If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Don't Drink Downstream

I had the fortune to grow up on my father’s cattle ranch in NW Florida. On this ranch we had beautiful Wright’s creek running through the property. The creek also served as a one source of water for any cattle grazing in the pastures boarding the creek. One lesson we all learned at an early age was not to swim much less drink down stream from the herd. Another lesson we kids figured out, was when it rained hard not to swim in the creek. All the cow deposits, the pasture fertilizer and insecticide from the pastures ran into the creek. Now I and the other kids were 10 -12 years of age when we figured this out.

However now I am being told by Jerry Loveless and the sewer chairman that it is ok to drink water from the creek. That one rather expensive test ($900.) they conducted happened to find on that one particular day there were no contaminates in the water. Well just maybe the cattle were not grazing that day in the valley above us, and also it just happened that the insecticides on the finca’s above us had not washed down into the water, yet. Oh yes, plus the golf course, we going to have quit fertilizing and treating the course, it has run off also.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


To the VE community:  We would like to address a few issues regarding the comment section of our blog, we have apparently "struck a nerve" with the SC who wish for all the comments to be posted and and the parties writing the articles to put their name on the entries.  We wish to advise the community that we endured, and continue to endure, this same treatment from the Steering Committee on the VEHOA blog, this is what caused us to create this new blog. If those complaining would have taken the time to read "About this blog"; It answers any of these questions and why the privacy matters to all the homeowners.  We hope our blog can get us all to a place of honest discord without lies, deceptions, and deflections with out attacking innocent owners who only want a place of peace, happiness and enjoyment.  There is no hate from the Neighbors of Valle Escondido. We are 60 some owners ( and growing ) who want resolution with our voices heard. The community applauds this blog, with page views now in the thousands, owners are engaging and understanding our issues with great clarity now.  All for you the owners!



Based upon the Steering Committee’s decision, without the communities input or vote,  should the courts rule in favor of Boquete Consulting Security against the VEHOA, will each of the Steering Committee members and or its advisers,  personally pay for this contract and or fines and legal fees in its entirety?   ____Yes   _____ No

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

FACTS of Valle Escondido`s NEW Reality.

1) There are 6 law suits that have been filed that I know of. There are 2 more law suits that may be filed if adequate apologies are not made. 
2) 4 people on the steering committee(SC) have multiple  law suits against them by various people for slander and defamation.
3) Vehoa is being sued. That is ALL of us.
4) The losing sides will pay legal fees as well as damages. Damages for slander can run into 7 figures and or jail time. This is the Panamanian reality.
5) If Boquete Consulting sues vehoa and wins, and they will win because the SC broke the contract we had with them. You the homeowners will be on the hook for over $100,000 plus legal fees. SC will now have to hire costly expert legal council to defend VEHOA and  our  homes.  
6) The steering committee President has lied to us several times and the SC will not admit it. Our President was expelled from Panama and can never come back.
7) Our SC members tolerate no criticism and respond with vitriol and exaggerations.
8)Boquete consulting and Security has already incurred over $6000 in legal fees pertaining to the breaking of the security contract. This figure  will keep rising each week.
9) Nearly all the law suits, name calling, lower consciousness, and hatred that has been spewed out on the internet would never have occurred had the SC paid BCS according to the contract, and not made all the slanderous, untrue remarks that filled their conversations.  The Steering Committee stopped paying BCS 4 Months Ago! 
10) It is not to late to turn this around although, the longer we wait, the more it will cost us financially than it it already has. So please sign up with the VE Neighbors so we can end this madness. To sign up send email to: veneighbors@gmail.com.

    Caesar Sherrard

How Far We Have Fallen...

I am truly upset to see these new security guards carrying weapons. Has this community fallen so far that we now need guards with guns? I, for one, am not comfortable with the message this is sending. I can only imagine what a potential homeowner would think. We are not living in Panama City where there is a crime issue. We are in Valle Escondido where we, as neighbors, used to get along, where we have always been safe from criminals because of the faithful and diligent guards we had through Bouquete Consulting Security. These guards patrolled our streets on a regular basis, never having the need to carry guns, always waving and smiling at the residents.

I am so dismayed to see how far we have fallen. I can't help but feel like I am now living under a communistic regime. We have absolutely no say in anything that transpires within our community, no say in how our money is spent, and we are considered as "3rd party" by the steering committee who is running rough shod over the majority of us homeowners.
I know we are living in Panama, but we should still have freedom of speech, but this steering committee does not allow that. If we don't agree with them we are not allowed at the HO meetings and should we stand up and protest then they demand security escort us out.

What will they do next to keep us quiet? When, do we, as Homeowners, say "we have had enough and we are not going to take it anymore."

We need to take back this valley, resume negotiations with Thalia for transfer of infrastructure, and go back to living peacefully and enjoying this beautiful place we call home and be thankful for what we have. Yes, and also thankful that Sam and Thalia saw the potential this beautiful valley had and developed it so we could all enjoy a peace of paradise.

Faye Thomas

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Truth! 6 past Steering Committee members join 60 owners in signing (growing) our Homeowners Declaration!

VE OWNERS ARE WAKING UP AND TIRED OF THE LIES, DECEPTIONS AND DEFLECTIONS OF THIS SC!  The Truth is there for all to see!  Ask them yourself the questions on our new blog! They Refuse!

Just what are the REAL reasons, that again, for the second time in two years, the unelected members of the “steering committee” have declared war on the desires of the majority of VE homeowners? 

We the owners were forced to create a separate communication center so we could insure each of us owners who have an opinion, have a place to express it without the SC’s control mechanisms of attack, lie, destroy and deflect away from the truth.  Well 60 owners as of this writing are seeing the light along with 6 previous SC members who see thru the band of deceptions. We want our community back.  Period, No other Agenda!

The last time they pushed their plan for a “ hostile takeover” of the resort, the goal was to “bankrupt” the developer.  Real smart, destroy the developer, which destroys the resort and leaves so many of us without the amenities we dearly enjoy! Did anybody ask you to buy into this plan?  Not me.
  One member was quoted saying that  “my mission is to keep the Panamanians out of our Valle.”  OUTRAGEOUS!  Recorded fact!

For the recent owners, this “destroy tactic” has been tried before with a consortium of the same guys who already failed against the wishes/votes of the majority.  They hired an “advisor” and incurred professional fees that together cost the VEHOA an amount approaching $100,000!  We, the owners GOT ABOLSUTELY NOTHING for this private agenda!  Their current flock of follies just jump onboard to the new destroy tactic’s at our expense.   DESPICABLE!

One of the assets the developer owns is the majority of the shares of Boquete Consulting Company, the security company that was contracted by VEHOA to provide security.
It was the desire of the steering committee to sign a new contract with another company in an attempt to financially hurt her and again try to put her out of business.  A backlash from the majority and the fact that BCS came in at a bid that was less than the other bids prevented this from happening.

 Now, a new group of SC members (appointed not elected), are doing the same. It is my guess that the majority of these new members believe that their intentions are just, but have swallowed the same kool- aid provided over the years by their puppet masters.  It is apparent that they do not engage in any debate over the matters. Just attack and destroy anyone who might offer a different view or solution. Their method is to demonize and call names, destroy opposition.

  Just look at what they have recently done to Mark Schneider. Read the contemptible diatribe recently printed in the VEHOA blog and sent to all owners about Mark. What a horrible attack.  What is it that Mark has done to deserve this?  Could it be that he actually has engaged with the developer over the conveyance of the infrastructure?  Could it be that he actually shows the developer respect rather than the contemptible treatment she has had to endure? Oh, he wants to buy the resort, smart move attacking him if he did. I can assure you Mark’s agenda is 100% consistent with the recent 60 owners who signed the new Owners declaration many of us were involved in writing. Are you aware he has the largest investment in VE and wants to protect it just like other VE homeowners joined to protect theirs.

It’s real simple; We want the voting HOA to be 1st in line of wishes and outcomes in VE and the SC to implement our majority wishes.  We want a SC to be limited in their ability to hurt or negatively impact our community in value and appeal.  We want a SC to be 100% responsible for any legal fees or judgments awarded due to their careless or reckless behaviors without the homeowner’s say so.  This is not a fascist community, but they have it controlled by 7 or fewer owners (that we are aware).   So I challenge each homeowner; Email the SC directly and copy their response to you to each of us.  Simply ask them to answer all the questions on the new community blog    http://veneighbors.blogspot.com/   To date they ignore answering any of us. Why? All questions are very reasonable questions that impact each homeowner in VE. 

The treatment of our neighbor and head of security, Ralf Henrich, is also beyond contempt.

Homeowner report on last Steering Committee meeting. Important new information.

Some things learned at the meeting on July 23:

One of the homeowners who had attended Ralf's meeting said he had seen Ralf's license to provide security services and asked Julio Brown, the steering committee's attorney, directly if he had ever seen  Ralf's license. After being pointedly questioned 2 or 3 times, the attorney finally answered no.

Julio Brown, is representing the steering committee on the 3 pending lawsuits. What exactly does this mean? Since the steering committee represents the homeowners are the homeowners responsible for payment of these legal fees???

BCS is suing the VEHOA (thats all of the homeowners) for breach of contract (because of a decision the steering committee made to withhold payments for the last 3 months). The contract with BCS does not expire till 3/15/15. Members of the steering committee do not believe it will cost more than 24,000 to 35,000 to settle it, but no one knows for sure how much it will cost.

Richard Charbit was present at the meeting on Skype. It was reported that he was very agitated on his Skype call.  When a homeowner asked where he was skyping from, he snapped out with "It's none of your business". He repeated this more than once, in a loud agitated voice.

When asked if he was deported, Mr. Charbit responded loudly that he was not deported, but expelled from the country of Panama and that his permanent residence had been cancelled.

What is the difference between deported and expelled? Deported means a person can reapply to return in 5 years. Expelled means that they can never return. The steering committee continued to lead us to believe through their emails and newsletters, that Panama had not kicked him out of the country and that he would be returning soon.

It will be interesting to hear this meeting for ourselves when the Steering Committee posts the recording on their website.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Homeowners letter to you

A little over four years ago, my wife Pam and I made what we considered to be a wise decision when we purchased our home in Valle Escondido.  We did this for a number of reasons. The community was extraordinarily beautiful, the amenities were fantastic, the security was good and the cost of living was attractive.  Most important, Valle Escondido was a HAPPY and VIBRANT community with a positive contagious energy. We could feel it. Not only did the residents appear to get along, but they appeared to respect and feel love for each other.  Every one expressed the same feelings about VE and why they had settled there.  In short, it felt like a right place to live and retire. Sound familiar? My question of you today is: “What happened?”

Our community has turned into quagmire of unhappiness and anger. The negative energy is palatable. People who were friends before have now have become enemies.  Many are finding it difficult to even greet each other or look each other in the eye. Where love was present before, now animosity is felt. 

Many who have had the courage to express their opinions have been ostracized and demonized. Others who want to express their feelings and opinions fear that they too will be ostracizedand demonized if they do.

One of those who has been greatly ostracized and demonized is Ralf Heinrich. Think for a moment and look inward. You will recognize that Ralf has always been there for all of us. He’s been a real friend. Haven’t you always felt safe with Ralf around?   We sure have. He has been around when we have needed him for security purposes and health emergencies, he has attended community functions and functions in our homes.  Best of all, he always has been straight forward with us.   

Now take a close look at the criticisms and accusations that have been directed at Ralf and take a very careful look at how it was handled.  
Ralf and his company were made to look like bad apples and were pounded and pounded and pounded over the past several weeks

Last week Ralf held a meeting where he clearly negated all of those criticisms and accusations.  You were invited to that meetingIf you did not go, PLEASE take a few minutes now and listen to an audio of the meeting here: http://veneighbors.blogspot.com/p/audio-recording-of-recent-security.html

If you are one who HAD a good relationship with Ralf, you at least owe him this. He proved he and his company can legally operate in Valley Escondido and that he has more than adequate training in law enforcement.  He also had two attorneys present to validate his positions.

I truly feel Ralf and his company will be vindicated legally and his contract upheld.  What this means is that we will most likely be required to pay for what is currently owed as well as the balance of his contract through March 2015.  If this happens, we will have incurred double expenses by paying for two security companies to cover the same period.  

Since, security is by far our largest expense as a community,  I find it hard to comprehend why our home owners were not encouraged to go to Ralf’s meeting to hear his side and then presented with information on the new company.  The home owners then should have VOTED on what action to take.   Don’t you agree?  If you do, make certain you join the group of home owners who have agreed to become part of the petition posted on www.veneighbors.blogspot.com. 

Let’s join together and take our community back where we can vote openly and honestly for what we truly want without threat  of being made wrong.
Ed Kuiper

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Ozzie, Bill and Jessica, a real Chiriqui prison story

July 21, 2014 by Lee Zeltzer 14 Comments
On 14 July 2014 I received this comment to an old post of Fredrick Allen Osburn. I did not approve the comment because I wanted more information.
(This post has many links to source information so I do not need to repeat it all here.)
“Submitted on 2014/07/14 at 4:14 pm
This Wild Bill and Frederick Osburn thing is not over yet. I would like to have the chance to talk personally with you Mr. Lee about how this two men are still dangerous, and in my special case, how they are using my personal information and I want to make a warning to that community about it. Regards.”
Since receiving the email I have met with attorney Jessica Hidalgo, she was the former defense attorney for Fredrick Allen Osburn, aka Ozzie, a now convicted US expat residing in the David Prison. Ozzie was arrested on fifteen counts of robbery, burglary and associated charges after being caught in a sting conducted by the DIJ, Alto al Crimen and RALF HENRICH, head of the security company working for Valle Escondido and Los MolinosMore on Ozzie in Boquete at this link.
Prior to his Panama adventure Ozzie was accused of being a serial rapist and convicted of possession of child pornography in Nevada, USA.
Fredrick Allen Osburn in Boquete Jail June 2011

Thursday, July 24, 2014


I have heard recently that I am being portrayed as being angry in need of anger management. I even received an email from a steering committee member with some web sites that might help me to control my anger.  I have also been accused by a “steering committee adviser” to have “assaulted” the steering committee’s secretary, Olga.  Just to be perfectly clear:  I am angry, very angry. BUT I know how to control my anger and also how to protect myself from liars.  The only 2 times in my life that I have spoken to Olga were recorded from at least 10 seconds before entering the office to at least 10 seconds after I left.  Anybody that wants to listen to the tapes is welcome to do so. Call me or email and we will make an appointment to listen.

One of the lies during the first of the 2 meetings was Olga shouting that “Chuck Thomas pulled a gun on Richard.”  I asked her to say that again and clearly she stated “Chuck Thomas pulled a gun on Richard.”  I asked her if she was sure and she shouted that she was sure because she typed the report for the denuncia.    What a deplorable damn LIE! 

During that meeting she told me that they were getting 3 proposals and bids from different security companies. I asked if the Valle Escondido Home owners were going to be able to see and approve the choice. She said that of course we would. I explained that I felt it VERY important that we receive not just a phony cost comparison but that we receive proposals that compare the quality of the service, the experience, and the history of both the companies quoting and their employees.  If we didn’t do that, we could wind up saving thousands by hiring a couple guys to ride around in a borrowed golf cart.  And those guys could be a great threat to the safety of our homes.    

I did not even get to my house 20 minutes later before I found out that the steering committee had new guys coming in 3 days and our current security contract was cancelled. Also, attorney Hector Bonilla disclosed to several of the homeowners the outrageous offer of $22,000 from the Homeowner’s account was to be given as a BONUS for BCS to go away. As part of that offer, BCS would drop ALL lawsuits!!  Two members of the steering committee actually had the gall to write that attorney Bonilla should go back to law school and learn ethics!!  They actually called us, the homeowners, a “3rd  party”.    The Valle Escondido Homeowners are the highest level of power in the Valle and these unelected steering committee members, those who profess to be working for us, are threatening attorneys because they rightly told us what was being offered.    Outrageous!   So yes, I am angry. Very angry.

Rich Heffner, who explained that he is a ½ member of the steering committee, asked me if I was a US citizen. Perplexed,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Views from a New Home Owner

As a relatively new home owner, I have been trying to evaluate what is occurring here in Valle Escondido. We have a steering committee that is headed by a person who has been reportedly, deported from the country.  I was also told that he is a convicted felon, yet he remains the chairman of the steering committee. If he hasn’t been deported then why isn’t he in Valle Escondido where I was told he owns several properties.

I understand that the steering committee is replacing the current security company, the security company that has been providing security for five or six years. Before I bought my residence, I was told that the Valley had not had a home break-in since the security company has been in operation. I am now told that the reason that the security company is being replaced is that they are not operating legally. Yet, a friend that attended the recent presentation by the Security Company was shown documents that clearly stated that the company was legal to operate under the auspices of some title that they are incorporated under, a Vigilante title. Not an expert in Panamanian law but if the current Security Company is legal in Panama, what is the problem? Also I just read a letter on this Blog from a homeowner that has experience with the new security company and that experience is quite disconcerting.

Also what I do not like is that there seems to be someone named Olga and one or two other Steering Committee members who are actively attacking other Homeowners. This is far from a steering Committee representing the Homeowners. The personal attacks, the language from the Steering Committee has become more definitive regarding the peeps that don't agree with them ( dissidents and disciples ).   I AM OPPOSED TO THE NAME CALLING, INNUENDOS, AND BLATANT DISRESPECT SHOWN TO THE DEVELOPER AND HOMEOWNERS THAT DISAGREE WITH THE SC AND THEIR METHODS OF INTIMIDATION WHILE SPOUTING THAT IT IS THE "other side" THAT IS GUILTY OF THOSE TACTICS!

Was this steering committee elected and was the election legal? While I have not been in Valle Escondido for an extended period, I am not aware of any election nor has anyone else that I have spoken too been aware of an actual election. Then I hear that even if they had an election it was not legal. What is going on here?

I am told that the SC wants the roads transferred to the Home Owners. Where I lived in the US I never owned the roads, why do I want them now? By the way, I paid taxes i.e. Homeowners fees, to have the roads kept in a state of repair. Why do I need to own a road?

I hear we want the water transferred, OK is there a problem that we are going to have to  solve by owning the water? I don’t recall where I am paying anything for the water now, but we want to own it, why?

Electricity  is so gawd awfully cheap compared to what I had been paying I have never felt it expensive. However, I recently read somewhere that the developer was willing to transfer the electricity to the Homeowners. I guess that is a good thing but wonder if we have fully examined the cost of that ownership.

Also told that “we” need to own the Golf Course and resort. Well this part of the “we” does not. However I have never heard the Developer wanted to sell the Resort. What would be the price for the resort if the community wanted to purchase the Resort? I for certain do not believe that we Gringos are going towin title of a Panamanian resort in a Panamanian court.

The reason I was provided for this ownership, by one person was that “we” wanted to own the resort  to preclude the current owner from building more residences on the Golf Course. Has there been any move for permitting such construction? While I would not want to lose the  golf course, I am not aware of anything in the law, for certain not in the US, that would preclude such construction. However, while not familiar with Panamanian law but I would also expect that nothing here precludes such construction. quite frankly I knew there was a possibility of such construction, when I purchased my property, was anyone here so naive that they didn’t?

Fellow Homeowners, I get the impression we really need to evaluate the legality of the current steering committee and their agenda. I would feel a lot better about the annual dues I have paid if all spending was suspended except those that have been committed for current operations and that does not include legal fees, until the community had time to evaluate what is occurring here in the Valley and the legality of the actions of the SC.

Residential Owner in VE

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Steering Committee needs to go to Arbitration with BCS for the truth.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "URGENT! SC COMMITS OUR BUDGET TO TWO SECURITY CONT...": 

I am on the signers list, but I do not support either side, why can't you both agree to arbitration in Panama and solve this and put agendas aside, it is tearing apart our community and destroying our values? Who is responsible for these decisions happening there? 
That is a very good question. Here is the answer. 

Who is responsible for these decisions happening there?

The Steering Committee is making all decisions on what is happening in Valle Escondido at this time. They are not giving the Homeowners a chance to vote on any issues, nor even advising them ahead of time of what they are doing. Most Homeowners did not know the security company was being changed! This should be an issue that would only happen with the Homeowners knowledge and majority consent. This Steering Committee has literally 'taken over' VE and anyone who disagrees with them is held in contempt. That is why many people are posting anonymous. 

why can't you both agree to arbitration in Panama and solve this and put agendas aside?

BCS went to the arbitration board regarding the VEHOA withholding their payments. The arbitration board advised them that non payment is not a non performance issue and that they should sue/sequester the funds.  To date the VEHOA Steering Committee has not requested arbitration or given BCS any notification of non performance as per the contract. BCS welcomes arbitration, but also request payment for services already provided to date. 

If any SC member says that the VEHOA applied for arbitration demand to see a copy. It does not exist. 

The Steering Committee has NEVER filed for arbitration and that is what needs to be done.
Then we can get a third party (unbiased) in to arbitrate, and bring out all the facts and truth.

Why hasn't the Steering Committee called for arbitration to prove themselves correct in their allegations against Ralf and BCS?  

For them to do this they would need to PROVE their allegations!!!  This would answer once and for all. Ask the Steering Committee to go to arbitration NOW. Their is no reason not to unless what they are saying is not true. WE NEED TO KNOW.

Our 'other' security company, is it Blasco?

Received this morning with a request to post. 
This e mail received from a friend in Montañas del Caldera, outlines how many robbery/break-ins they have had using the same security company that our STEERING COMMITTEE has hired for ve:
As a full-time resident of Boquete and Montanas de Caldera (MdC) for close to five years, I have witnessed my share of unusual circumstances and pure madness at times. Did you hire Blasco?

Unfortunately, we've had a dozen incidences (burglaries, break-ins, theft, etc...) at MdC in the past two years. This includes a couple of unsuccessful attempts, which left behind evidence with shattered glass and such.

My own residence was burglarized about four months ago. I followed through by filling a report at the "Personeria" and an investigation is likely still on-going. I have not had a sense of being safe, since the storm of incidences began a couple of years back.

In conclusion, I feel that the current security operation (Blasco) has not completely satisfied their duties at MdC. I would recommend some of the guards themselves, but not the security company (Blasco) itself. I've had a very negative experience following one incident, which Blasco management did not act professionally.

Best Regards,


(PS. We feel for everyone in VE, but we do not wish to be exposed by friends and those who do not agree, sorry. hope you learn, please do not publish our name)

Monday, July 21, 2014


Just yesterday Boquete Consulting Security (BCS) was notified via email by Julio Brown, attorney representing the VEHOA and the SC, that effective this Monday morning, July 21, there will be a new security company in Valle Escondido and that the long time experienced and trusted guards that have serviced the VE homeowners are to vacate the security offices that BCS have leases on. A copy of that email is below.

The Following information was provided to us by BCS: 
In that same email ( attached here )Julio Brown confirms that there was NO RESTRAINING ORDER in effect against Ralf Henrich, but this SC has told the homeowners over and over there was one against him. Why do they not tell the truth to us?  It is out of hand.

Here are a List Of Falsehoods

That restraining orders were served on Ralf Henrich- FALSE
That the steering committee could not attend Ralf Henrich's “meeting” because of this restraining order – FALSE
That a ’Corregidora’ was sent from David and that Ralf Henrich was served a restraining order – FALSE
That BCS is not legal - FALSE
That BCS does not have a license to provide the services it does – FALSE
That Ralf Henrich illegally trained BCS security guards in firearms - FALSE 

Questions for us?

1) Did the SC notify "US" the residents, and ask our opinion, about the “new” security company and/or allow us to vote?

2) Have they given us a detailed background of the new guards that will have access to your properties?

3) We will now be paying for 2 Security Services, Did You Approve this?

4) There are so many questions we have and have not been afforded any say in this very important topic. Shouldn't we have a say on these important issues?

5) Why did the SC committee not attend the Meeting Ralf Henrich had on Friday? When we now know they clearly could have attended without any legal issues.  They simply are not truthful!

6) Mr. Henrich showed us all the documentation proving the SC is totally misleading us homeowners, are you aware of the following;

At this meeting Mr. Henrich provided the proof that BCS is licensed to provide the “security” services it performs for us.

Residents that attended that meeting were clearly impressed by all the documentation supported by Mr. Henrich and learned firsthand the continued falsehoods of this SC. There were over 30 owners who wished to attend via skype but could not as the internet was down in the valley. Mr. Henrich will be uploading an audio file of that meeting soon and post that audio file on this VE NEIGHBORS  Blog. Just click the documents tab above
Also presented at the meeting by Mr. Henrich;

-Were the proofs that BCS has all the permits and licenses to provide the services it does.
-That BCS employees have all the required insurance, weapon certifications by licensed Panamanian instructors, have personal background checks as required by law, and have taken the required drug and psychological tests.
-Were notarized and authenticated documents  proving the extensive Law Enforcement training Mr. Henrich received at the Bergen County Police Academy.
-Validation the SC received all the documents requested from BCS in regards the the minimum wage issue.
It is quite apparent this SC is attempting to destroy BCS at our expense and we should be very concerned about losing this lawsuit do to the actions of this SC.    
Please get involved and tell our neighbors and demand honest answers.
The Valle Escondido Neighbors
Licdo. Bonilla:
Se solicito con el respeto acostumbrado que no remita correos de está naturaleza, pues los mismo son infructuosas. Por otra parte, los procesos no se discuten por correo electrónico si no en los Tribunales. La semana que se aproxima cada parte será notificada de la resolución que ordena  las medias de protección correspondientes.
Aunado a lo anterior, le comunicó que el suscrito no tiene control sobre las actuaciones privadas de los miembros de la Asociación, ya que los mismo viven es un Estado libre y soberano donde pulula la libertad de expresión. Lo que sí debe manifestarle a su cliente el señor Henrich que no tenga ningún tipo de acercamiento con los miembros de la Asociación y sus oficinas para evitar confrontaciones sin sentido, y para finalizar se le notifica que a partir del día lunes tendremos una nueva compañía de seguridad privada en la garita principal del proyecto, lo anterior es para que se tomen las medidas correspondientes con BC,S.A. y desalojen todo el personal de BC,S.A. Recuerde que todavía estamos a tiempo de negociar.
Que pase un buen fin de semana,
Translation of Julios response to Bonilla
Lic. Bonilla,
I respectfully request that you not sent out mails of this nature, as the same are unfruitful. On the other side, the processes are not discussed by email but in the courts. Next week each part will be duly notified of the resolutions of the pertaining protection orders.
With that said, I inform you that the undersigned does not have control over the private acts of Members of the Association as they live in a FREE state where freedom of expression prevails. What you should clarify to your client Mr. Henrich is that he must not have any proximity to the members of the Association and its offices to prevent senseless confrontation, and to finalize you are notified that as of Monday we will have a new private security company at the main garita of the project, with this said, we anticipate the BC, S.A. vacate all personal belongings of BC. Remember we still have time to negotiate.
Have a great weekend

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Important Questions for the Steering Committee

We, the owners of Valle Escondido request this unelected Steering Committee to answer the following questions that affect each homeowner of Valle Escondido, If you cannot answer each question with honesty and facts; We ask each of you to step down immediately.  Failure to answer this questionnaire validates concerns many of us owners have regarding your lack of transparency and personal agenda;

1)      Did this Steering Committee and or its advisers hire another security company to replace VE’s current contract with Boquete Consulting and Security?

2)      Please forward your communications to the community of this hire for the HOA to vote on.

3)      Based on the Steering Committee’s decision without the communities vote,  should the courts rule in favor of Boquete Consulting & Security against the SC, will each of the Steering Committee members and or its advisers  personally pay for this contract and or fines and legal fees in its entirety due to your actions?   ____Yes   _____ No

4)      If you did sign a contract with a new security company, please answer the following questions as it relates to this contract:

a)       What is the HOA’s monthly costs?
b)      How many guards on each shift?
c)      Who vetted the company and what is their history?
d)      References of existing clients?
e)      What is their safety record of break-ins?
f)       What is their equipment / security system
g)      What are the contents of their liability coverage?
h)      Who do the homeowners call if needed?
i)        Who is their manager?
j)        How many of their guards speak Spanish?

5)      Will each of you personally pay for any and all legal fees, judgments and or fines ruled against you due to any of your actions without homeowners vote or content?
_____YES    ______NO
6)      Did you request Arbitration with Boquete Consulting & Security per the terms of the agreement?  Please post the communication of validation?       

7)      Since the dispute with BCS is on a small amount of a wage increase, why not only hold those funds in dispute and allow for arbitration in accordance to the terms of the contract?

8)      Did you offer BCS a termination bonus of approximately $22,000.00 of our money?  If so, by whose authority?

9)      Have you the SC ever referred to the Owners of VE as” 3rd parties” and ask that we not be communicated with by BCS and or their attorneys?

10)  Do you consider homeowners who have differences of opinions as  “Adversaries”  and or a small group of  “Disciples”?     

11)  Have any of the Steering Committee members been issued criminal lawsuits against them from the developer individually and or the HOA community due to possible slander and defamation actions against the developer?

12)  If so, will you pay your own legal fees to defend yourselves for your unauthorized actions or ask the association dues to pay your legal fees to defend?   ______YES   ______NO

13)  You have still failed to date to answer the following question asked of you many times.  Why have you denied countless times and more importantly assisted in covering up the lie about Richard Charbit admitting it was not him but his cousin who is the convicted felon from the U.S.?

14)  If Richard Charbit lied about his identity and falsified immigration documents and no longer is permitted in Panama do you think he should be in a leadership role in VE?

15)  When will Richard Charbit return to Panama?

16)  Have any members of the Steering Committee, its advisors and or their representatives attempted or referred homeowners who oppose their opinions to Panamanian authorities in an effort to injure or harm homeowners you have a vendetta against?  If it proven any SC Member / adviser was involved in the above, will each of you step down immediately?     

17)  Why are we paying an administrator close to double what we paid Rosa ($800 p/m), whereas the current one “Olga” is receiving $1,500 p/m?

18)  Do we have any funds directed for community improvements? Such as roads, security or other visible needs for all homeowners planned for the balance of 2014?

19)  Will you post on line our complete bank statements and financial statements for the past 2 years for each homeowner to review as desired?

20)  Who has the authority to sign and pay expenses on behalf of the HOA?

21)  Do any board members or steering committee members receive any compensation in any way from any community member, advisor or other steering committee members to each other, either directly or indirectly? If So Who and under what capacity?

22)  If the committee you appointed to negotiate the transfer the assets of VE from the developer to the HOA  fails,  what is your plan B?

23)   Has BCS frozen any of our funds due to lack of payment? How will you resolve this?

24)  How much has the HOA paid to date in legal fees?  What are you projections of all legal fees for 2014?

25)  Do you believe In Full and Open Transparency?

26)  Does Olga work for the Steering Committee or the Homeowners?

Declaration of Homeowners

We have prepared the following declaration to inform the community that we support the contents of this declaration. Contrary to the continued deceptions, WE are not a small group of 5 or 6 homeowners who have previously been demonized by this steering committee group. We are a group that is now closely approaching the majority of homeowners and rapidly growing in numbers each day in an effort to prevent the lies from this steering committee from continuing.
Many of the signed members want their privacy protected as they do not wish to be victimized by those who disagree with them.  The community needs to heal but the constant acts of deception and deflection of this Steering Committee from the issues is downright deplorable. As is their venomous attacks against anyone who does not agree with this Steering Committee’s agenda.
July 18, 2014
The following homeowners of Valle Escondido and/or their authorized proxy agree to the following in total. We wish our voices to be heard and no longer minimized and/or controlled by the current steering committee  (SC) and/or its advisors.
1)    We have never consented for this SC or its appointed advisers  to engage and/or make decisions on our behalf that could cause legal harm to us the homeowners by this SC or its appointed advisers legal actions and/or defamatory and/or slanderous statements against the developer, Thalia Valasquez, and/or her sister Analia.  Since lawsuits have been filed and served against members of this SC with more anticipated, we hereby inform all involved parties that we will not pay any legal fees, either directly or through any assessments or dues, for the defense of the SC, its advisors, or any named party. We will also not pay for any legal fees either directly or through assessments or dues for any lawsuit initiated by the SC against any party for any matter unless the SC has first obtained the approval for such lawsuits from a super majority of the homeowners.
2)    We never agreed or was our approval requested for the SC to act on our behalf and/or terminate the relationship with Boquete Consulting Security  without any formal cause presented to us to review and or decide as a community.
3)    We never agreed nor were we notified that the SC could offer any bonus and/or termination pay of any amount to Boquete Consulting Security from the Home Owners account. Since security is of the upmost importance for all homeowners, the decision to terminate the security contract should have been made by majority vote by all homeowners.
4)    We do not agree that the SC should engage us as a community in any legal fight or cause against a 3rd party for any matter without first obtaining the approval of a majority of the homeowners.
5)    Since strength are in numbers, we believe that one of the primary responsibilities of the SC is to strive to unite the community so that in all matters we present a united front. Rather than working to bring the community together, this SC has deliberately acted to divide the community by demonizing any and all who do not agree with their tactics and methods. This division will benefit those that have filed suit against VEHOA, the SC, and it’s advisors and adversely impact any negotiations for the transfer of the infrastructure.
6)    We do not agree that any homeowner can be regarded  as a “ 3rd party” and/or identified  as “adversaries” by the SC.  The highest authority in VEHOA is the homeowners to which the SC answers too. The SC must represent all homeowners with a balanced, unbiased position and with full transparency. This has not happened.
7)    We support a mutual transfer of the assets from the developer to the community but wish to have this accomplished via Panamanian law by a 3rd party  impartial Panamanian law expert who understands the laws of transfer and can serve the community with decorum. The SC and its advisors have proven by their animosity toward the developer that they are not suited for this task. It’s now clear that, under this SC, the only way to move forward with the transfer is though long and expensive lawsuits.
8)    For the best interest of the community we request that the current SC members and its advisers step down immediately. The community should vote to form a new group of owners and the CC&R’s must be modified to ensure that a rouge group cannot again take control of and make decisions for community issues that should be decided by a majority of homeowners.
9)    We wish to resolve all outstanding community issues for the benefit of all with a system that avoids slanderous attacks against or threats to those one would disagree with another owner.
10)We wish for community leadership that is honest and transparent for all owners and not a select few with their own agenda. This SC meets in secret and only allows their chosen group to be part of these meetings and or a member of their SC and or Advisor’s.
11)We also notify all parties to any and all lawsuits against or initiated by the SC and it’s advisors that we do not agree with or endorse any slanderous statements, misrepresentations, and/or falsehoods the SC and/or its advisors have made in the past without the knowledge and or consent of the homeowners they represent.
12)This group of owners signed here will do their best collectively to have all homeowners who sign with us to be exonerated from any possible lawsuit and or judgment award which could adversely affect each VE owners individually caused by the reckless and careless actions of this SC and or its advisors.    
13)We wish for our HOA dues to immediately benefit our community for improvements that can be appreciated by all owners and wish for peace and tranquility for all residents of Valle Escondido.
———- If you would like to join the rest of us in signing, please send your permission to add your name to this email:  veneighbors@gmail.com