Hi all Valle Escondido homeowners:
I thought you might find the reception I had yesterday of interest. I went into the office of the Homeowners and asked why the homeowners were not asked to vote on an expenditure of $65,000. One of our Steering Committee members, Jeannie Bell, looked up at me from her chair by her computer and said,
and I quote, "GET THE F**K OUT OF HERE!". I really do believe that a gift of a bottle of mouth wash might be appropriate for such a fine speaking lady!
Mick Villa #112
Since the concerns of many homeowners are not posted on the vehoa blog, this blog was started where the facts, information and proof is shown.
If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.
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What a disgusting mouth from this women! When will the owners of Valle Escondido agree to end this mockery! It seems their is not one SC member or their associates who have any respect for us the owners they wish to represent.
I am pretty sure Mick from #112 was a previous supporter of this SC group. He has joined 70+ owners like us who woken up!
This group all deserve each other what disgusting mouths.
Shame on everyone of them. Oh I am sure there will be some type of "Spin" coming from "Trash Mouth" Lady blaming poor 80 Yr. Old Mick.
These people have no shame to their disgusting behavior!
THEY ALL MUST GO & NOW! No More Money for this HOA with this group managing our funds!
So where is the savings now with this new security group? I' LL BET YOU COMPLETELY GONE! Lets start comparing Apples to Apples!
Now let me get this straight. Mick, a HOMEOWNER Goes to the Valle Escondido HOMEOWNER office to ask a legitimate HOMEOWNER question and this Illegitimate, unprofessional, classless, foul mouthed Steering committee person tells him to get out?
This morning I made a heartfelt and sincere apology to Mick for my offensive language, which he accepted. To lose my temper as I did was unjustified, extremely distasteful, and a mistake that I humbly regret. It was outside of my moral integrity, I accept full responsibility for such negligent behavior, and want to extend my apology to your readers as well.
Jeannie Bell
Ms Bell...resign...to properly show you are sorry
The problem with Ms. Bell’s "heartfelt apology" is that it is full of more lies and slander, further showing that Jeannie Bell, and the SC, are continuing to go down a criminal path which will cost the VE homeowners in the end.
For the record, the VEHOA does not have control of the gatehouse and the other security properties as it was not BCS's to give. Those properties are part of Tadasly and any request for their use should have come from an agreement with the developer. BCS is still in possession of the gate house and security office and BCS is still providing security for the resort as it always has. The only thing the agreement provided was a cancellation of the existing security contract between BCS and the VEHOA with a large payout.
Part 2 in next comment
The statement from Jeannie Bell that I engaged in illegal activity will further put her, the SC, and the entire VEHOA in a libelous position.
I have all work permits and am in complete compliance under Panamanian law for my position held in BCS. BCS guards have the same exact licenses to carry firearms as the Blasco guards and they received the exact same training and certifications required under Panamanian law. In addition, BCS does posses the appropriate license to provide the services it has for so many years to the VE homeowners. Also for the record,. Julio Brown, the VEHOA attorney admitted at a recent meeting at the homeowners office, that he never looked at this license. The minimum wage increase was ridiculous argument from day one and it will be proven that the increase was correctly calculated under the terms of the contract and under Panamanian labor laws. Interestingly as part of the “cancellation agreement” the VEHOA recently paid BCS $65,0000 which included every penny of the increase plus a big bonus.
All these facts will come out as part of a criminal investigation and the lies Jeannie Bell and her gang are still spreading will come back to bite them hard.
As for the savings, let the Jeannie Bell and the SC show the homeowners an apples to apples comparison.
BCS, as part if it's contract requirements, requested by the VEHOA, had to provide two golf carts whose maintenance and fuel was the sole responsibility of BCS. Why, two? Because if one went down for a breakdown, or if it was out of service for maintenance, we needed to have one ready on stand by to patrol and respond to a security call. The new security company does not have to provide any golf carts and the golf cart was purchased by the VEHOA for them to use. How is that fair? How much does the fuel the VEHOA is responsible for costing monthly. How about the maintenance? What happens when the VEHOA golf cart has a flat tire or the engine needs to be rebuilt? Is there a second one on standby as BCS was required to have? Why would the VEHOA use a gas powered golf cart which is so loud that anyone can here it coming on patrol?
Part 3 in next comment
Another part of the BCS contract that we were responsible for, as required by the VEHOA, was that at least one English speaking guard was part of the staff. We actually had two and sometimes three. Also a BCS contract requirement was that an English speaking supervisor was available 24 hours a day. This criteria, which was determined by the VEHOA security subcommittee, was imperative to the VEHOA when BCS bid the contract. Many residents in VE only speak English, how are they supposed to communicate with security, especially in an emergency?
What Blasco guards speak English?
Who from Blasco, that speaks English, can VE residents call 24 hours a day in case of emergency or to address security concerns?
Has the VEHOA even given the VE residents the new phone number to call the “new” security company with security issues or in an emergency?
Additionally, the BCS contract included all administration of the security services including writing the rules and procedures. Who, with security background and experience, is administering the security services for the VEHOA now?
The only fact Jeannie Bell is correct about is that it was the "strategy to remove BCS, and for many reasons". Yes, it was Charbit and gang's strategy, but for none of the reasons she outlined above.
Let them show you the great savings to the VEHOA with a line by line comparison and without expecting an extorted payment from the resort for 25% of the costs as they told all homeowners they would get.
There are no savings when all things are taken into consideration.
See, Jeannie Bell, Charbit, and crew are great at lying and they will never back up their lies with documentation. Why should homeowners believe anything they say without documentation to back it up.
What about these lies from the SC:
-that is not the same Richard Charbit
-Richard Charbit was neither arrested or deported
-Charbit will be back next week
-BCS is illegal
-BCS has no license
-we (SC) can not attend Ralf's security meeting, where all documents backing up BCS legality was shown, because of a existing restraint order.
-the Corredoria drove from David to Boquete to serve Ralf Henrich a restraint order
-Ralf Henrich is an FBI informant and a criminal
-and so many more
There never ever was any restraining order against me and all claims to such by Ms. Bell, Carol Bruner, Olga, and the SC as a whole will be addressed by the Panamanian justice system.
The problem is that the VE homeowners will be the ones who ultimately pay the price for the reckless and criminal actions of these individuals.
If you want to believe them then demand to see the documents and calculations that back up their statements. If they can't or won't then you need to ask yourselves why.
Ralf Henrich
How great for Jeannie Bell that Mick accepted her "heartfelt apology." Wow, unfortunately for her, the rest of us can see right through all that. She cannot control her mouth nor hold back her fingers; thus, the resulting slander lawsuit. And she claims to have "moral integrity," -- really? How dare she own up to virtues that neither of which exists in any fiber of her being. Moral -- how can one be moral while being completely dishonest. How many times has she lied to the VEHOA members about the nature and circumstance surrounding Mr. Charbit and the real reason for his expulsion from Panama. Of course, there's always a scapegoat. As for "integrity," none exists, because like everyone in the SC, she dances by the strings of the puppetmaster.
Mr. Henrich
Your outline of comments here in response to Ms. Bell's apology is written very clearly & precise.
I thank you for taking the time to write out all of your points which seem to have been openly addressed in the past.
I am only 1 owner in VE but after carefully taking the time to view all of the facts, I must send my apologies to you as we the owners by supporting such continued claims by this SC sure seem to have damaged you, your business and your credibility. I for one send my sincerest apologies.
As for the SC, if they make one more continued allegation against you without written documented proof to the community, I would demand this community send them an immediate notice to seek mental health help as a starter while also having each write a letter of resignation and stop this diatribe once and for all. We are very tired of it and to old to hear anymore.
Why was it easier to be rid of the last lot than this. It is not mental health, it is greed!
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