If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The stupid runs deep with Bruner and gang.. They declare that Valle Escondido has been annexed and now is part of German Pacific Islands

As per an email recently sent to the homeowners from Bruner and gang it is their belief that the UN is now getting involved in VE business. Here is the exact quote:

" United Nations resolution 21, to which the Republic of Panama is a signatory, is that no one can be forced to join an association."

Ms. Bruner please clarify how UN resolution 21 applies...and exactly when we become part of the German Pacific Islands. How clever of the UN to think of VEHOA back in 1947.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 21, adopted unanimously at the 124th meeting of the Security Council on April 2, 1947, placed the former German Pacific Islands north of the Equator, which were formerly mandated to Japan by the League of Nations, under the Trusteeship System. The Security Council declared 16 Articles under which it had approved the terms. It declared the United States to be the Administering Authority and gave it permission to militarise the territory.

Ms Bruner and gang, you have no legitimacy. The SC concept has been ruled illegal by the Panamanian Government. Please, you are making yourselves look like the fools you are. Don't go away mad, just go away!

If you insist on continuing then please address the following that has been asked of your group over and over. How can any of you be in any way legitimate based upon these undisputed facts presented below?

-Carol Bruner, self-appointed President of the previous SC, who has not stepped foot in VE for well over a year and a half, has admitted that she was appointed to an SC position where the person she replaced (Michael Burd) never resigned, nor was any resignation for that person ever accepted. By their own rules, you can only be appointed to that position if the resigning member votes with the majority for his/her replacement. Michael Burd never knew anything about Ms. Bruner's appointment to replace him and has signed an affidavit to these facts.
-Mary Jean "Jeanie" Bell has resigned on at least three separate occasions, with a copy of her most recent resignation available for all to view in an earlier blog post. Once you resign, you cannot just come back as you wish. There is a process and that process did not take place. Also note, that Ms. Bell has her property for sale and had indicated in emails that she wants out of VE as quickly as possible.
-There is the appointment of Pat Mains where the previous SC admits in writing that they took the vote of an SC member's spouse because they were "trying something new." They also admitted using the vote of Michael Traynor as an alternate to elect Pat Mains. The use of an alternate, or a spouse, is not contained in any of the CC&Rs, whether it be Deed 1937 or the 2010 document.
-Then there is the appointment of Larry Thompson. This same SC determined that Larry was not an HOA member and was not eligible to vote on VE issues because his condo is not titled. If you are not a member, how can you be a representative on the SC?

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