If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why Would Jon Arcuni Attack An Owner & His Opinion?

Steering Committee "hitman" Arcuni ridicules another owner for opinion! This man is a disgrace, so sorry Neigenfinds.

I don’t know any of you on the steering committee personally, but I have grown to know you through your emails. I have lived and currently live in developments with a HOA and I have never seen anyone act so unprofessionally. Your inability to conduct courteous negotiations show your lack of business sense. Rule #1 is keeping an open dialog with the people you are negotiating with. Your continuous emails making personal insults on people are the actions of Jr. Hi kids, not professionals. You act as if you are in a position of power and you are not. We are merely visitors in this country. You are negotiating with a partner that also has a vested interest in this community, not an enemy. When the head of your group sends out an email stating that she was so upset that she had to be hospitalized, it is probably time to consider that if you can’t take the heat that you created,it may be time to step aside and let someone more professional take over. These are problems that you created by your egos getting out of hand.
When we bought our property in Valle Escondido in 2010, it was a nice peaceful place that we thought we would like to live in full time. You have turned it into an uncomfortable situation. Yesterday, we sold our property. Because of your actions have affected property values, we sold it for a lot less than it would have sold for before you created this problem. Your actions have affected all homeowners property values and peaceful living conditions.
It is a sad day
  • Jon Arcuni says:
    Reply to Neigenfind, unknown to me. Who is this person?
    And so you blame the steering committee
    out of absolute ignorance of the situation that has been going on in VE well before you moved here. Had you taken the time to read the full blog and adsorbed what was going on, perhaps you would not have written what you did.
    The problem has been that there has been no negotiation resulting in any results for many years. Only because of the recent confrontations have we shed ourselves of an illegal security company owned 51% by the developer, Taken over the maintenance of the sewer systems saving a huge markup by the Liberty services. Our roads are still not built to the standards prescribed by Panama, our water system is fragile. Only recently were we able to clean up a disgraceful rubbish site.
    I am sorry you bought here and have sold your home for less than what you expected. I am sorry that out of ignorance you have written this comment. If you are so uninformed as to think the developer is a partner, you best be gone. VE was built by a businessman who expected to make a profit on it, and he surely did. He submitted plans that were approved by the government and never completed the plans. The homeowners have simply been treated as an additional source of revenue. Of course the developer is entitled to a profit. However the plans were promises. The developer made the money but never fulfilled the promises.
    Please do not trip on your brains as you leave. Obviously you have been reading the drivel from the veneighbors site. I hope to whoever you sold you home ends up with a better understanding of what has been going on. I hope you get your money. You should have taken your time to meet the members of the steering committee and found out what was going on. Apparently you have never been involved to try and make VE better. Shame on you for sitting on your rear and not getting involved.
    Expectations belong to the person holding them. And because YOU have unfulfilled expectations, you blame the steering committee. What about the developer?
    Please excuse this post, I do not suffer fools well, and I found a burnt out pump in a sewerage lift station that was supposed to be replaced a year ago by Liberty services.


Anonymous said...

In my experience in VE of 7 years, Arcuni always attempts to be-little owners who take a different course of view than Himself at the moment. He then proceeds to use his inflated wordsmiths as in this "hit" against a heartfelt post by an owner who expresses his/ her true feelings, only to be mocked by the likes of Arcuni.

He really thinks he is the almighty of VE, and truth be , no one cares what he has to say but his belly floated ego! He finally got a minuscule group ( SC ) to bring him in their warped club and give him self importance and he goes into a booze attack mode.

He is a fly to be ignored, as no owners in VE pays any attention to his petty written antics but himself and his best friend Charbit. They deserve each other! USELESS, WARPED AND IN NEED OF HELP! Go away to the septic you run! We do not want your help or your useless opinions!

I would post my name, but then I would have to deal with the likes of "brainless" as you called the poor owner attempting to offer his opinion. Your response would be a bore of your induced ego! Go to France with your criminal buddy or the hidden control he has of you with "Wives" Your a real genius, married how many times? Nobody wants your "dribbled" diatribe! Stop writing! You are an ignored factor in VE except to your own ego! Shame on you trying to belittle other owners! "Hola"? Your a Laugh/ Goof! Please, take your misery elsewhere and move!

A VE Owner ( tired of your ego)

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting how they continue to attack BCS and call them illegal and Ralf a scam, but talk about lies and deceptions, they (SC) have not produced a single item of "Jaw Dropping" proof. There is no shame and they are so blind to the what this owner has written expressing the loss of property values; This SC group and its advisers are single handedly being responsible for ruining property values in VE, not the Developer. This Arcuni will just keep calling people "ignorant", "Stepping over their own brains " etc. He really needs to look at the mirror, maybe he is just to far gone! Thanks for this alternative place to get information. I hope we can change the content to positive news soon!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Arcuni's quote below

"Apparently you have never been involved to try and make VE better. Shame on you for sitting on your rear and not getting involved."

Getting rid of a SC ( and an Arcuni voice who only attempts to ridicule others ) who has done irreparable damage IN VE is a job in itself; We now have over 70 owners now pushing in this direction,wanting peace in VE, these owners clearly see the hidden agenda from this small elite group of SC owners. Seems some on their group are waking up and abandoning their sinking ship, finally a few smart ones, putting their ego aside for the greater good of common sense!

All will be revealed!

Villa # ??

John Maesky said...

How long are we going to permit John Arcuni to poison the VEHOA blog with his hateful, boastful, tripe that belongs in the sewer. His attack on one of the nicest people to own property in VE should be the last straw.

In Arcuni’s world EVERYONE is ignorant and he is all knowing. And his horrible attack on the Neigenfinds, someone he admits he never met, is beyond the pale. His amen corner, “yes Jon you are the greatest!” “Jon thank you for all your great work” ETC ETC. is sickening.

Yet Jon still cannot answer a direct question; How is it that our reservoir used to supply water for the whole Valle and now we have a problem with less than half the homes connected. Last February Jon answered , “ I don’t have a clue”.
He said that in front of Eric Leboe, the water “expert” that VAHOA pays every February to come to the Valle from Alaska and issue the same report. Eric said to me, witnessed by Bill Day, that the problem is “ a giant water leak; in excess of 250,000 gallons per day. Eric also said he has requested for years that the VEHOA purchase a piece of equipment that will enable him to find the leak.

Remember the excited headline in the blog: WE HAVE FOUND THE LEAK! That was until our experts were advised by long time residents, Bob and Hazel Bowling, that the water was a spring that has been there for years.

Anyone can download a report on the blog from a REAL expert. See Arcuni’s entry Wastewater Treatment Chemicals wherein he copies a report from Illinois.

Jon, your words and actions speak for themselves; Your incessantly belligerent diatribes tell everyone all we need to know.

In the interim you at the least owe the Neigenfinds and apology.

John Maesky

Anonymous said...

John, you seem to think that Jon Arcuni would man up to anything. He cannot admit that his ignorance damaged the sewage he is chairman of or that his total incompetence in understand hydraulics associated with water flow has caused major damage to Bob Bowling's home. Nor can he admit that his uninformed attacks on someone he knows nothing about is totally uncalled for. I especially loved his efforts on researching Chlorine and the woman that stood up in the meeting and supported Jon by claiming $100,000 per year saving on the tablets. What gene pool do these people come from?