If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Update from your Steering Committee - March 15, 2015

First, a note from me directly:

I have been pressed by several persons to be a bit harsher on some of my updates. I have also seen several emails addressed to me but sent to the entire community with questions and statements that are not intended to benefit or advance VE in anyway. I am saying no to both requests. 

I shall not answer any email / question that is only being sent to spread confusion and misinformation. Also, I do not intend to post anything in an update that does not further homeowners understanding of any given situation.
And to preempt the response I know is coming, there was one post by me personally a few weeks ago that was rather harsh. That post was in response to a blatantly racist post. I do not apologize for that strong response.

Dennis Griffin

Good Day All.
Several updates, the big one being invoices will be out either today or tomorrow.

Office and new Administrator:
We have the HOA office back in operation. It is all clean and shiny and even had a vase of flowers. Thank You Antonieta. We also have a new part time administrator to help out. Many of you already know her, Beverly Pineda who used to work at the hotel. I hope many of you will stop by the office and say hello. She is very eager to meet one and all and I believe is going to be a great asset to the HOA.

For those who wish to discuss anything with a member of the SC we will be in and out of the office at irregular times. If you see one our cars stop by, we will try to keep the coffee fresh.

For the short term the general hours of the office will be 9-12, 1-4. Once some of the back log is caught up we will probably cut that down to three days a week. Do be aware Beverly does run some errands for the HOA so the office might be closed occasionally while she is away.

On the subject of administration we do have a bit of an issue with getting the books correct for 2014. Using broad accounting adjustments we now have the bank accounts in balance with the statements we received from Global Bank so the 2015 started correct and it will be auditable

As you may recall a new accounting system was purchased and installed last year by the previous committee. The conversion from Quickbooks to Peachtree was started last April or so but never completed. As an example, Peachtree was used to record checks but no receivables were ever entered. There are other similar type issues that will make getting 2014 books in order a challenge.

As was included in an update on February 10th and repeated a few days ago, our former security company, Blasco did not have the proper permits to carry firearms. We attached a copy of the license that is required of an individual to carry a firearm. We got that from one of the BCS guards. 

When Blasco departed we did have them sign a hold harmless agreement. That agreement stated that the lack of proper licensing was a prime reason for not renewing the contract. They signed that statement.

As I have repeated several times there will be a short survey put out before we sign any long term contract with any security company. It will be a legitimate survey that will have as it's only goal to get realistic feedback from the community as to what is desired and expected from our security company.

I have also seen or heard several comments from owners about partnering with the developer on security. The reality is the contract we are working on makes this an equal partnership. If the developer and the HOA cannot agree on a joint company we simply each hire our own company again. Neither group controls the gate. We both do. Exactly as was happening for years prior. Los Molinas has a similar situation, resort and homes, and they have successfully used this team approach for several years.

Bank, Dues:
The promised invoices will be out either today or tomorrow. One reason for the delay is trying to get the credit card system in place. We are still working on this but will include on the invoice multiple payment methods. There are several very quick methods for cc usage but they tend to be very pricey. Paypal in Panama is pricey but it solves all of the international transfer issues. Paypal in the US is about 40% less but comes with a serious side issues of moving the money to Panama. We are working on a third and better option but it will take a bit longer to get set up. We requested the password for the lower cost processing site that had been setup and used in the past however

This year we will be accepting US checks, Panamanian checks, cash (you have to deposit that yourself) and wire transfers and hopefully credit cards.

Attached on the email sent directly to each homeowner is a copy of the government stamped Board of Directors registration, a copy of the sequester release as well as a copy of a deposit made a few days ago into the VEHOA account at Global Bank by one of the homeowners.

Other News:
There seem to be repeated emails regarding the legality of the January 12th election and the corresponding legality of the Board of Directors. You can see the government stamped attachment to this update that was sent to your email, or come by the office and see the original. 

Also, if you are not receiving these emails to your own email address, please send your correct email to veneighbors@gmail.com, and we will make sure you are on our lists. We don't want to miss anyone. You might also check your spam folder. 

Steering Committee 2015


Anonymous said...

We get invoices but do not know who or where they are from Some indicator please.

Anonymous said...

If Rosa, who is registered as the VEHOA´s administrator (although she did not agree to that), why would you hire an ex hotel employee as the part time Admin. Are you paying 2? What happened with the Audit that the CPAs were doing?

Anonymous said...

I have noticed the roving guards patrolling again, especially at night. I missed seeing much of this while Blasco was here. I am very happy to have guards once again doing the job right. When I see the lights at night I feel safer. Good to know people are on the job now that care about ve and the people who live here.

Anonymous said...

Invoice from here legit or not? 2015 VEHOA SC