Valle Escondido has been safe for many years with this security company. It makes no sense for the steering committee to go to this length to get them ousted. Something must be going on with this committee that we are not being told about.