If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Richard Charbit,

Since you avoid and hide at all costs from anyone who exposes who you really are,  I am sending this email to the entire VE community, hoping that once and for all we can get you to stop wasting the community's time with your pathetic lies and rants.
So as I previously did, and offered you (and the entire SC) this opportunity before and you all hid from the challenge, I will offer you to do a recorded Skype call with me and you can ask any question you wish of me and I the same of you, but you MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITHOUT DEFLECTION AND MISGUIDED RANTS.  I WILL ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS UNDER OATH AS WELL.

Let’s stop with this and your lies, slander and defamation against me. The community is really tired of this; SO MY CHALLENGE!  If you can prove any of your slanderous lies about me to be true, I will immediately resign from anything to do with BCS and I will leave VE permanently. YOU WILL GET RID OF ME!

However, If you cannot prove through your validated CID agent or others with said proof, You must step down once and for all from the SC and never speak for and or represent the VE community again. I would add that you agree to never return but that is unnecessary since the director of immigration, in Panama, has already confirmed in writing that you are permanently expelled, never to return. Is that also a forged document?

You have never taken one person on to a challenge of truth: so here is your last chance to expose me on tape to the entire community;  Are you a Man or just a little boy who continues to lie, deflect and demonize those who expose you for who you really are? Please put on record your denial of who you really are and commit more parole violations.

Please deny that you were permanently deported from the United States. Please deny that you are a convicted felon still under parole in the US until November 2014. Please tell the VE community when you will be back since you were neither arrested or deported as you told everyone. Please tell us the names of the FBI agents who helped you in their “jaw Dropping” investigation of me.

Be A Man for once in your life and show the community who I really am to get rid of me, I am trying to help you!

If you cannot do this, then for God's sake, shut up and go away for the benefit of the community. 

VE owners are really tired of your lies, deceptions and threats.  

The emperor has no clothes!  That is Richard Charbit!

Prove me wrong! Expose me as you say you will on tape!

If not, stop embarrassing yourself and go away!

Ralf Henrich

P.S. I have sent a copy of the above the VEHOA SC for them to post on their blog since I have no access. Let’s see if they post it or if they give further validation of the need for the VENEIGHBORS blog where the truth can be told.


Anonymous said...

All VE Owners,
I was just recently told about this alternative blog and spent the better part of an hour reviewing all these posts. I find them draining to be honest with you. If you look at this objectively, this SC must step down right now, I am well aware of the potential lawsuits against us owners due to the SC actions and I am sadly amazed more owners are not in an uproar, I signed that declaration prepared by the owners and I encourage everyone to sign right away and let the SC and its advisers personally be held liable for what could be thousands owed to by each homeowner for their actions, otherwise, why will not agree to pay for any awards against them and indemnify the VE owners in whole? Good Question, right? Please owners...wake up, get involved and demand these people get out of our way before it is to late. THEY MUST STEP DOWN AND LEAVE!

A 7 year owner
( I would put my name, but wow, then I will be next that they attack, very sad group!)

Anonymous said...

I think each and every steering committee member should be asked to respond to Ralph's challenge. I realize the challenge was directed to Charbot but the whole of Valle Escondido should be concerned with what is taking place

Anonymous said...

Why? Oh why is he still chairman?

Anonymous said...

I read this recent post, All owners in VE need to read it. If Mr. Henrich is a fraud as Charbit says, he would never make such a challenge and embarrass /humiliate himself. it is all eyes "wide open" as to who the frauds are, the Steering Committee and Charbit are clearly the ones who "Hate". All they do is ridicule behind peoples back or on their forum, but when asked repeatedly to confront in person those they attack, they run like shamed dogs with their tail between their legs! Complete frauds and cowards. I am so confused why people would do this job for free when clearly they are a mockery of decency and integrity in VE. Only fools would stay in for this job or a play for a very private agenda that is still unfolding!
We should be very careful to protect our investments with this group of shysters. Also, Thalia is no angel, She should do the right things for VE residents as requested and turn over all things as required to us the owners. We need all these issues resolved so we can move forward in peace.

A Condo Owner

Anonymous said...

The outcome of this will be that Charbit will be gotten rid of...but the stain and smell will be with VE for a very long time...plus...just like a cockaroach...it may just go into hiding....OH...that's right he already is...I don't know if "the rest of the story" will ever come out..but there are financial dealings within the SC...that are bound to unravel...follow the money...it will never fail...and for this cancer to grow to this extent..we should all be ashamed...for not standing up against... not just wrongness....but pure evil...It is time for all of us to drop the "anonymous"...and be counted.....

Ralf Henrich said...

The email chain below will further expose the VEHOA SC for who they are. Ralf Henrich. Below is my email to the SC is response to what they wrote me yesterday.

Who is responding to me? Is it Olga Suarez Montero?
I will be sharing this email chain with the VE community to further demonstrate that not only was my request to put up the challenge, which is a response to the liable and slanderous lies posted about me on the VEHOA website, was not done as requested, but to also prove that any reasonable request by an “adversary” is instantly responded to with lies and threats.
Just like there never ever was any restraining order against me, contrary to what the SC has proclaimed so many times, there is also no “fianza” in effect against me.
Back to the subject at hand. I am giving the SC an opportunity to get rid of me once and for all. All they have to do is get Mr. Charbit to agree to a public Skype meeting where we can ask each other questions under oath. All he has to do is bring the evidence of his allegations including the name and contact info of the FBI agent who provided him the “Jaw Dropping” information and I am gone. Why would Mr. Charbit, or the steering committee, not want to jump on this opportunity immediately? Could it be that they know Mr. Charbit is once again lying to the community yet they choose to remain complicit in his lies?
Interesting how it went from “I was neither arrested or deported” to “his claim to fame is that he is the cause I was taken by the Panamanian Immigration authorities” to now it being “Henrich (what a group!!!), the paid snitch (not for long, he will be outed in a big scale very soon), went to the authorities in PC with a bunch of falsified documents, and succeeded in having me expelled out of Panama”.
For the record, there is only one person responsible for Richard Charbit’s expulsion by immigration. That one person is Mr. Charbit himself and no one else. It was Mr. Charbit who lied on his immigration application to Panama. It was he who lied about being a convicted felon, permanently deported from the United States by Homeland Security, still under US parole supervision until November 2014. It was Mr. Charbit who went into the General Managers office making threatening statements which led to criminal investigation being opened. It was that criminal investigation that exposed the real Mr. Charbit and started the process to have him expelled.
I once again respectfully request that my challenge be posted on the VEHOA blog for all VE homeowners to view.
I will be asking some of my fellow “disciples” to post the challenge, and this email chain, on the VEHOA website as a comment.

Ralf Henrich

From: vehoasc [mailto:vehoasc@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 4:50 PM
To: Ralf Henrich

I am forwarding this mail to the SC and our lawyer as you are now aware of the fianza for no contact.
Note: the slanderous blog you make reference to only posts hate mail but none of the relies that go against their allegations. It is partial to a hate group of a few, which you are obviously a part of.

Anonymous said...

I am a "part timer"...but none the less..I have invested in VE...I don't know all the characters...but being referred to as a third party...kinda hurts my feelings...I have not met Ralf...but would like to...he has stood his ground with his facts...and if you don't agree...prove him wrong...and then you have this Charbit character..that seems to be running the "show"...but he has to do it on Skype from some undisclosed location...making threats..that he can't back up...can you Monsieur Charbit ?

Anonymous said...

Ralf and his BCS SECURITY should be re-instated in VE IMMEDIATELY, and the other company terminated, if Charbit cannot prove what he has said about Ralf, and answer Ralfs previous post and comment.

We all owe Ralf a huge apology for putting up with this nonsense for so long. He has been loyal to all the owners in VE for many years. Shame shame on the current steering committee.

Anonymous said...

That small hate group as you care to call them, has never lied to the community, never kept their intentions secret, has never been expelled from the country, has never falsely accused neighbors of crimes they did not commit, never cut water lines. The current SC has. This small group has not spent community funds on an attack of our long time successful security company. By the way, I have been told the SC has just paid BCS $65,000. Who authorized that one? I will wager that will prove not to be a smart move either.
You on the other hand have attacked what is supposed to be your employers, the Homeowners, calling them liars, and other slanderous names, By the way that small group as you refer to it, has grown and in fact now has a majority and will soon be voting the current SC out of office, guess who goes with them? The valley will soon return to the peaceful place we all love and want to enjoy.
Adios Olga