If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Is Steering Committee/advisors spying on homeowners now????

The following is provided by Chuck Thomas in response to Jon Arcuni's request that I provide an eye witness report. His request is detailed below, followed by my response. This was also posted on the VEHOA blog.

There are witnesses that observed you at the confrontation at the VE office. For the record I will be publishing a record of the event on the blog and have been soliciting unbiased reports of exactly what happened. I was not there and very few homeowners were there. The deserve to have the facts. I would wish a report from you of what you saw and any other information that you wish to submit.  I would like your report to state:

1. Why you were there and if you were notified to be there at the time of the confrontation.
2. Who notified you. How did you get there.
3. What did you see and hear.

You do not have to reply, nobody is forcing you to reply to the above questions. However, I do wish to publish your report, and if you are not forthcoming, it will be noted that you did not choose to answer the above questions. The questions will be published. If you decide not to answer the above questions, the homeowners would surely like to know why. All parties present are being  asked to give an unbiased report, and they include Analia, Ralf, and anyone else. All reports will be published for the benefit of all homeowners. I will make no comments on any report, so you can be assured that this is for information purposes only.
Sincerely yours,

Jon Arcuni ( a homeowner who wishes to be informed )

------------------ MY RESPONSE -----------------

Hello Jon, 

There are concerns that you are the purported "peeping tom" for Ms. Bruner in relation to an incident when Ms. Bruner attempted to blackmail me ( see email attached below). For the record, I will be publishing a record of this event on the neighbors of VE blog.  We find it a concern in VE that we have a SC member who attempts to blackmail neighbors and a great security threat that we have "peeping tom's" lurking amongst us.  So please answer the questions below.  The VE neighbors deserve to have the facts. I would wish a report from you of what you know and your involvement is such a privacy threat/ possible security threat in VE and any other information that you wish to submit.  I would like your report to state:

1. Did Ms. Bruner contact you to spy on my house at any time or did you perform this act of your own volition? 
2. Ms. Bruner was not in VE at the time of the "Peeping" incident, you were, what type of telescopic technology do you employ?
2. Who notified you to call Ms. Bruner, if in deed you are the VE "peeping tom" How did you get a line of sight that it was rum and not a bottle of vodka Analia and I were drinking?
3. What did you see and hear and when did you report it to Ms, Bruner?

You do not have to reply, nobody is forcing you to reply to the above questions. However, I do wish to publish your report, and if you are not forthcoming, it will be noted that you did not choose to answer the above questions. The questions will be published. If you decide not to answer the above questions, the homeowners would surely like to know why. All parties present are being  asked to give an unbiased report, and they include Analia, Ralf, and anyone else. All reports will be published for the benefit of all homeowners. I will make no comments on any report, so you can be assured that this is for information purposes only.

Sincerely yours,
Chuck Thomas

MS. BRUNER'S ATTEMPT AT BLACKMAIL - emailed to Chuck from Carol Bruner:

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Carol Bruner <carolbruner@cox.net> wrote:wrote:
Chuck, thomas

Please know that I do not go professionally by Ms. Bruner, but rather Dr. Bruner.

This is a private communication.  What in the world were you doing a few Sundays ago with Analia Velasquez on your veranda with the bottle of rum?  It doesn't look very good when Faye is out of town for you to be playing around like that.  Not very circumspect.  Latin men might approve but the Gringo community probably would not. There are a lot of rumors circulating and it would be devastating to Faye if they reach her ears.

End of Report! 

Jon Arcuni says:
Eye witness reports will be posted soon as soon as all the eye witnesses and those present reply. If anyone who was there and does not give an eye witness report, it will be noted. The names of who were there are known and will come out in eye witness reports.


Anonymous said...

Being relatively new to VE and receiving updates to view the blog, I must say, these people who play "I-Spy" need to get a life, I have never met anyone on the SC nor will I ever spend a second around them. From what I see, these are very disturbed people, who need the utmost in professional help. Spying on neighbors, Attempted extortion of neighbors, demonizing neighbors who disagree with them, it seems to go on and on. I am confused why these folks are leaders here. I agree what others have said; We will not fund their agenda when this year's due are do. I would never be a part of giving mentally challenged people who are addicts of insecurity their "fix": Cut out their money, they will find a way to slither under rocks. I wish I never purchased in Valle Escondido .... The mental hospital for castaways from the States. We must get them a staff to treat them. Very sad this place. Are all these folks that dist-ached from reality, that clueless to understand how despicable they are as human beings? Every day it seems like another VE demented soap story. My Husband was right, we should have rented for a year. How do we clean these people out of their positions?

Neighbors of Valle Escondido said...

To the new homeowner who just posted their comment. You ask how to get rid of these people? We need a large number of homeowners support to do this. (by Panamanian law more than a majority) Have you emailed veneighbors@gmail.com with your support to vote them out? If not please do so now. It will be kept confidential.

Every homeowner who cares about the future of VE needs to let us know that they will vote them out in a special election. The vast majority of people want this, but they all need to give us their support in writing. We need this to call the special election. Please step up and send us an email. Also, if you have any questions.

Anonymous said...

I find the actions of the so called "steering committee", "chairmen" (?) and "advisors" (?), truly pathetic.
The pattern I have noticed is a vicious unrelenting campaign using character assassination, insinuating sabotage and now it's purported blackmail?
The daily veiled accusations about "sabotage" and now the recent letter of "blackmail" just astounds me...I have NO FAITH in the so called leadership currently in place.

The mantra of self rightness (for the good of the homeowners) is getting old...if that were truly the case, they all would step down...by their actions they have brought about serious lawsuits against the homeowners association and themselves personally. I have not read one positive word except to pat themselves on the back. They have maligned ( and continue to do so) too many people. Ms Bruner,
I don't buy your self righteousness. The email you sent to Chuck Thomas was uncalled for and is deplorable at best...He, Mrs. Thomas, Analia and the homeowners deserve the apology, not you!
Who are the advisors?