If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

All Homeowners Need to See Estimate of Infrastructure Repair Costs-BEFORE TRANSFER

This came in as a comment, but the points made are important to us all:
"I am one of the signers on this blog post. I reached out to the "other side" when the SC would not respect wishes of VE Homeowners regarding the budget vote.

So let me get this straight.

After years of Bill Day and group proclaiming that the developer must bring the infrastructure up to current standards prior to the VEHOA ever accepting it now they want to accept it as is?

I have had dozens of conversations with this group who told me repeatedly that under Panamanian Law the developer would be responsible for the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to do this. yes, they said that it could cost close to a half million dollars to bring the infrastructure up to the required standards. 

VE homeowners, who have been around for a few years, had our large budget surplus taken away by this same group of individuals when Bill Day hired Paul McBride and "the best" attorneys with the promise that this would put the burden of cost for infrastructure improvement on the developer. If the best plan now is to take the infrastructure AS-IS then why did we not do this years ago? The savings from not wasting our money on McBride, as well as the legal fees spend fighting the developer over the past couple of years, could have gone to upgrade the very same infrastructure the SC now wants to immediately take over.

I have had numerous steering committee members tell me that the large liability cost the developer was obligated fund for infrastructure repairs, as required under Panamanian law, prior to the VE homeowners accepting it was the homeowner"s leverage to negotiate.

I demand to see an estimate of infrastructure repair costs, using the same figures that the SC claimed was needed by the developer, and a breakdown of where these funds would come from."
Let us all demand to see the estimates and to be included in this very important and expensive decision.

Email us at veneighbors@gmail.com 

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