MS. Olga,Based on your concerns, It is many, many owners opinion in VE that you do not serve the community well when you are part of the statements against homeowners you work for. Regardless of what you are told or say, you are paid by the whole community. Many owners feel you do not respect them as owners and or your place of neutrality.
Making statements and or accusations that falsely attack owners such as 'Chuck Thomas pulling a gun on Charbit', or 'John Maesky carrying on when it was all validated otherwise', these are just a few issues that come to mind and these untruths do not shine a good light on you.
An observation and suggestion, if you like your job and income, you should focus more on representing all homeowners. Suggestion, be sweet to all, stay neutral and appreciate your job. We do not want a combative employee. After all, every homeowner pays you.
However, a couple of important questions we all want to know from you to clarify possible concerns.
1) Why are you needed to work full time if Rosa worked half the time? How much do you make a month, not by the hour?
2) What are your last 4 months pay?
3) Is your Husband employed by Charbit?
4) Is your husband on the VEHOA board and if so, why? This would be a complete conflict of interest to many of us in VE as owners.
5) Were you offering confidential & private information to Analia and or Thalia that should have been confidential to the VE community?
6) Are you aware that your text statements could cause great harm to our community from a criminal lawsuit against the SC members?
-------- Olga's letter to Veneighbors:If you chose to ignore answering these questions, you put yourself in a negative light to the HOA who pay you, not the SC.Deflection and purposely ignoring important issues are tiring to all of us.
The VE Neighbors
I normally would not address your site or dignify the slander and misleading information posted, however, you are now publishing statements that are directly inflicting damage to my image and professional perception. I have hired a private lawyer to defend my honor and reputation, however , I feel obligated to clarify the following false statements and I hope you have the decency to post this, on a personal level, to clear the facts:
1. I do not make double what Rosa made. Matter of fact, I make less on a per hour basis. My invoices are available for review to homeowners, just make an appointment at the office.
2. I met Richard on March 26 when I interviewed for the job. I responded to a classified employment ad placed in encuentra24 on January and subsequently had several email and telephone exchanges with Rosa. The day of my interview I met Rod Parker via Skype, and met at the office with Jim Maffitt, Barb Votava, Bill Day, John Good, Richard Charbit and Michael Burd. Michael Burd discussed salary and hours with me. Rosa called me the day after to make the job offer.
3. I met the remaining SC members on the April 1 meeting at the Bamboo Room.
4. To allege that Richard brought me here from one of his past lives is beyond absurd and completely false.
5. To allege that I work solely for Richard and only follow his will is false and insulting to the other members. The SC works as a team, they respect each other and nothing is done, said or written without a consensus and majority vote.
4. I have the highest regard for Mr. Loveless and seek his wise advise often. I know where this statement originates from and my lawyer will handle this matter.
5. I do not have a personal agenda or vested interest in Valle Escondido, therefore to imply that I make threats, that I insult or slander any homeowner is false and my lawyer will address the issue. I am here to perform a job and I try doing it the best I can
I have made public calls for those homeowners who do not approve of my professional abilities and performance to address the SC, who will review the complaint and take action as they see fit and in the best interest of the VEHOA. It is sad to see they do this anonymously only in your blog. Although I must confess, I have questioned my reasons for continuing to provide my professional services to VEHOA, I can tell you that at this point it is mainly a challenge. I am determined to provide support to the VEHOA putting an end to years of wrongdoings and to achieve the goals of the SC for the benefit of the community.
I am under siege, personally attacked for doing my job but I do not back down as a result of bullying. I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear, those intimidating and scare tactics and the personal attacks will not make me go away. I will go the day the Association decides my services are no longer needed.
I really do hope you post this as a token of your claims of transparency for all homeowners.
Thank you
Olga Caridad Suarez
Hiring an attorney for a $ 7.87 per hour job ? I hope there are enough attorneys to go around..
However, a couple of important questions we all want to know from you to clarify possible concerns.
1) Why are you needed to work full time if Rosa worked half the time? How much do you make a month, not by the hour?
My scope of work is completely different. I meet with Engineers to assess issues with infrastructures, I do full accounting administration and other matters besides the email answering and basic translation Rosa did.
2) What are your last 4 months pay?
Available at the office for review upon appointment and a member of the SC
3) Is your Husband employed by Charbit?
My husband is assisting Empresas Charbit, S.A. in handling the construction only of house 147
4) Is your husband on the VEHOA board and if so, why? This would be a complete conflict of interest to many of us in VE as owners.
Yes, upon resignation from Mayita, a new member needed to be on the BOD. He will easily step down if you find a replacement that its suitable.
5) Were you offering confidential & private information to Analia and or Thalia that should have been confidential to the VE community?
FALSE and it is in the hands of my private lawyer. Read my deposition.
6) Are you aware that your text statements could cause great harm to our community from a criminal lawsuit against the SC members?
This shall be handled by my private lawyer. Paid for by me with private funds to defend my name and reputation.
If you chose to ignore answering these questions, you put yourself in a negative light to the HOA who pay you, not the SC.
Deflection and purposely ignoring important issues are tiring to all of us.
The VE Neighbors
Olga, since you seem to be so forthcoming, we ask for additional clarity, so all owners will understand your position with the SC and the VE community, and maybe we can put all these issues to rest as they relate to you.
1)You admit that your husband is working for and getting paid by Charbit which is quite concerning not only because he is your spouse, but more importantly because now many residents have learned, for the first time, that he is also on the real board of directors for the VEHOA. Obviously this is a disturbing conflict of interest. You state that your husband will easily step down if a "suitable" replacement is found. Any idea why the SC has never asked any owners at large for their suggestions, and what is "suitable"?
2) Are you compensated for any other services from any homeowner in VE and if so, who?
3)You tell us to read your deposition, which is part of the developer’s criminal case against steering committee members, the SC as a group, and the entire VEHOA of which every homeowner is party to. Also as part of this case are the copies of over 1,100 text messages between yourself and the General Manager of the Valle Escondido development. Please provide us with a copy of both those text messages and the deposition for us to post for the homeowners to view, so all owners can objectively see these conversations in context?
4)It is our understanding that after the deposition you immediately text-ed the General Manager with something like "You are a rat, this is personal now", Is this true?
5)It is also our understanding that in your deposition you never deny sending those messages to the GM which include statements like "wear a bullet proof vest", "I warned them that what they are doing (SC) is slanderous and criminal", "they hate Thalia", "these people (SC) have very bad intentions", "watch your back", and the numerous "can you meet with me later, I have to tell you things in confidence". Those texts even reference who on the steering committee wrote the slanderous comments against the developer and how the SC voted on it to be published.
It is also our understanding that the validity of these texts is being proven by the cell phone company, as well as a computer forensics expert. Are you now denying sending these texts messages?
6) Have you ever used aliases in your life, such as Olga Suarez Montero, even if they were never your "legal" name?
7) Your answer sidestepped the question in your response to whether you are aware that your text statements could cause great harm to our community from the criminal, and eventually civil lawsuit, against the individual SC members, the SC as an entity representing all VE homeowners, and the VEHOA itself, of which all homeowners could be held liable. You say it will be handled by your private lawyer. What does that mean? Who is your lawyer so we can request a response from him/her? Needless to say, we as homeowners very well may be at risk. Who is paying your legal fees?
Please understand, many VE owners have reviewed this case with outside attorneys and these matters are much more serious than Mr. Brown is stating to the SC. We are all possibly liable and we have yet to hear that the SC will indemnify the HOA for their actions in these matters. This cannot be taken lightly anymore.
The VE Neighbors
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