If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Monday, August 4, 2014

After reading Mr. Charbits letter in the VEHOA publication concerning Caesar Sherrard the following occurred to me.

If you do read the details of the murders/rape that happened a the Black Rock Lodge, you would note, as I did, where the bad guys came from! how they got there! how they were armed ! dark of night ! tore out communications !, disappeared in the woods ! what could anyone do to stop the mayhem? The fact that he (Caesar) did not want to talk to the media could be the police instructed him not to.  They would not be interviewed either.  Maybe to protect the victim's privacy, Maybe for insurance reasons.  Many reasons could explain that.

Now Caesar Sherrard is here, could it be he is trying to protect his friends and neighbors from like attacks?


Anonymous said...

I have known Caesar Sherrard for years and he is one of the most upstanding, caring individuals in VE. He never wants to take sides, but always tries to bring the different sides together, using common sense.

The fact that Charbit would even bring up such a horrible incident in Caesars past is beyond reproach.
He did this because Caesar wrote a statement declaring the truthful facts as they are now in VE.

And since Charbit doesn't want the homeowners to know the true facts, he was not happy with the letter, and retaliated with the most horrible, accusing, letter and brought up a very painful incident in Caesars past. Which by the way, Caesar was not responsible for.

What kind of a man would do this to his fellow man? Retaliate, revenge, whatever you call it. Charbit has no conscious, no sense of right or wrong, and will do anything he can to get his way. And, somehow, he has 'his' entire committee doing his bidding. Is this a person we want heading our Steering Committee?

Anonymous said...

Charbit defends who is by attacking anyone who challenges him with facts and disagreement. VE as a whole better wake up & clean this SC clan out wholesale before they take us all down. I know of at least 6 owners he has attempted to destroy, his SC clan and advisers need to seek help & fast. pray for them, they need it!

Who would do this job with all of the deviousness without any pay, unless their is a bigger agenda. This Olga, Wow a female charbit, watch her and she works for the HOA? No, she is a charbit 100% lackey, watch how despicable she is to owners she works for...a disgust with a trash mouth!!

Anonymous said...

To answer the above question, not only do I not want this individual heading my Steering Committee, I do not want to live in the same community with this deprave person. I recently signed a list of names that when I signed was over 60 plus property owners to unseat the current Steering Committee. I joined with this group primarily to preclude a person like Charbit from dictating the SC actions to the detriment of this beautiful community. Hold a meeting and let's vote them out before more damage is done and more money wasted.