An analysis of the VEHOA banking documents recently distributed highlights some issues that all homeowners should be aware of when deciding upon a future budget.
For example: The Steering Committee has paid Attorney Julio Espinosa $11,000.00 in the period between May 26th and September 9th, a period of ONLY 3 ½ months!
This would annualize to over $37,700 in legal fees, which is 63% more than the $24,000 in the 2014 budget, which is already excessive! At the very least, the homeowners should receive copies of the invoices from Julio Espinosa so that we know what our dollars are being spent on, don’t you think?
Also, due to one or more SC members being barred from attending physically in the Bamboo Room, even though they could attend on Skype, everyone has to attend offsite to accommodate the few. The May 2014 meeting for instance cost the homeowners $330 in fees paid to Hotel Valle Del Rio. Since every year the SC requests a budget increase and costs are escalating, this is an unnecessary expense which can be avoided by returning to the Bamboo Room for the meetings.
To add icing to the cake, this recent quote from an SC email about the fact that their budget was not passed: “If your NO vote simply reflects your dislike of the SC, please note that if a budget is not passed the SC will be free to spend the money in any way they see fit without guidelines or restrictions.”
I have not been to this blog for over 30 days and fell upon this recent post, I am horrified at this. I voted " NO " on the budget. My " NO " was not a vote for open spending. Why are we continually lied to and feeling threatened by this SC. I applaud you folks for producing this "Trash" site. I am pretty sure those who call it trash have their vocabulary misplaced....they really mean "Truth" site. Thank you for your efforts to expose the filth of this SC. Where are the other owners in outrage to this? $11K in legal bills for 3 months? This community needs help!
Mark my words, this is just the beginning of run away legal fees almost all of which are for the defense of the criminal actions of the SC. I am willing to bet anyone that the SC will refuse to demonstrate, with copies of the invoices, that these legal fees are in relation to infrastructure transfer work.
The criminal case by the developer, which we were told only months ago would "go nowhere" is proceeding. That criminal case lists individual SC members, some of their advisers, and entire VEHOA, as defendants. The motion submitted by Julio Brown to have the case dismissed based upon the "can't sue a corporation" argument was thrown out by the judge and the case is moving forward.
Major fines for the VEHOA as a whole, as well as for these individuals with probable jail sentences is most likely forthcoming. Now on top of this, there is a whole new additional criminal case against SC members and the VEHOA for the criminal actions they engaged in regarding Ralf and BCS.
This is all a result of these individuals following the advice of their convicted felon leader who claimed to be an expect in law.
You may think VE is a joke but a large percentage of us are not
"Yes, it is true that without an approved budget that caps the expenditures per line item, the SC is not bound to follow guidelines and can use its judgement for allocation of monies." SC
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