If you want to join us to take back VE, where we, the homeowners, actually get to vote on issues of what we want, or don't want, and how our money is spent, please email us with your thoughts and questions to veneighbors@gmail.com. The faster we grow the faster we can make VE the beautiful and carefree place we had before.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

UNBELIEVABLE what the SC says about the NO vote to their budget.

We do not know if this email was sent out to all owners in Valle Escondido, or only to the owners who voted no, and remember, the majority voted NO.  We find this email, and the SC thinking on this alarming. This is part of an email that was sent from Olga, the secretary for the SC. 
…..we would like to know  the reasons you voted “no,” if you decided to disapprove the proposed budget.  If your NO vote simply reflects your dislike of the SC, please note that if a budget is not passed the SC will be free to spend the money in any way they see fit without guidelines or restrictions.

SERIOUSLY!!!! Does this sound like a threat to you? It certainly did to all those who received it. 

I guess the Steering Committee will just not take NO for an answer!!! Even when they are voted down!!

What do you think of this? A true steering committee would be working for the owners of VE, not threatening to do it their way regardless of what the homeowners want!


Anonymous said...

This SC keeps lowering the bar everyday on what they will do next. No wonder they left the U.S., they would probably all be in jail!

Anonymous said...

It has proven true many times that with a lack of transparency, with little or no governance, and a lack of standard accounting principles, together with hundreds of thousands of dollars available, there is a great temptation to take advantage of the situation. Look at all the congressman and governors who have spent time in jails in the USA.

It would seem that with the gaping holes and all the questions that the budget documents provided by the steering have generated that now would be the time to initiate a complete audit of ALL banking documents dating back several years. To publish 10’s of thousands of dollars spent on “professional fees” and 10’s of thousands of dollars on “road maintenance ,water maintenance,electrical,ETC" should warrant a legal review of all disbursements; amounts and to whom paid.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a full accounting will be done. It is being handled by the convicted felon, still on probation for financial crimes. It will be done in Columbia as the lead investigator is banned from Panama ana the US. So now worries folks, you need to trust the SC has your best interests as their top priority.
VE has become the joke of Panama as it is being headed by a criminal con man. Yet the SC, it's advisors, and a handful of developer haters still support this fraud. What does this say about their character?