If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Homeowners Views. Clear, concise and accurate

I agree with Dennis that engaging with the former SC and their cohorts is more than a waste of time!  

They are NOT policy makers nor the voice of the majority of the residents as much as they want to be!  Our legally elected SC is too busy getting necessary work done for the benefit of the community to waste time responding to ridiculous challenges.

Did I miss the Security Survey sent to residents when the former SC was in the process of replacing BCS with Blasco?  NO. There was no survey or conversation; it was a unilateral and secretive selection process without bids to break a legally binding contract without concern for the resident's wishes or the law of Panama.  Now they want to champion their choice!  

Did the former SC accomplish their primary goal to transfer the infrastructure?  Even when they offered to take it  "AS IS", they couldn't get it done.  There were certainly enough legal fees billed to the HOA to accommodate that activity.  

Our new SC is too busy cleaning up after the old illegal group to respond to their vapid and inconsequential challenges.  Our new SC has not only produced our 2015 budget with HOA dues invoices,  but is doing the 2014 "actually spent" budget close out.  

Our new SC is working on the transfer of the infrastructure which was left dangling by the former illegal SC although that was their stated primary goal.  

Our new SC is busy writing criteria for bids for an apple to apple comparison of security companies to retain a vendor who meets the needs of our community.  

Our new SC is busy acquiring an official HOA website for our community that can not be hijacked by individuals for a propaganda site of hate and bigotry.  

Our new SC is busy doing what the community elected them to do:  restoring legitimacy, trust, and services to our development that affords the residents confidence and retained property values in their community!  

Our new SC is on the high road as there are no achievements on the low one! 

The former SC has taken the low road with lies, threats, and continual complaining, and absolutely nothing to show for it except all our money spent on attorneys!

Thank you, new SC and Dennis, for walking where the air is thin but the rewards to our community are thick with hope and achievement!  

Sherry Rose 

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