If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Water Woes - The Steering Committee and their "water wizard" have created the problems that we currently face

Fellow Homeowners,
In response to the "self-appointed" Steering Committee and their "water wizard" they have created the problems that we currently face .  They have commented that no one should be watering their yards due to the recent few rains.  They have been shutting the water off every night and back on again in the morning around 6:30 or 7:00.  This action creates a buildup of entrained air in the lines leading up to the spring box.  The air that is in the lines creates what is known as a hydraulic slam.  Since we are one of the first houses below the spring box, we receive most of the problem.  Consequently, this huge slam every morning has managed to break pipes in my house.  We now have a two foot hole in the wall below which was necessary to correct a problem.  Also, below, the toilet was damaged and had to be completely rebuilt and reinstalled onto the floor.  Now, it appears there may be a break in the floor of the garage as water is coming up through the tiles.  We have also received damage to the washing machine because the slam has affected the hoses and it leaks.  Because of all this slam and it's damage, we try to reduce the problem by turning on the sprinklers every morning in order to bleed the air   You can actually watch them dance and even sometimes they will turn upside down.  Is this the kind of water control we should look for in this Valle?  Expenses are building.
Bob and Hazel Bowling
Casa 100


Anonymous said...

Is this Mr. Arcuni, who now says people in the community are sabotaging our system> That sure is a lamebrain statement. People are going to sabotage a service of vital importance. We appreciate him attempting to offer free help to the owners of VE, but maybe he should step down too and give it back to the Liberty service group, in 10 years here, we never had these problems, could be lack of expertise now veiled as sabotage! Another VE resident with a self appointed title..wow lonely, insecure and bored people! This VE place is self destructing.

Anonymous said...

I agree, lets let the people with all the experience of taking care of our water, start servicing it again.

Was this changeover to save a few bucks? Valle Escondido used to run smoothly and in an emergency situation, one call and it was taken care of.

Now we have what? A mess, and we have to boil our water?????????????

We can afford to pay a bit more and have things run smoothly can't we? And in the end, these changes are not really saving us any money. Pathetic.

Swisschocolate said...

In the past almost 15 years, Valle Escondido has been plagued with water distribution problems.
It was only after Jon Arcuni got involved that the water pressure problem to the Villas was solved. The distribution problem to Baru Vista and the Estates has existed for at least 8 years since we bought our home. In fact, the septic and wastewater system recently WAS vandalized if you should care to read about the details. Before the VEHOA assumed maintenance responsibility, Liberty Services was neglecting maintenance and repairs Perhaps you should check on who provides maintenance for the Municipal water system which provides water for the Resort and condos as well as residents of the Boquete community. Did you know that there are two water distribution systems in Valle Escondido?

Anonymous said...

Water distribution was not solved by Mr. Arcuni. The water to Baru Vista was solved by a series of tanks that were installed by a couple for homeowners that now over the day accumulate the water necessary to provide their water needs and with a pump installed for two of the homes near the end of the line. Jon Arcuni had nothing to do with either one.
Jon Arcuni has actually created a more serious problem by his maintenance of the water. Look at the damage caused by Jon to the Bowling's residence. If I was Mr. Bowling I would sue the VHOA for the damages. Even Jon Arcuni has admitted the problem of the septic system was from poor maintenance on their part and the use of incorrect chemicals.
Both water sources were in the past properly maintained by Liberty Services. I wager that no one from the current SC has even been to the municipal water source, have you?

Anonymous said...

We usually agree with people on this site but in the case of Mr. Arcuni, we have found him to be knowledgeable, willing to do his work on a volunteer basis. Liberty has not kept the system up. The water that needs boiling is the city water not the VE source according to what we understand.
The septic system did have foreign objects in it and it was not the fault of Mr Archuni. He found it and fixed it.