If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Declaration of Homeowners

We have prepared the following declaration to inform the community that we support the contents of this declaration. Contrary to the continued deceptions, WE are not a small group of 5 or 6 homeowners who have previously been demonized by this steering committee group. We are a group that is now closely approaching the majority of homeowners and rapidly growing in numbers each day in an effort to prevent the lies from this steering committee from continuing.
Many of the signed members want their privacy protected as they do not wish to be victimized by those who disagree with them.  The community needs to heal but the constant acts of deception and deflection of this Steering Committee from the issues is downright deplorable. As is their venomous attacks against anyone who does not agree with this Steering Committee’s agenda.
July 18, 2014
The following homeowners of Valle Escondido and/or their authorized proxy agree to the following in total. We wish our voices to be heard and no longer minimized and/or controlled by the current steering committee  (SC) and/or its advisors.
1)    We have never consented for this SC or its appointed advisers  to engage and/or make decisions on our behalf that could cause legal harm to us the homeowners by this SC or its appointed advisers legal actions and/or defamatory and/or slanderous statements against the developer, Thalia Valasquez, and/or her sister Analia.  Since lawsuits have been filed and served against members of this SC with more anticipated, we hereby inform all involved parties that we will not pay any legal fees, either directly or through any assessments or dues, for the defense of the SC, its advisors, or any named party. We will also not pay for any legal fees either directly or through assessments or dues for any lawsuit initiated by the SC against any party for any matter unless the SC has first obtained the approval for such lawsuits from a super majority of the homeowners.
2)    We never agreed or was our approval requested for the SC to act on our behalf and/or terminate the relationship with Boquete Consulting Security  without any formal cause presented to us to review and or decide as a community.
3)    We never agreed nor were we notified that the SC could offer any bonus and/or termination pay of any amount to Boquete Consulting Security from the Home Owners account. Since security is of the upmost importance for all homeowners, the decision to terminate the security contract should have been made by majority vote by all homeowners.
4)    We do not agree that the SC should engage us as a community in any legal fight or cause against a 3rd party for any matter without first obtaining the approval of a majority of the homeowners.
5)    Since strength are in numbers, we believe that one of the primary responsibilities of the SC is to strive to unite the community so that in all matters we present a united front. Rather than working to bring the community together, this SC has deliberately acted to divide the community by demonizing any and all who do not agree with their tactics and methods. This division will benefit those that have filed suit against VEHOA, the SC, and it’s advisors and adversely impact any negotiations for the transfer of the infrastructure.
6)    We do not agree that any homeowner can be regarded  as a “ 3rd party” and/or identified  as “adversaries” by the SC.  The highest authority in VEHOA is the homeowners to which the SC answers too. The SC must represent all homeowners with a balanced, unbiased position and with full transparency. This has not happened.
7)    We support a mutual transfer of the assets from the developer to the community but wish to have this accomplished via Panamanian law by a 3rd party  impartial Panamanian law expert who understands the laws of transfer and can serve the community with decorum. The SC and its advisors have proven by their animosity toward the developer that they are not suited for this task. It’s now clear that, under this SC, the only way to move forward with the transfer is though long and expensive lawsuits.
8)    For the best interest of the community we request that the current SC members and its advisers step down immediately. The community should vote to form a new group of owners and the CC&R’s must be modified to ensure that a rouge group cannot again take control of and make decisions for community issues that should be decided by a majority of homeowners.
9)    We wish to resolve all outstanding community issues for the benefit of all with a system that avoids slanderous attacks against or threats to those one would disagree with another owner.
10)We wish for community leadership that is honest and transparent for all owners and not a select few with their own agenda. This SC meets in secret and only allows their chosen group to be part of these meetings and or a member of their SC and or Advisor’s.
11)We also notify all parties to any and all lawsuits against or initiated by the SC and it’s advisors that we do not agree with or endorse any slanderous statements, misrepresentations, and/or falsehoods the SC and/or its advisors have made in the past without the knowledge and or consent of the homeowners they represent.
12)This group of owners signed here will do their best collectively to have all homeowners who sign with us to be exonerated from any possible lawsuit and or judgment award which could adversely affect each VE owners individually caused by the reckless and careless actions of this SC and or its advisors.    
13)We wish for our HOA dues to immediately benefit our community for improvements that can be appreciated by all owners and wish for peace and tranquility for all residents of Valle Escondido.
———- If you would like to join the rest of us in signing, please send your permission to add your name to this email:  veneighbors@gmail.com

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