As a relatively new home owner, I have been trying to evaluate what is occurring here in Valle Escondido. We have a steering committee that is headed by a person who has been reportedly, deported from the country. I was also told that he is a convicted felon, yet he remains the chairman of the steering committee. If he hasn’t been deported then why isn’t he in Valle Escondido where I was told he owns several properties.
I understand that the steering committee is replacing the current security company, the security company that has been providing security for five or six years. Before I bought my residence, I was told that the Valley had not had a home break-in since the security company has been in operation. I am now told that the reason that the security company is being replaced is that they are not operating legally. Yet, a friend that attended the recent presentation by the Security Company was shown documents that clearly stated that the company was legal to operate under the auspices of some title that they are incorporated under, a Vigilante title. Not an expert in Panamanian law but if the current Security Company is legal in Panama, what is the problem? Also I just read a letter on this Blog from a homeowner that has experience with the new security company and that experience is quite disconcerting.
Also what I do not like is that there seems to be someone named Olga and one or two other Steering Committee members who are actively attacking other Homeowners. This is far from a steering Committee representing the Homeowners. The personal attacks, the language from the Steering Committee has become more definitive regarding the peeps that don't agree with them ( dissidents and disciples ). I AM OPPOSED TO THE NAME CALLING, INNUENDOS, AND BLATANT DISRESPECT SHOWN TO THE DEVELOPER AND HOMEOWNERS THAT DISAGREE WITH THE SC AND THEIR METHODS OF INTIMIDATION WHILE SPOUTING THAT IT IS THE "other side" THAT IS GUILTY OF THOSE TACTICS!
Was this steering committee elected and was the election legal? While I have not been in Valle Escondido for an extended period, I am not aware of any election nor has anyone else that I have spoken too been aware of an actual election. Then I hear that even if they had an election it was not legal. What is going on here?
I am told that the SC wants the roads transferred to the Home Owners. Where I lived in the US I never owned the roads, why do I want them now? By the way, I paid taxes i.e. Homeowners fees, to have the roads kept in a state of repair. Why do I need to own a road?
I hear we want the water transferred, OK is there a problem that we are going to have to solve by owning the water? I don’t recall where I am paying anything for the water now, but we want to own it, why?
Electricity is so gawd awfully cheap compared to what I had been paying I have never felt it expensive. However, I recently read somewhere that the developer was willing to transfer the electricity to the Homeowners. I guess that is a good thing but wonder if we have fully examined the cost of that ownership.
Also told that “we” need to own the Golf Course and resort. Well this part of the “we” does not. However I have never heard the Developer wanted to sell the Resort. What would be the price for the resort if the community wanted to purchase the Resort? I for certain do not believe that we Gringos are going towin title of a Panamanian resort in a Panamanian court.
The reason I was provided for this ownership, by one person was that “we” wanted to own the resort to preclude the current owner from building more residences on the Golf Course. Has there been any move for permitting such construction? While I would not want to lose the golf course, I am not aware of anything in the law, for certain not in the US, that would preclude such construction. However, while not familiar with Panamanian law but I would also expect that nothing here precludes such construction. quite frankly I knew there was a possibility of such construction, when I purchased my property, was anyone here so naive that they didn’t?
Fellow Homeowners, I get the impression we really need to evaluate the legality of the current steering committee and their agenda. I would feel a lot better about the annual dues I have paid if all spending was suspended except those that have been committed for current operations and that does not include legal fees, until the community had time to evaluate what is occurring here in the Valley and the legality of the actions of the SC.
Residential Owner in VE
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